Avatar of SirSqueakalot91
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 480 (0.16 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. SirSqueakalot91 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current So, im going to leave the site awhile. I just have trouble making myself want to post something, and i hate making my partners wait for me. Thank you all for the fun!
6 yrs ago
Hoping to get some post up tomorrow. I just havent felt motivated to RP, or do much of anything really. Sorry about that, hoping to change for the better soon.
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6 yrs ago
Okay, time to be honest with my partners. There is no crazy life issues keeping me from posting. Im just addicted to the new God Of War.
6 yrs ago
Okay, so for the past month or so, ive been getting ready for a con to help kids. The con was today, and successful, and now i can relax and start posting tomrrow after some sleep.
6 yrs ago
Internet is acting up. Will try to post tonight.
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Hello, I have been RPing for a few years now, and I am always looking for someone to make a story with. I like 1x1 rps, but will also play groups. I am a male, and like for my main character to be male, but I will also play female if needed. I am also pretty good at playing a few characters at once. I will add to the bio when I think of something to add :).

Most Recent Posts

Bump with some changes
Hey, I have a couple of ideas that I wanna try to get off the ground. If you are interested, we can go over rules and such once we start talking. Here are the major rules you need to know:

1. Be 18+. These might be mature stories, and could contain sex, gore, violence, the whole nine yards.
2. I would prefer your main character to be female, but if you are okay with playing more than one character, that is fine too.
3. This will be done over PM, and feel free to talk with me in the OOC. I’m usually friendly.

Below are the ideas:

Anyway, I hope I have peaked your interest enough to send me a pm. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hey, I think I’m gonna sit out the next hunt or two. Life is a little crazy right now. Feel free to use Jericho how you want, and let me know when the hunts over and I’ll see if I can jump back in.

I’m gonna try to post when I can, but if I haven’t posted in a day or two, feel free to use Jericho how you want to help move the story.
Jericho spent his time trying to keep the creature distracted. He may not be a great fighter, but he knew how to get on someone or something’s nerves. He would constantly taunt the creature, just staying out it’s reach. He turned to taunt the beast, only to discover it was gone.

Jericho stopped and looked around. “Er, yeah! You better run. You don’t want anymore of my...taunting...who am I talking too?” He said, walking backwards, till he tripped over a stone, sending him rolling back to the beach. “Damnit damnit damnit...” he repeated as he rolled until he finally stopped. “Stupid land!” He yelled. “Screw you, and your things with legs, and your trees, and your oh hey a coin.” He stopped as he picked up the gold coin, putting it in his pocket. “Nevermind, we’re good.” He said, walking back towards the group.

He found his trident and picked it up, then looked at everyone. “Hey, did I miss any...” he stopped seeing them play pin the arrow in the sea beast, “ah. So this is what we are doing today. You know, pretty sure he has no clue where the rebels are hiding.” He said.

Thanks. I’m gonna start reading the summary and working on my post. I’ll have it up at some point today.
Yeah, sorry. I’m used to working nights (11 pm-7 am) and my new job is having me work mornings (7 am-3 pm). I’m trying to get used to my new sleep schedule and worried that I won’t make a good post. Luckily, I’ll be at a doctors appointment for one of my residents, and will have nothing to do but sit in a waiting room. Should be able to make a post then. Then update should help a lot.

Jericho kept quiet, mostly enjoying the feeling of being at sea again. He smiled as the sounds of waves hit the side of the ship, the smell of salt filled his nostrils. Gods above, it was good to be home. Once they arrived to the island, he stayed quiet, playing his lute as they walked. Sure, it was to keep the group in a good mood, but it also served as a warning for any nearby animals. It was doubtful any beast would attack a group this size.

“Holy shit!” He said, his concentration broken at the sight of their ship sinking. “Great, first ship I’ve been on in years, and it goes right into the water. Not exactly a confidence booster.” He said, then saw the men being attacked in the water.

“Dear gods.” He muttered, no longer in a joking mood. This was a risk they all signed up for, but he didn’t expect it to happen so soon. He shook his head as he saw the water turn red. “May you rest in the depths with peace.” He said.

He then noticed the four creatures coming out of the water, one wasting no time rushing and attacking Libe. Jericho grabbed his trident and aimed at another of the creatures, getting ready to strike. With all his might, he tossed the trident at at the creature.

It landed at the thing’s feet, which caused it to look at the trident, and then at Jericho. “So, I wanna begin my three part apology. Part number one.” He then took off running, causing the creature to chase after him.

Jericho was only running for a simple reason. He really didn’t want to risk hitting a teammate in the crossfire. As he ran, he pulled out a pistol from his holster, cocking it. Once he was far enough away, he turned and aimed at the creature, firing. The bullet went right into its shoulder, causing it to cry out in pain. Jericho grabbed the barrel of the gun to hold like a club, hitting the creature across the face with the handle.
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