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    1. SimplyDebonair 8 yrs ago


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I am a ghost of my former self. I come and go as the wind sees fit, wonder that I am even here.

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Cain Sunstrider

Whispering voices darted throughout the Jedi’s mind, all speaking of their joys and sorrows of their everyday lives. Some were travelling on their way to their daily occupation, others were taking care of their children. It was a calm, but bustling day for the everyday passing for the people of Coruscant; causing a smile to stretch across his face. But with this smile, came a break in his concentration of meditating with his former master. Knowing he was sensing it as well, the Jedi Knight removed the emotion and returned to focusing on clearing his mind. After all these years, meditation was still a daily struggle for him as opposed to his skill with a lightsaber. As the voices died away and a stillness came over him, he felt the vast connection of the Force. All the strings, though apart, were connected like tethers to each other. Looking beyond these strings, into the center of himself, he found the clearing of consciousness he knew was a conduit of the Force. While all visualizations of the Living Force differed, for him, the Force appeared similar to a nebula cluster. Finally centering himself in his visualization, the Jedi completed his transition and was connected to the Force as one.

“I seek knowledge with a clearest mind, please give me your infinite wisdom.”

Opening his “inner eye,” a vision came into his new reality and showed him to the near future. He stood alone, surrounded by the blackened husks of fallen trees scarred by flames and blasters. The air smelled of death and decay, enveloped with black smoke and ash. As he began walking, he heard the cries of pain and sorrow; though he knew this is an illusion, it still caused his heart to sink. War was not a simple way to solve disputes and this battlefield was a testament to this. Continuing on his journey, he took into account the charred armor and flesh of fallen people of different species who partook in this conflict. Trying his best to step over their bodies, he couldn’t help to step on someone’s brother or sister who laid dead here. Stopping in middle of the battlefield, he took in the sight of the thousands of bodies that littered the landscape. It was heartbreaking to think that people would do this to one another for a simple grasp of power. That’s when a shadow loomed over him, causing the Jedi to turn to face this shadow; only to find a massive starship above. As it opened its ports, a bright light began emitting from its openings. Shielding his eyes with a hand, he watched as the light vaporized everything into nothing but particles in the vacuum of space. Nothing was left…

“Cain.... You saw and felt it too, didn’t you?” His old master’s voice echoed through his mind.

Returning into reality and the bustle of Coruscant, Cain Sunstrider opened his eyes as he drew back his robe’s hood. Across from him, his former master sat cross-legged on a platform similar to his own, arms crossed and head still lowered. When their eyes met, Cain nodded and finally understood why they were being dispatched into system where this massacre occurred. When he was given his briefing by the council, there was information left out and Master Qin-Lin wanted his former Padawan to understand what had happened. From what Cain could recall, there was not a battle, but a defense from the ship that caused the light of destruction. But what type of ship had the capability to seamlessly destroy a planetary defense and the planet itself? Their mission was to find out what occurred in that system, but Cain knew their real task was to find out what that ship was. The rumble of their transport as it escaped Coruscant’s atmosphere caused the Jedi Knight to stand from his seat and move to the glass that gave view of the stars. Crossing his arms as he tried taking and assessing the information that he just discovered, he was soon joined by Qin-Lin in a similar fashion.

”We have to find out what that ship is and where it came from, you understand this. But, we have a duty to ensure that other systems are protected from this sudden assault. In addition to this, the council has asked me to personally meet with a Sith counselor to gather information. You, however, will continue on to that system and meet with the leaders of their local government. Do whatever you can Cain, but be careful and trust your instincts.” Qin-Lin spoke suddenly.

“I understand Master… You be careful as well. I will do what I can to help in this.” Cain replied.

With all being said, Jedi Master Qin-Lin patted Cain on his shoulder and walked out the room. When silence rejoined him, Cain’s fists clenched in frustration of his inability to protect those people who died. He vowed to not make the same mistake when he arrived to speak with the leaders of the system’s planets. As his anger dissipated, he heard a sinister voice speak within his mind but did not understand its words. Was this the Dark Side tempting him…?
Apologies. I've been job searching and updating my resumes. I should have something up within the next few hours, again, apologies.

Sorry for the delayed response, been quite quite busy in the real world.
Ser Llanowaar, Hunter of Unkindled

It didn’t seem long before the warrior’s attention turned back to the immediate vicinity; due most in part that the Wyvern had crossed beyond their capabilities to fight. But instead of turning his blade onto his Unkindled adversaries, he watched as their surrounding came to life with activity. Rotting, desecrated corpses started raising from their resting places with the cries of horror. The situation was getting dicer by the moment, especially with the number of maddened Hollows that was surrounding the group steadily growing. When one mistakenly stumbled too close, Llanowaar slammed a quick hammer-fist into the creature’s jaw. Causing his opponent to stumble back to its knees, an echoing sound of steel piercing flesh erupted suddenly. With his sword firmly implanted into the monster’s back, he watched as the “life” left its eyes once more.

“These creatures are nothing but pawns… Mi’lady would be disappointed if her Champion were to fall to the likes of these.” Llanowaar told himself below breath, removing his sword from his enemy simultaneously.

Without lifting his head, he spun lightly on his toes towards his right with both hands gripped on “Requiem.” This movement would cause two of the nearest monsters to fly back and onto their stomachs, sending their shrieks of pain through the air. Coming to a stop, he slammed his sword into one’s back and his heel to the back of the other’s head. As the blood splatter spewed all over, he looked up to his Unkindled foes who hadn’t taken in the situation currently. Though he could use this to his advantage to take out one or two, he needed their “assistance” with their current predicament. Simply too many of their common dangers were appearing in number. And if they didn’t help one another quickly, all would be decimated. Swinging to his left and cutting down another creature, Llanowaar turned to his “temporary” allies and motioned for them to assist him in clearing a way out of their troubles. Beforehand, they were told to make haste to the Wall the man-in-the-tree spoke of; which would offer a strategical advantage against a horde of these monsters. Hopefully, his mistress would overlook this brief alliance so he could complete his task at a later time.
Consider me interested, please mention me when you submit the OOC.
Count me in, please mention me when you submit the OOC.
Ser Llanowaar, Hunter of Unkindled

Llanowaar listened intently to his foes, taking in their thoughts as the words escaped their lips. With each word that spewed, his inner struggle ravaged intensely as he tried to maintain his composure. Swinging his weapon from his shoulder, he firmly slammed the blade into the moist undergrowth between his feet. Placing both hands atop of the pommel of “Requiem,” the warrior lowered his head as he began faint whispers to himself. Incantations did not echo off of his tongue since he didn’t believe in sorcery-use, but simple words to calm himself did. It mattered not if his enemies overheard his words, they too would become whispers of the past soon enough. His ears took in the sounds of new members entering the area they all currently occupied. Heavy and light armor, mushing around in the muck they all found themselves in gave him an idea of who to strike against first.

Then, the smell of the air changed as suddenly as the air pressure around them; causing his empty-filled eyes to reopen. Something was approaching, something that was quite large and quite fast; a draconian monster perhaps? Then, the sound of a final bell toll echoed through the land with a deafening crash followed closely with the sounds of woodlands crackling. The very ground seemed to shake uncontrollably, which would cause a lesser man to stumble. Looking up into the skies above, the shadow of their newest foe flew directly over them. As one of the others asked for orders, Llanowaar took “Requiem” in-hand and placed it back onto his shoulder; beginning his stride towards the flying creature. He has learned over time, the bonfire will keep most at bay who seek to harm its occupiers but this beast wasn’t just “most.” The Unkindled may be his sworn enemies, but the Wyvern would make his mission more difficult if it wasn’t addressed first.

”This beast must fall from the heavens…” Llanowaar muttered to himself.
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