Avatar of Skinner35
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1124 (0.40 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Skinner35 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Hello all! I have returned, after an unexcused abcense. Now, let's have a hell of a time.
7 yrs ago
Sup turd-nuggets
7 yrs ago
I don't really care anymore. If I can't find a RP that won't fall apart in a week, I'm probably going to leave this site. So, let's hope for fun.
7 yrs ago
All RP groups that I'm in, I will be gone until the 4th. GM's, control my characters until then.
7 yrs ago
I need a 1x1 RP with no romance, but a metric-fucking-ton of action. Anything but romance.


What makes a man? Not his muscles or speed. But his courage, intellect, and morals.

Most Recent Posts

"Unfortunately, not much now that Hells Gates have opened, I'm sure that anything that we did know is now changed. Anyways, if you accept the proposal, then we need to get moving. Now." He says as he adjusts his armor.
"To fight the Army. We are on Divine Mission to end this Dark Cataclysm. We could certainly use the help." He says, showing his Holy Symbol.
"Would you join us?" The Paladin asks, as he steps forward.
"Hey hey. Big guy, please put the Carriage down. We're travelers. Did we survive what?" He says, concealing the cross.
"Yea... I see it... Don't attack yet... Let's see what it does." He says as he begins forming a small flaming cross in front of him.
As the Paladin hears this, he slows the Carriage and comes to a stop on the side of the trail. "We're being followed? Oh... I can see it. We should prepare for anything." He says as he hops off the Carriage, and begins preparing a spell.
Sorry about that guys! Yesterday was a little hectic.
As the Paladin is BLIND. The hand waving doesn't affect him. But, he silently says, "Just put my share of the potions with the other Medical supplies."
While all of this is happening, the Paladin continues to steer the Carriage, silently.
"Huh? Oh... Good morning." He says, after a visible jump. The greeting pulled him out of his trance-like train of thought.
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