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"What is it?" Albretch spoke in a less than assertive tone.

Zana's fingers closed around the grip of The Queen of Hearts as it sprang up to meet her palm. She leapt to close the distance between herself and the stranger she'd challenged. While midair, The Queen of Hearts extended to its full length, clicking slightly as each piece snapped neatly into place.

"Wrong answer. Off with your head!"

A single shot rang out in the airship, the recoil of which propelled Zana into a whirlwind spin. Combining the momentum with her own strength, she brought the singing blade of The Queen of Hearts to bear against the surprised boy. The blade struck true, cleaving cleanly through the boy's neck and severing his head from his body. Both dropped heavily to the floor.

As the remnants of the boy's life seeped out of his head through what remained of his neck, Zana crouched to bring herself into the center of the fallen head's vision. "Inattentiveness is weakness 'round here. I just saved ya the disgrace of falling to a Beowulf. Welcome to Underland!" With a smile she turned and left the bloody mess to find something else to do on the airship.

Hopefully there'd be enough students left to form even a single team when they reached Beacon.

Back in the real world, though, Zana met the response by comically deflating. She slumped forward, arms going limp momentarily to sway gently beneath her torso. This lasted mere seconds before she recomposed herself, drawing The Queen of Diamonds with her left hand while tucking loose hair behind her fake human ears with the right.

"'It' is simple, really. You? Bored. Me? Getting bored-er. Us? Fight." Zana leveled her pistol-length weapon at the boy, her face split in a grin. "Whaddya say, buddy?"

From the moment she had gotten onto the airship to the beginning of the holographic message, Zana had been a blur followed by absurdly long ribbons. This was her first time riding an airship, so she wanted to see anything and everything she could before it landed and her chance was over. As the ship lifted off, her attention focused on the windows. Zana gazed with wonder at the land pulling away from her as she flew toward the sky.

Once they'd reached the clouds, Zana's head filled with thoughts of eating the clouds. They look so soft, she thought. I wonder if they taste like cotton candy. Unfortunately for her, it didn't seem like she would be finding out on this trip, as a hologram of Glenda Goodwitch shimmered to life nearby, drawing her attention back inside the ship.

She looked on as Glenda gave the welcome speech, hanging on her every word. Zana's excitement, which she had thought to be at its peak, rose to a fever pitch as Glenda rattled off the history of Beacon Academy. However, all that drained away as the end of Glenda's speech came up:

"As we arrive to the doors of Beacon, it is expected of you all to act with the dignity required to attend this school. No horse play on the airship, no sparring, no absurd roughhousing, and no bothering the staff during their work."

Zana's face fell. Her look of attentive excitement was replaced by a deep pout. How would she get to know her friends if she couldn't fight them? The fastest way to get to know someone, as far as Zana was concerned, was to try to kill them, so sparring was far better than wandering around and having idle conversations.

No, this can't stand.

Her eyes surveyed the crowd of students, looking for someone, anyone, who looked interesting. Her attention settled upon a boy with white hair gazing out the window at the passing clouds. She made her way over to him in a flash, weaving through the crowd like she'd lived in one her whole life.

Zana's left arm swept upward in one fluid motion, sending the ribbon forward to tap on the boy's shoulder while leaving her hand free to point a fist at him. Her right hand reached down to finger the handle of her holstered weapon, itching to draw it. "Heyo, stiffy! Ya look 'bout as bored as I'm gonna be in five minutes. Wanna break the boredom with a fight?"

Name: Zanahoria Cheshire

Age: 17

Role: Student

Gender: Female

Personality: Hot-headed, hot-blooded, and ready to rumble. Zana is always up for a challenge, be it a friendly competition or a life-or-death trial. She's very curious and views the world as a wonder.

Crush: TBD

What team: TBD

Weapon: The Red Queens - A pair of variable-length, single-edged swords. A rifle is built into the non-bladed side, and the grips are at an angle to the blades for ease of shooting (think Count Dooku's lightsaber). They can connect to the ribbons hanging from Zana's sleeves and thrown to be used like Blake's Gambol Shroud. Despite the name, they're orange; the name refers to the heart and diamond emblems on the blades.

Semblance: Writing Desk - Zana's shadow acts as an extension of her body, allowing her to double-jump, push or grab from a distance, and fly (with training). She is also able to make her shadow smaller or larger, and she can move it at will.

If Faunus what type: Cat (She keeps her extra ears tucked into her hair)
<Snipped quote by Rex>

It would admittedly be rather awkward, and possibly difficult for you to balance.

I will endeavour to find another solution first.

@InfiniteEmbers The presentation already ended.

I've got a solution for you!

You have my interest.
Hey, sorry for being inactive for a while. I got a promotion, then got dropped into a project that was a month behind schedule, so life's been a bit hectic.

Thanks for giving Ivan a chat partner. He hadn't noticed the loneliness, but he'll certainly appreciate the company.
@Trainerblue192 Great job on your sheet! I can tell how much work went into it, and it turned out wonderfully. I'm looking forward to Tsuki and Ivan's interactions.

It was setting minutiae that got us down the rabbit hole. I figured that, since the setting seems a bit more planned this time, maybe it would be acceptable for me to join with a new character or something. But hey, if you hate the player and not the play, I'll just go onward and be on my way.

By nature of you not having the "authority" to "assume otherwise", you also don't have the power to assume I can't return. You're just making a list of people who have responded to the re-imagining, so there's no reason to give me such a cold shoulder.

Here's a little secret: I told Scio to kick me.
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