Avatar of Skyswimsky
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Skyswimsky
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 773 (0.20 / day)
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    1. Skyswimsky 10 yrs ago
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Yeah, okay, talking about this is never easy. But it's even more ass-y to just go silent. And I have been kinda avoiding writing this, and dragging it out even further, until now. Sorry.

So, with the test run done. I'm still up for this, definitely. But I don't think I can currently keep up with the 'expected' pace for what was it? One post every two days?

Life has been getting a lot more hectic for me (in a positive way), and is bound to get even more-so once I start new job in a few months, and there's only so much things I can, want to, pay attention to in my free-time on a regular basis, among the other RPs I'm already participating.

Sure, combat-posts and all that jazz are relatively quickly and don't take more than 10-20 or so minutes amirite goat :^). But it is 10 minutes of interruption nonetheless.

Buuut if like, what? One, two, maybe three posts(At which point we're nearly at a 48h schedule again, ohohoho) here and there is okay with you. Then I can stop feeling avoiding feeling bad in regards to this RP because of the stated reasons and get some changes/work done relatively fast!
After the meal with Oscar&co, Muu had some preparations to do herself. Sure, the winter had been going on for a bit longer than just yesterday, but she had been doing fine enough earning money without having to do what she was now committed to. Now, however, this was exactly the issue. After having made Ettamri angry enough that she more-or-less (un)intentionally ignored the Bladedancer's question, she simply went to ask someone else. And who better to seek guidance from than from the very guild that taught her Art?

Keep blood bumping through hands and feet.
Get as much sleep as possible.

Wasn't that kind of a contradiction?

Monsters care less about the environmental hazards.
Careful about your jumps in the snow.
Don't move too fast, sweating is bad. During normal travel anyways.
Don't let your scarf freeze.

Hopefully, they wouldn't have to deal with any encounters.

Buy fat.
Get wool underwear.

And so on.

In fact, Muu's shopping list had potential to be so long that she couldn't afford it all. That was, however, mostly thanks if she were to buy a completely new wardrobe. Mandatory travel stuff to get through the nights was already present and given, with the exception of food, yet the girl still had to buy a bunch of wool socks, gloves, and underwear, fat, and snow shoes. There was even a little bit left for a second scarf, just in case.

Really though, the most important thing was to keep warm, was it not? Thus, Muu simply ended up throwing everything she had on her. Which wasn't that much, after all. Bladedancer uniform, school clothes from a time she couldn't remember, the winter cloak that came with a hood, and her newly acquired weird-lookin tennis racket shoes and the wool stuff!

Much like the fiend knight, Muu, too, was somewhat late. Giving a simple one-word apology, it did not take a genius to understand what they were doing. The bags weren't all too difficult to move and Muu quickly got to work.

She couldn't deny, however, to be somewhat surprised at the lack of others wanting to socialize. Earlier it had seemed they were all about goofing around! Or, maybe, they were actually reliable?
"Ahh, I'm sorry again! I suppose today is one of those days, is it not?" He chuckled as more flasks and tubes crashed to the ground as they continued their search.

"Those are... woman's clothing. A wet floor. An open window." He continued investigating as he knelled down to see how wet the water still was. "The room's not that cold."

"It's all pretty obvious, is it not?" His friend joined in, before shrugging. "Either way, does it really matter? You know how it goes. The usual. Also, it's an alchemist shop, so it only makes sense." "Regretful indeed, but it is what it is." Closing his eyes and shaking his head, the leader sighed before leaving the room together with his henchmen in tow.

"It's all pretty obvious, is it not?" He spoke now to Allerun, pointing his finger at him. "You are here—"


An entire shelf fell over as the tallest vividly took a step to the side and turned around, his face looking like he could barely contain his pleasure. "He...hehe... HAHAHA. I'm so-so SORRY! But..." He opened his palm, in which a globe of fire formed. ...but the clumsy alchemist is gonna burn his own house down!" A somewhat distorted and weird smile formed on his face, as his next words were pronounced in a rather creepy tone. "Collateral damage..." Someone who was about to die didn't need to be fed any more lies, after all.

"Tzch. Of course he couldn't just shut up." The other one sighed.
As quickly as the situation seemed to escalate, thanks to Ettamri's temper, things quickly calmed down at the behest of the magician and the interruption of a... midget. Yes, a midget. Unlike the Fiend Knight's introduction, doing the same while being small and cute gave somewhat of a leeway. Enough leeway that Muu's first impression of the girl was her certainly being a lot less weird by comparison.

As a matter of fact, the midget turned out to be a priest. Maybe a level one-spell-only priest, but a priest nonetheless. About the only proficiency whose mere presence earned their pay even if they did not have to lift a single finger. After all, nobody getting hurt was still the best possible outcome.

Holding back a giggle about the outcome between Siwon and the priestess, Muu simply nodded to Oscar's invitation. "I'd take you up on that offer. Thank you." It was nonetheless hard to tell if she was actually grateful. At least Muu didn't sound very excited. Nonetheless, who was she to turn down a free meal? Although, with the refusal of Ettamri's help she likely had to seek her greedy Guild Master's advice first before setting off. But surely there was enough time.
@GreenGoat Are you going to use Rose again?
"Ettamri." Muu kept calm, indifferent. She wouldn't be so stupid as to start a fight in the middle of broad daylight? Besides, the woman wasn't as tall as some orcs. "What happened, happened." To a degree Muu was surprised herself of how calmly she was able to mutter these words. Did she, after that uneventful meeting with Ettamri before, finally get over it? Well, she couldn't deny she couldn't keep herself from throwing some shade just now, but...

"It's not as simple as being able to pin it down on a single reason, and while you shouldn't be so certain about you being able to beat me, I'm certainly not looking for a fight. Save your strength for the task at hand." Hopefully, the giant would cease her tantrum now.

"Anyway, the reason I brought this up is simple. Ever since your... absence? I've been in a lot of parties. I've experienced it first hand. If you treat people like trash, baggage, disposables, cheap meat-shields — call it whatever you like — you're only going to endanger the mission. It's not helping these people, at all, even if it may be the truth. I've seen it. And now, with winter at hand, it's going to be that much worse." Sighing at first, Muu now smiled somewhat empty.

"Speaking of Winter, it is my first time experiencing it. I wonder if I prepared enough? I'm sure a seasoned..." What was she again? That long fancy title or whatever? "... warrior noble like you has some wisdom to share about that?"
"You leading..." Muu spoke up after having fallen silent for a while only somewhat noting the newcomers as she contemplated with herself if she should or should not. "I don't mind. But you should treat your comrades nicer or, otherwise, everyone might die again." Harsh words for someone who didn't seem to put much emotion into the words she had just spoken.

"But then again..." Muu didn't give Ettamri a chance to respond, just yet, as she continued. "If not for you, I would have died on the very same day, too. I haven't thanked you for that yet. So, thank you." Gratitude, on the other hand, was something nice, wasn't it? Even if Muu didn't sound grateful (or honest) at all.

With that matter done, Muu now actually examined their companions. Two new faces had joined, one... weirder than the other. Yeah, weird. Although him being weird wasn't as much of a problem as these silver eyes of the other. But before that— "I should introduce myself as well. The name's Muu. I'm a Bladedancer." There, done.

"As for you..." Her somewhat dead eyes stared at Argentum. Right, he actually had an ally at his side, did he not? Someone despicable as to what she had heard couldn't possibly be... "Nevermind." Even though this Siwon could as well just be a drunkard he had paid some coin, there was no reason in stirring up likely unnecessary conflict.
It was futile.

Or maybe simple karma. Her refusal to commit, finally having caught up to do more bad than good. The season of winter, treacherous to any adventurer alike. For most, a party of adventurers were like (second) family — going through bad and good times alike. For others, it was a simple short commitment to make some easy money. If one had the freedom of choice then there was no need to tolerate these kind of people.

But now, with Winter having finally settled in, the weak were weeded out. And those that survived the treacherous cold forged bonds than brought them closer than ever, with no place for the occasional drifter. Of course that did not hold true for every party, but finding work now was certainly more difficult than before the first snowfall.

Sure, there was, in theory, still plenty of work in the form of jobs outside these cold regions. Something that newly formed parties had no problem committing to. But the pay was questionable. 13 Silver? 25 silver? Splitting it up? The Undead quest stirred her flames of vengeance, but beating a mage without a priest was out of the question.

No, the Blade Dancer~s choice had to fall on one of the more difficult missions. Those that paid more by taking the harsh weather into consideration. But finding a party for that was difficult. Unless...

A blessing in disguise? The brunette, who could have assumed to be frozen considering how still she stood in front of the quest board, slowly tilted her head to the side. It was the voice of a woman she could recognize miles away. A person she detested, yet couldn't deny her skills. Muu would have given her everything if the other survivor had been Gwyn instead of that bitch.


Tightening her huge and comfortable winter-mantle around herself some more, the girl now fully turned around before taking some steps towards the small group that formed. She didn't like Ettamri, yes, but she certainly didn't hate her. Now, however, they certainly shared the same goal, and Muu was confident enough she could see eye to eye with her.

"I'll be taking on that quest, too." Muu spoke up, more of a statement than a question. "Please let me join." She added, somewhat courteous, nonetheless.

"You know how it is with girls." The tallest repeated in a mocking voice as he was about to do something before the leader held up his hand in a gesture as telling him to stop.

"You do not seem to understand the gravity of the situation you are in.""Death penalty!" He ignored him. "The Witch is to be executed. If it turns out you are purposefully hiding her...""Sssslit." The tallest slit his thumb along his neck.

"Let's split up." Considering the size of his fine establishment, there wasn't too much to split up. Nonetheless, the three opened all kinds of cabinets and lockers, with the leader dissapearing inside the (empty) bathroom.

"Oooops. How clumsy of me!" While some flasks crashed on the ground after the tall one ACCIDENTALLY pushed them away.

Only the silent one of the three seemed somewhat reasonable?

"Did someone use the bath tub?" The leader yelled from inside the other room. A rhetorical question? After all, there was a May supposed to be here.
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