Avatar of Soulstrifer
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: soulstrifer
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 118 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Soulstrifer 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
I have some time and I am back!
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6 yrs ago
Didn't even get a chance to start new games and Im off again T_T
7 yrs ago
I am sorry I've been terribly busy. Promise I will be back around soon :)
7 yrs ago
Work is still going strong. I'm in the middle of an influx so replies may be a tad be slow due to utter exhaustion at the end of the day!
9 yrs ago
Got crazy busy again. I'll be able to get to replies next week!


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Adeline was had been watching him closely. Her gaze trailed him slowly, trying to soak everything in. The writer in her wished desperately that she had a paper and pencil to take notes. That thought alone made her fingers twitch slightly against her side. It was going to nag at her for quite some time really, not being able to write. Especially when she was having to learn new things like what this Microwave did.
The sparks off the hair pin made her brows shoot up. " Fascinating," She leaned forward slightly and looked inside of it. When she'd moved back again and he had set the bowl of food at the table she sat down slowly, sighing with relief to be off her feet.

" I have never seen anything like that..." her hand hovered over the food, only a little surprised to find it was actually hot. Well, she HAD just seen it spark across metal! Of course it was hot! The red head tilted her head a little bit as he asked to see her feet.
" It's not bad. Just some blisters. I've had worse in the silly shoes they make you wear to events!" Ada flapped her hand a little bit, taking up the utensil and tucking quietly into her meal with a bit of curiosity.

It was delicious. She nibbled the food while he went to fetch whatever it was he was getting. Adeline obliged to put her feet in the water, wincing a little at the sting of it.
" 1921. Yes," She nodded her head a little bit, " I haven't ever been really confined in my home. My father was an explorer. I traveled with him a lot after Mother passed." Her green eyes followed him lazily, " I'd be happy with something to write with, but for now I'd like to know why you're here. Where you got all this..." Adeline made a vague motion around her and took another bite.
She was up just high enough that they couldn’t reach her, even jumping. Ada couldn’t get any higher since the branches thinned out considerably. The red head clung close to the trunk of the tree, trying to avoid the spines on the thinner branches protruding from the body of the tree. Staying as calm as she could manage, she watched the creatures pace, moving like a pack of dogs. It might have fascinated her to no end, if she wasn’t currently the one on the dinner table.

Sleeping in the tree wasn't exactly the best option, but with the determination of the reptiles circling the tree like they might figure out how to reach her, she realized there really wasn't much of an option. Even then she wasn't sure that they wouldn't figure out a way to get to her in the middle of the night. She might fall. She might not.

Ada glanced down at the creatures once more. One jumped ever closer, teeth catching the lace on the hem of her robe. She squeaked not unlike a startled mouse and she drew her legs up further. It would have likely been fast. That was about the only promising thing. They acted both like a pack of wolves, and a big cat all rolled up into one.

There was the sound of something in the brush and Adeline could only hope that it wasn't a larger lizard. The thunderous crack of a gunshot sounded and she almost fell right out of the tree. Then she spotted her would] be rescuer. A man who looked like he could have been about her own age. He was built like the men she'd seen coming in from the west. Muscle set upon a strong frame.
The gun he held was nothing like she had ever seen though. It perplexed her a little.

The hand offered to her by her rescue was accepted graciously. Ada tried not to make too much of a fool of herself as she clambered down the tree and pulled her robe around herself to hide the rather thin fabric covering her modesty.
"Thank you."
When her bare feet settled onto the ground she gave an uneasy glance around. Even with the massive gun slung over the imposing man’s shoulder, she didn’t want to end up face to face with those gaping maws of teeth.

Duncan. “Adeline,” She stated in turn, lifting her blue green eyes to get a peek at him. He towered over her, and her nose wrinkled a little bit. “ Adeline O’Conner.” The woman tried to sort herself at least a little bit. Pushing her fingers back through her hair, they caught in the salt dried curls.
Ada took the offered water gratefully. Then the hard part started.

The walk was grueling, even as he moved slowly for her. Her feet ached from the punishment of stone, stick and thorn. She was certain that she’d have blisters but Ada never complained once. She wasn’t a frail woman. The red head was strong and set to prove she could make it on her own, even if right now she wasn’t terribly sure where she would start on this island.

When they entered the wide mouth of the cave she frowned a little bit. No wonder she hadn’t seen any smoke. If he was living in a cave the smoke would disperse. They moved back through the cave to the point where it tapered down to a small point where glass separated the sections, she jumped a little bit when it moved out of the way on it’s own. Ada found herself stock still just the other side of the glass when the lights came on on the other side.
This was something out of a novel! It both excited and scared her to no end. Ada let her wide eyed gaze wander for a moment.

Ghosts? No. Not likely! And the grin trying to curl across his face was enough of a give away to tell her that wasn’t the truth. His laugh flustered her slightly and Ada huffed at him, looking around the space as she followed him further in. It was like nothing she’d ever set eyes on. Sure she might have read about such things in books, but it was not like this. As he spoke, she just kind of watched him like he was from another world. For all she knew he WAS. Ada watched curiously as he explained the device he’d tucked the food into. Microwave. Right. She’d remember that. Not likely.

“ Pardon my bluntness. But who am I going to tell that would believe me?” Her voice was quiet, perhaps filled with curiosity. The furrow of the red heads brow smoothed a bit.
“ I would be put in an institution in moments!” Ada moved past him to get a look at the strange device he’d called a microwave.
“ It is human nature to fight and war. So is the way of things. People get upset, or angry and the only way they know how to solve problems is through violence. It’s a tale as old as time, I’m afraid.” The Irish womans voice softened a bit, “ And the innocent suffer for
the cruelty of their own kind. We can only point ourselves forward and try to push for a better life.”

She brushed her fingers across the top of the cooking device and then turned to look at him, “ The ship listed onto it’s side. We were sleeping. I don’t know how many made it out of their cabins. “
There was a whole list of thoughts that had filtered through her mind as she shuffled along the shore line, clinging to her soaked robe. At least it wasn’t too cold. Even with just a slight chill it was a little miserable. Fortunately though, with the sun peaking across the water, she was already warming through. Even if that sunrise was threatened by the promise of stormclouds. At least for a small moment she’d be granted reprieve.

The sand stretched almost endlessly out before her and she was certain that there would be something. At least there would have been some sort of sign of people. She hadn’t found anything. Not a boat, not a dock. Nothing. Not even smoke from primitive camps . She frowned. Already she’d been going for what seemed like too long and Ada kicked at the sand in frustration.

With her salt crimped hair drying stiff and wild, she sat down in the sand, grumbling in frustration. Adeline had been taken out ‘camping’ with her brothers when she was younger, but in the current situation it was almost impossible to settle her mind enough to get herself organized right now. Shelter. Water. Food? What about predators? Her imagination could spin wild images for her. Giant beasts she’d only seen in photos charging from the trees. Lizards with gaping maws of teeth and bodies larger than the automobiles on the streets back home.

No matter how skilled she thought she was, Ada wouldn’t last long if she was faced with something like that. As it stood though she could hear birds, and the breeze in the trees. The water washing against the sand. It was all picturesque, or would have been if she hadn’t been stranded in a shipwreck with no idea how to get home. All thoughts of home and possible things going bump in the night were cut short when she heard birds scatter. Ada snapped her head round only to find something she’d only seen in storybooks come trotting from the trees.

With their deadly looking teeth and claws, she did not think they were going to pass up a meal. How was that even possible!? She’d read something about extinction somewhere. There was no record of living dinos! She scrambled to her feet, and backed away down the beach. Could she outrun them? Not likely but perhaps she could get up a tree long enough for them to leave her to find shelter.
So, Ada turned and she ran barefoot towards the trees. With her heart racing in her throat and her mind set on flight, Ada had no time to think about anything else.
The underbrush was thicker than she had anticipated and as she fumbled through it she scraped herself up a bit.
Finally, the usually composed woman scrambled up a tree, just seconds ahead of the beasts.
Ada stood at the gangway, head tilted back slightly to stare up at the ship that would bare her away. A much needed vacation from the chaos of New York? She was glad to snatch up the chance. A chance to seek new places. An opportunity to fill her pages with new writing. ADVENTURE! Her mother would be turning in her grave.

The woman had always thought her too energetic, and far too excited to run off into the unknown. It was a problem. At least that’s what she’d heard the woman say. Adeline could almost hear that thick Irish accent as the small woman cooked in the kitchen. ‘She’ll get ‘erself in trouble one day, you watch.’
Ade didn’t know what trouble was. Okay, correction she knew what trouble was she was just rather good at outrunning it. Today was the day that she was going to finally step beyond that unseen boundary. She’d ask for forgiveness in the life after.

“ Madam?” The man in the funny little round hat had leaned slightly to look at her. Adeline realized that perhaps drifting in her thoughts in public was a bit much. Smiling brightly, she cleared her throat, the brim of her dark hat covering one bright blue green eye.
“ Sorry. I was struck with how large she is!” There was excitement in her voice as she’d lifted on her toes.
A smile bloomed across the man’s face and he chuckled, “ No harm done madam. She’s quite a sight. One of White Star’s best!”

Ada had flashed another smile at him and she delved into her handbag, fishing out her ticket. It was taken with another polite smile and she tilted her head, “ Miss O’Connor. Your bags have been taken up to your cabin. Please enjoy the voyage.” She was waved through and the red head took a breath to steady her resolve and then headed up the walk to board the ship.

That had been almost a week ago. The voyage was going well. The money she’d spent for her place in the lavish first class quarters had been everything she had, but it was worth it. She was sailing across the sea, in a ship that was going to put her somewhere in the tropics. A perfect possible setting for a book! She’d spent most nights plotting. Sitting in her bed with a bottle of wine seemed a good way to waste the nights when she didn't know anyone well. But knowing that she was going to be having breakfast with a small group of ladies who had invited her after seeing her alone on the deck, Ada had fallen asleep earlier than usual.

It was perfect, at least until she rolled out of the bed as her entire state room listed to one side. The mirror swayed dangerously and her bag slid across the floor. Light flashed outside the porthole window but the groan of metal flexing drowned the sound of thunder and rain. The ship tilted again and this time she slid across the floor, scrambling for something to hold onto. Ada could hear the sound of people screaming somewhere down the hall. This time, as the ship canted, it did not right. Something was wrong and the red head grabbed the dressing gown from pile near the door, now tipped oddly on it’s side. People were scrambling from doors, or trying to. Some fell out into the inverted hall. Her heart pounded away in her ears and the young woman stumbled along clumsily until she had to catch herself on the frame of the door, staring down into the churning angry sea. Rain stung at her face, and wind whipped her shirt curls about her face, ripping at the soft robe she wore. Lights were flickering and people were already floundering in the water.

Someone planted hands against the small of her back and before she could protest they pushed, sending her tumbling wildly across the vertical deck, narrowly missing the railing before the cold water sucked the breath from her lungs. Everything after that became a blur. A desperate bid to stay above the water even as the waves crashed across her. Adeline wasn’t even aware of seeing the ship grow farther and farther away, only the floating piece of what looked like a crate that she clung to for buoyancy. Only when the waves died down did she consider sleep, and she woke with her feet dragging against the sand as she floated towards a shore line.
The sun was beating down along her face.
Adeline fell from her make shift raft and she waded through the water onto the sand. She could have cried in relief, if not for the uneasy feeling of being on foreign soil without so much as a clue as to where she was.

First was first. Looking for any sign of life would be a good way to go, right? So, the red head started down the beach. Before she set off into the trees she'd look around the places nearest the water. Less chance of getting lost.

Her name is Ada - Adeline-. She is 24 years old, stands 5'4" and 126 lbs. She's got a soft Irish accent that has dulled down since living in New York. Ada is a very forward woman, hard to make blush, but she is the sort to just jump right into things. She can be fairly feisty, even if most could break her across their knee. Adeline doesn't really have much fear, at least she doesn't express it around those who might take advantage of it.

Well... since it would seem my usual rp outlet is down for the count, going to bump this I suppose.

Yuki Masamune

The daughter of Sato and Aiko Masamune.
Being super selective right now My muses are being dicks ... just a warning but BUMP
- siiigh- it's a dull day ... So bumping this.
I'd be interested. :D
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