Avatar of SomeoneSomewere
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    1. SomeoneSomewere 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Four years, such a long time. But after figuring out my life, and dealing with too much shit to count, I’m ready to start again!


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If course, if one can't destroy things what is the fun?

@Thundercrash I'm going to hold off replying until you do, I figure the current focus of his anger should be able to respond to it.
I'm attempting to thing of a way that would calm him, but at this point realistically he wouldn't with more people attacking him... We'll see. I might just have the belt kick it up a notch and crash his temperature. He might still be angry, but he won't be able to act on it really.
I'll work on a reply tomorrow, I'm getting very tired.
Could have been better during, but things are alright afterwards. @Arista
The joy of anxiety works to tell me otherwise, as frustrating as it is. I'm glad to be back, I missed you as well.
A very long while. I was afraid that my disappearance angered you actually. I got really busy with school, a lot of crap happened, broke a hand, got a job, graduated, got nearly completely financially cut off from my parents. But either way, I'm back. Just afraid that you wouldn't want to roleplay.

The amount of rage that immediately took over him was outstanding. The simple action of someone just walking into him, with his already aggravated state, was enough to trigger him. He shoved off of the wall, spinning rapidly, little flames flickering off his hands. The shout that came sounded first in his chest, spreading outwards," Why did you run into me! Watch where you are damn going!" The amount of cold that hit him at once, counteracting the fact that his temperature had dramatically began increasing, was briefly stunning. It caused a shudder to run through his body, his eyes glazing over briefly, before he came back into focus. Taking a step forward, he grabbed the poor girl that had now become an attention spot for his rage.

He had grabbed a fistful of fabric, lifting the girl up off the ground, but also not setting her down. The temperature radiating from his hand would be confusing at first, hot and cold acting together, occasionally heat managing to break through. While the belt would lower his body temperature, it only acted in a way to prevent an explosion. As such, his skin would be very warm to the touch. He spoke, anger striking every word, each rough and hard," Stupid girl! You have eyes why don't you damn use them!" His other hand formed into a fist, fire beginning to form around it, drawing his hand back with the apparent intent to punch.
Adrian watched the interaction of people around him, picking up on two interactions relatively close by. One consisted of a girl with a pile of food, currently being bothered by two boys. From the looks of it, she was frustrated by the presence of the two who simply wanted to be alone with her food. One, had a keen focus, studying, trying to figure something out. The other, was more juvenile, using his abilities to create a flower. He quickly felt a bitterness growing inside of him. All fire did was destroy. Why couldn't he have gained a creative power. Why couldn't he have given his family flowers instead of destroyed them!

A shudder went through him, feeling a drastic change in temperature. He gasped briefly, before panic filled him. His hands shook, eyes closing tightly. He struggled to return his breathing to normal. He placed his hands flat on the table, before cursing as he felt the table heating under his hand. He snapped open his eyes, lifting his hands, grimacing at the burn marks on the table. He stood, grimacing. Such a small thing, so capable of setting him off. He quickly, and stiffly walked towards the doors, shoving by anyone who stepped into his way.

Once standing outside the doors, he took another shaky breath. Closing his eyes he leaned against the wall, leaning his head against it. His breathing was almost under control. The cold caused another shudder, his nostrils flaring briefly as he took a breath in. He knew he couldn't leave, due to attendance being mandatory, but he could at least step out of the gym to calm himself. He was sure they would understand.
Adrian sat against the outside wall of the academy, legs crossed, head leaned back. He had also stayed for the summer, having no one to go to, there was no point to leave. Either way, the school would not risk him relapsing. Progress had been made with him, progress that was not easy. But his outbursts were farther between. Lifting his head, he glanced down at the belt around his waist. He took a deep breath, fiddling with the belt buckle. He left it alone however, he learned all too well that the belt also had a way of alerting the school. He could feel his anger increasing, and a deep shaky breath was drawn in. With shaking hands, he dug into his pocket, withdrawing a red box with black letters. Fumbling it open, he withdrew one of the thin cylinders. A cigarette, his choice of poison. Not that he cared. Placing it in his mouth, he focused on the end of the cylinder, lighting it.

A while later, and several cigarettes later, he raised himself off of the ground, tucking the rectangular box back into the pocket of his jeans. He walked inside through the gates, knowing it was time for him to check in. Glancing around, he stepped inside, moving around the large group of people, going to the line for returning students. Filtering through, he found the longest spot was the counselor. He hated the counselor, too much time was spent talking, and he was done with it. His nose flared, a shutter running down his spine, closing his eyes tightly. At that, the counselor understood enough was enough, and sent him on his way. Picking up his schedule, he walked quickly up his stairs, to his dorm. His dorm, that had seen better times. Burn marks on the wall were signs of bent up frustration that he had expelled by blasting fire out of his hands. Thankfully, most damage was no severe. Tossing the paper on his bed, he once against left. For the oh so important social.

Last social didn’t turn out the best, he had one of his outbursts at the end and his belt kicked in to prevent him from using his powers, but the table he was sitting at was still broken by the time he had finished. Needless to say, he had spent some time chilling out afterwards. At that point, he wasn’t considered stable enough to leave campus, and almost always someone had a close eye on him. He shook his head, that wasn’t to be thought of now. Walking into the room, he studying the people present, narrowing his eyes slightly, recognizing some old faces, pondering about the new. But alas, he knew it was best to leave them be. Walking over to the food table, he gathered himself a plate before finding an empty table against the wall. He didn’t want to risk an outburst, and he would rather not be surprised by anyone, or for that matter anything.
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