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  • Old Guild Username: LowKey123
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actual bio in progress

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@sophI will say it looks MUCH better than it did yesterday, and seems like an entirely new fleshed out character in a good way.

If I'm honest, the first iteration was a 3/10, but this? 8.7/10.

The only thing I have a slight issue with is the link for the weapon is broken.

i know!!! the first iteration was barely even finished and like it didnt even connect her personality with her bio or anything. also i’ll fix it now!
Well, that’s unfortunate.

For so much of her life, Fae’s entire reason to breathe was to prove others wrong. To prove that she was her own person. To prove that she had no need for her stepfather, that she would be just fine on her own. To prove that she had worked hard for everything, that it wasn’t just given to her by any parental figure or any generous stranger. To show to everyone else that everything she did was earned by her. Not that she was blessed by some stupid goddess with some dumb gift of intelligence or dexterity or strength or stamina or—

“All in one piece. All at the right location. All according to plan. My heroes, adjust yourselves to your new bodies and head south. The Glade is only safe for so long, so don’t you dare slack off.”

Oh. Right. A disappointing realization to make, that’s for sure.

After the voice of the goddess left her ears, the sights before her entered her eyes. Another realization to make; this was real. As in, not some sort of dream. Not some sort of story crafted in the depths of some poor soul’s mind. Certainly not the type of thing Fae herself had ever thought of. It was real life. Unlike the other realization Fae had made, this one filled her with hope. This was an entirely different world, one with completely separate possibilities from the one she was in before. Nobody here knew her, and even if her fellow students who died in the tragic accident were here, they certainly couldn’t recognize her. She had been completely reborn, meaning she would not have any of the old ties she had in the human world. Including the ties to her stepfather.

’Thank you, goddess.’ A phrase Fae thought she’d never think in her life. Fae had lived her entire life with next to zero faith in any sort of gods. The most she did was entertain herself with the idea from time to time, but she ended up deciding for herself that any god wouldn’t care at all for someone like her. She assumed that all gods were too busy doing godly things like creating solar systems and galaxies to entertain themselves with the lives of humans. But if an extremely bored and desperate goddess camping in the outskirts of Glasgow waiting for some smartasses to die was what got her here? She would take it.

She decided to assess her surroundings. She saw three pillars, a shield, a sun, and a... pillar without a symbol. Which, conveniently, was the southernmost pillar. This goddess really didn’t want Fae to know anything about her goal, huh? In fact, Fae didn’t remember much of the details of what the goddess told her besides ‘you have to fight the forces of darkness.’ Fae shook her head and decided to pay no mind to it for now. Like the goddess said, she’d still have to get used to her new body. After doing a quick stretch, she saw the bodies of at least two other people. So there were others, after all. Was it in her best interest to get a glance of them? Probably.


Quite the interesting cast the goddess had made up here. There was a cloaked-up mysterious looking guy, a small girl (were there two, or was she actually hallucinating?), a lizard who’s humanoid features reminded Fae of a very interesting group of people, a girl who has definitely screamed and cried for her parents to take her to hot topic, and a boy who was. Looking in his trousers. You would think in her desperate time of need, the goddess would’ve assembled a crew that were all made up out of muscular sword wielding armor-wearing heroes? The only person here who seems to come close to fitting that type is not making the greatest of first impressions.

Oh well. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil-


Unless the evil came to you.

”Hello there, um...” Fae began, both fighting the urge to call him ‘Trouser Boy’ and also fighting the urge to audibly scream out expletives when she heard her own voice. It wasn’t even close to sounding like her! This weird cloak tunic-thingy wearing girl she was masquerading as had an actual mature woman’s voice. The voice Fae was familiar with was all squeaky and helpless little girl sounding. She absolutely loathed the voice she used to have, but this one? It’s finally one she can get behind.

Oh! She still needed a name for this man she was talking to. Trouser Boy would suffice within the confines of her own mind, but she didn’t want to insult someone who she thinks is supposed to be her ally.

”What would you like me to call you?” Fae replied, trying her best to put on a welcoming-looking face.

i updated my previous cs (in my previous post) by a loooot, a lot of stuff was changed about her

original appearance

née Fae Jilan

Out of all the legends passed down through the ages, none are as elusive or feared as the traveler who people claim to be one with the forest itself. They say the traveler has an affinity with wind magic that is unheard of, which rivals most Elfa. Allegedly a righteous individual, different versions of the legend give the hero different allies and rivals. The one rival all legends have in common is the forces of Darkness. Their face is rarely ever shown. This hero would be blessed by the Goddess with a cloak that allows them to burst into leaves.

Fae Jilan (original), Tiki (current)
Biologically 19
Determined | Autonomous | Confident | Cunning | Resourceful
Rebellious| Obstinate | Spiteful | Hateful | Isolated | Secretive | Itinerant
Fae was born to be the head of the Jilan Fashion Company, one of the most famous and glorious brands. Everyone of her class would have heard of this brand. The connections her and her family members had were invaluable, all due to her incredible stepfather. Her father was a benevolent man. He was adaptable, strong-willed, compassionate, courageous, generous, passionate, sympathetic, sensible, even witty! Everyone else knew him as one of the most cunning businessmen in the world. The Jilan family was nothing without him, and the workers would be even less! Any ordinary person would kill to be in the family. They were nothing short of perfect. If someone had the luck to be born under their family name, they would be set for life. They wouldn't have to work for anything! Even education would be handed to them on a silver platter if their stepfather paid enough!

...is how those on the outside would describe her family. To understand how the family is now, though, you also have to understand how they were before her father appeared.

Although the family wouldn't be as prestigious, rich, or powerful without her father, it'd be false to insinuate that they would be nothing. Before Fae's stepfather married into the family, there were only three members. Fae, her mother Maria, her grandfather Léon, and her sister Lydia. The company was not world renowned as it is today, but it was known. Trustworthy and reliable, with fair work conditions and decent business practices. That was what the company was known for. Somewhere along the line, things changed. Of course, the sudden shift in business practices or the new and shady business partners that the company began to have wasn't common public knowledge. But the company's workers were well aware of it. The company began to use strategies such as cheap labor, allowing dangerous working conditions, and doing whatever it takes to destroy the competition.

This shift started because of Fae's stepfather. When her grandfather's health started to deteriorate, he needed someone to inherit the company. Fortunately for him, her mother had just married a new man, one that already had a business of his own. Her husband had more knowledge of running a business than she did, meaning that it was fairly simple for the husband to convince Léon to allow him to inherit the company. Not only was there a shift in the company's practices, there was a shift in the family as well.

The moment her stepfather inherited the company, he had changed. Until then he was a kind and loving father. He did whatever he could to support his children. He provided the family with whatever they needed. Spending time with him was fun for Fae and her sister, oftentimes it was the favorite part of their days. But as soon as the company was his, he turned cold. Arrogant. Manipulative. He paid little to no mind to how his children actually felt, nor did he spend time with them. To make his children stop talking about him, he paid them. When money didn't work, it turned to threats of disownment. When even that didn't work, it would escalate to harming them. Anything to force them to like him. Anything to win.

Her mother also changed, but not in the same way. She became scared. Scared of what would happen if she tried to stop him. The company was more powerful than it ever was before. If she attempted to get rid of her husband, what would happen then? All of the safety her family had would come crashing down. And if her husband wasn't afraid to do anything to win, what would he do to her? His own wife? This stress began to build up. She couldn't take it anymore. She had to do something about him, she couldn't just sit and watch her children suffer because of his actions!

So she tried.

Fae was born to be the head of the Jilan Fashion Company, one of the most famous and glorious brands. Her childhood, however, wasn't as simple as being trained to inherit the company. This was due in part to the condition of her family. It started out with her mother and stepfather arguing at night, when they thought their daughter wouldn't hear. Then the two became increasingly distant. Dinners turned from a lively, carefree occasion to being tense and full of spite. Enjoyable times spent with her father became scarcer and scarcer. The time spent with her mother ceased to exist. Instead, it turned to finding empty alcohol bottles everywhere. The more Fae found, the more her mother disappeared. If Fae wanted to see her, she started having to go to the hospital rather than simply going to her mother's room. Soon, there were no more chances to visit her.

Anguish, confusion, and feelings of melancholy all turned to anger. Anger directed to her stepfather, for taking her mother away from her. Anger directed to the company, for taking the father figure she used to know and turning him into a villain. Anger directed at herself, for being too weak to stop him. As a result of this anger, she began to reject the thought of inheriting the company. Her habits of angrily talking back to her stepfather and wandering the manor were answered with guards watching her bedroom door, prohibiting her from getting out of her room unless it was for school or if her stepfather requested it. Unfortunately for her stepfather, she had no place in her heart for fear. No matter what he would do to her, she refused to comply with her. As a result, she lost quite a bit of monetary support from her father.

This made her work harder. This made her different from all of the prestigious, gifted students. Everything that she has, she's been forced to work for. Many of the opportunities that she found in school weren't just given to her because of her name, but because of her accomplishments that she's sacrificed so much blood, sweat, and tears for. What people saw as a natural gift in sciences and athletics were, to her, a result of her venting out her anger. Being an exceptionally high-scoring student in several fields, it was no surprise that Kurtzpel was the University she was accepted into. To many, she was simply chosen because of her name. She was determined to prove them wrong.

When she had died, her last thoughts were more of disappointment rather than sadness or regret. How would her stepfather be able to see her succeed if she was dead?

If anything, a name change was in order.
Often wants to prove to others that she can do things by herself.
Has trouble working with a team.

Notable Items
Forest's Cloak - A forest green hooded cloak. Allows the hero to temporarily disappear in everything else's eyes, at the cost of the hero's stamina. The hero must first flourish the cloak before its use is activated. When used, it leaves three green leaves at the spot of use. Duration of invisibility is based on both stamina and intellect.

Mask of the Wanderer - A black mask that covers the space around the eyes. The right side is made of snakeskin.

Sta: 4
Str: 2
Dex: 9
Int: 9
Fai: 1

Physical Abilities
Reflexes - Tiki has the ability to sense things much better than most others. She can also react to changes in her surroundings incredibly quickly. This is what makes up for her less-than-legendary physical strength, and also is what buys time for her to plan her moves. A high degree of concentration is required to fully make use of this ability.

Magical Abilities
Wind Blast - Allows her to create a gust of wind from her hands or feet. The amount of power the gust of wind has can be controlled. This ability can be used to augment the force of their punches of kicks, change her momentum, and accelerate her movement.

Sensitivity - Tiki is capable of sensing the subtle changes in the air currents, which also allows her to detect approaching threats and ambushes.

Wind Blades - An move that has Tiki make a focused, slicing, crescent-shaped air wave using her arms, legs, or items like sticks, knives, and staves. The cutting power is dependent on how focused the air wave is. A weapon such as a staff will result in more precise and focused air movement, meaning it would be able to cut through things like timber. Using something like the arms or legs will result in a wave that has more striking power rather than cutting power.

In her reborn state, Tiki is a thin, athletic woman with pale skin. Her attire consists of a cuffless, long-sleeve, black undershirt. Over top of the black shirt is a light green, décolletage short-sleeve tunic. She also wears a pair of thick black stockings and brown laced combat boots. Leather gauntlets cover not only the hands and forearms to act as arm guards, but they also cover the mark of the goddess on her right hand. Her outfit is topped off by the Forest's Cloak.

ok i was scared when i saw there was another cat faunus but i'm glad to see that the characters we have in mind are completely different
will the heroes be aware of their abilities/race and stuff or not?
@soph I'm not sure that we're accepting extra players right now! @Hitman said he only wanted there to be seven of us, and he got seven of us from the interest check. I could be mistaken, of course.

im part of the 7! im lowkey123 just with namechange
important question; what would the general power level of the students (and grimm and goons) be? would they be doing things akin to volume 1-2 and the trailers or no?
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