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    1. Skythikon 10 yrs ago


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Just thought I'd let you all know that I finally got Alpha Protocol to work with Windows 8, so I might drop off the face of the Earth for a bit. XD
Gotcha. I have Seothrunn just trying to be friendly with the one other northerner in the group, as well as trying to dispel whatever predispositions anyone has of his people.
Seothrunn was not too surprised by Vala's reaction when she worked out who, or more accurately, what, he was. Still, he could not help but feel disappointment filling his heart as her indifference turned to slight hostility. His eyes were drawn to her hip as she rubbed it and made it known that it was one of his people that had injured her. "Isk år hvågur." (I am sorry) Seothrunn said rather stupidly, though in all honesty he had no idea how he was supposed to feel. On one hand, he did feel sorry for her; the bone weapons were impossible to make smooth, and so more often than not their blades had unintended hooks or snags that tore at skin and muscle with every swing. It must have hurt intensely when she received the wound.

On the other hand, he did not like how she acted as if he had any part to do with her wounding. As far as he was concerned, she engaged a Boneman in combat and came away with a wound. That was how fighting worked. You fought, you bled and at the end of the day, you rejoiced at simply having been given the chance to live another day while your opponent became food for carrion. Maybe that was one difference between the Bonemen and Vala's people. Seothrunn found himself wondering, much to his own amusement, just how she would react if she found out that the Bonemen actually respected her people by no small amount. The ships of her people were strictly off-limits to younger, less-experienced captains and at times some were even to be left untouched.

Still, Seothrunn knew that there was little he could do now; he could not speak for the future, but he was being carefully optimistic. Vala was a northerner, despite their differences, and he would have preferred it if they had not gotten off on the wrong foot. Now all he could do was just hope that their next step did not make things worse. He gave her a little, almost undetectable smile and said, "Isk hårt stjälunin-nejat et vesa sætt dejan sämnta." (I have no intention of being at your throat) She was a person of the sea - or at the very least she had the look of one - and Seothrunn felt confident that regardless of her misgivings, she would be willing to set aside her personal grudges endanger their mission.

If they were going to have one, at least. The king was certainly taking his own sweet time.

Seothrunn reached forward and picked up a slice of smoked meat from the plate and took a small bite out of it. Now that was something that reminded him of home, of the smokehouses filled with the scent of smouldering charcoal and raw fish, of his mother chiding him for eating too much of the stuff and his sister and him sneaking off a few slices for their own consumption later on. He glanced sideways at Vala and noticed her stuffing her mouth. She must be very hungry. Seothrunn noted. That, or she could just be eating to prevent any conversations from taking place. His own sister did the same, and once ate herself into sickness.

"Mäk isvokk fæthet dejarin." (My people respects yours) He said, not even noticing the words leaving his mouth until he heard them for himself. Quickly, he added, "Isk båri väskett dej skeld vasa." (I just thought you should know.)
You're welcome!

Doesn't seem like Heat's going to post anytime soon, though, and both Kierkegaard and I got two posts in, so I don't see why you shouldn't.
Not really military. All of his people's ships can raid, but the one he took was built more for speed, and if it does conduct a raid, it can only target the smallest settlements.
<Snipped quote by Skythikon>

Hey, I went back and read your character a bit more. I'd imagine a reputation would follow Seothrunn. The Man who Winds Favor or something like that. If he is a prince (which I'm not sure?) then surely there might rumors and stories about him. Stuff that Vala would hear.

I guess a reputation would follow him, but nothing too grand. Perhaps he's just known for getting his ship through bad conditions or something like that. As for his heritage...I may have made it a bit too complicated. Basically he's heir to his clan/tribe/whatever you call it's leadership, but he has to earn that position first. As it stands, he's still just another captain in their fleet and warrior in their army, albeit one who is well-respected.
Yeah, the dialect thing was what I was going to use to explain away differences, actually.
As long as the dynamic doesn't lead to, well, death. XD

I did a bit of research on Old Norse (And it's evolution into the modern day Scandinavian languages) once, mainly to explore the idea of William the Bastard losing the battle of Hastings and the English language continuing to evolve based on it's Nordic and Germanic roots. Riveting stuff, but ultimately I chose Icelandic for my base since it's the closest we have to Old Norse in present times.
Just a note, I made up the language on the fly with not much thought put into it other than my conlang resources and a google translate set to Icelandic and Irish. ._. So it might not make sense some all most of the time.

That word caught Seothrunn off-guard as he had not been expecting anyone from his region, and for a moment he stared at the woman who had taken her seat beside him with a look of surprise and relief. It was nice to hear a familiar word and accent, even if the person who said it came from a person whose people the Bonemen considered to be their only equals and rivals at sea. Now, however, they were on land, and Seothrunn was in neither the mood nor the mindset to start a fight. "Skællmagde." (Shieldmaiden) He returned the greeting with a nod, noting the shield she carried on her back, and the bulky sack that had to contain her belongings.

Seothrunn had never personally faced the ships of these southern islanders, but from what he had heard, they were excellent sailors and fierce warriors. Worthy of respect, but ultimately the Gods saw fit to pit them and the Bonemen against one another. "Kjalleta Seothrunn" (I am called Seothrunn) He introduced himself with a respectful bow of the head. "Mär isk fjetta vasa dej Kjalle, varmlanda-tvester?" (May I know what you are called, southern sister?) He asked, wondering if she had any trouble getting her ship into port. Her people looked strikingly similar to the Bonemen, even though their actions were as different as night and day. Her people worked well with the kingdom, while the Bonemen raided their settlements.

"Isk hvapp vårakjalleset som mäk isvokk kasa-nejat rulvårr hir dej." (I hope the reputation of my people caused no trouble for you) He said. To these southerners, they might have looked close enough for the guards to treat her as they treated him. He reached out and took two more of the same buns he had taken earlier. Despite his earlier mishap with one, they tasted wonderful. Not too sweet, but not too tasteless either, and there was a hint of butter flavouring the pastry itself. He handed one to the woman beside him and took a bite out of the other.
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