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Cochise Tarak

Cochise lowly sighed as he leaned up against the wall before he'd go to watch the two suddenly start the fight. He hadn't assumed a stance before Kylie had tried to send an upwards kick towards the jaw of the man that he was somewhat working with in this spar. He was both amazed and confused by the broad move caused by the pink-haired westerner, he mostly was confused by why she did such and why Kyy at least didn't have his hands at the ready. A low sigh escaped his mouth as he'd step forward, thinking to himself about what he had gotten into with his foolish eagerness to see what he could do in a spar. He somewhat doubted his own capabilities within combat as he closed the distance between him and the pink-haired westerner.

What he did was possibly one of the most basic moves that could be done within this situation, seeing as he didn't have time to throw himself into a proper stance and prepare himself despite the fact actual combat doesn't really allow that. He'd attempt to drive a simple obverse punch sent off from his right hand towards that of the woman's left side, right where the deltoid was located as he aimed the punch. He didn't try to throw all he had into it, figuring it'd be foolish to throw all he could into a blow that might somehow be dodged. He attempted to aim it and throw it somewhere within the time window that she had landed from the kick, himself noting that exactly throwing a kick straight off the bat in a spar was foolish if the other opponent had some basic background knowledge on such.

If the blow did land, it held some force and speed to it that acclaimed to the fact that the man 'did' train, just in the forest situated outside of the base.
@Agent 47
Cochise Tarak

@Agent 47
The easterner would finish eating his own meal quickly, before making his way back to his own room. His room was somewhat like a nature museum if it could be described as such, due to the fact that as one opened the door, one would have to make their way past a set of braided wild horse hair. Once someone would pass that barrier, would they make note of the various amounts of horns and heads mounted on each end of the wall. Any shelf that belonged to the room held some sort of tool, weapon, or ornament carved from various parts of many animals. The easterner's own rack was covered in a set of hand knitted quilts gathered from the southern territories as sheets, with braided wild horse hair dangling like beaded necklaces all over such.

He decided to place his belt away, following with all the weapons and tools he had on him at the time. Although he reconsidered it and took it all back up, using the time to adjust his uniform before he left the room and made his way down the stairs to the training room. The man would be seen by Kylie whom would lay his weapons and tools and belt, alongside the skull-like Imperial Arms off onto a nearby shelf. He'd go to lean up against the wall across from her and raise a brow briefly before speaking in a light tone, "I'm here and ready, mostly."
@Agent 47

The easterner would let out a low sigh as he'd now finally be done dealing with serving breakfast, slowly shoving the remaining food no one would eat into the refridgerator for anyone to eat later if they so desired. He had been with the group for at least some time now despite being the youngest member, and arguable the least powerful or least wanted of it, due to not exactly having put himself on the Empire's hitlist much unlike half the others of the group. The idea of being capable of saving a meal was still odd to him, him making note of the fact that all the others besides Gwyneth seemed to be picky with what they got. He still wasn't used to western living, which consisted of mannerisms, customs and forms of dress he was still not used to, as in the case of the boss whom he found odd in how he dressed.

He was one to just take any information offered to him and work off of it, at this point he was trying to rid himself of his grudge towards sustained conflict and these... missions and training they've done off to the side have helped him to a degree. He never really said much, as could be noted by the others about missions but he always would double guess himself and ask questions in their place.

He'd wave his hand over off to Kylie to gesture to her as he sat down with his own plate of eggs and the canteen of water, eating and drinking a bit before answering her, "I'll take your offer up on the spar... going to guess it'll be unarmed?"

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A slim, moderately sized figure would emerge from the other end of the taxi, mainly dressed up in a set of regular civilian clothing. A set of blue jeans fastened up by a leather belt, with long white socks, tennis shoes, an orange underarmor pullover and a black t-shirt with a logo of Sabaton on such. The slim figure's hood was currently up as it emerged, the strings that tightened up the hood tightened up a bit as a set of large tinted glasses covered otherwise black pupil-less eyes. A large backpack was situated on the back of the figure, what could be in the backpack could be guessed as he reached up and adjusted the straps, the jingling of various equipment, gear, and possibly weaponry would be made obvious to those around them, but all they knew it could just be one of the really weird students with tons of study material. A low sigh escaped the grey's mouth as it's eyes examined the area before him, making note of the sudden appearance of the two, with him raising his right hand up to rub his face gently, and shake it as he'd go to approach the invisible line that marked the wards that kept the school supposedly protected from the acts of supernatural entities upon such.

He'd be seen taking off his backpack and begin to dig through the front most pocket of it, before unfolding a general map of the school that he had downloaded online a few minutes to the call and text that had been given. It'd be noted that most... real life schools actually have websites, although terrible ones, that offer a general map of the whole campus of a school, although obviously a high grade one like this would be far from willing to offer the location of anything supposedly sensitive like the wards. Which he had made a crude guess of that surrounded the school like some sort of series circuit, although he'd go to fold the general map and shove it into the back left pocket of his jeans that held nothing. He'd look about for a moment as he'd go to step forward, holding his backpack by the straps as he'd blink for a moment, shaking his head as he approached the others.

He'd scratch the back of his head as he approached, a light tone of voice escaping his mouth as he'd actually speak in a rather clear set of English to the first person that he took interest of, and that would be Jericho, "So... I'm here like I was told to uh... mind telling me what I should start reading for...? One of my first cases here, should I just read for electrical anomalies which apparently might be linked to supernatural activity?"

((Is that fine about the map?... I'm not lying when I say my old high school used to have one that both staff and students would sometimes use, despite it being really small.))
Cochise Tarak

The Easterner would return Icarus' nod as he would finish off what he was cooking, before going to place down a solid haunch of smoked venison right beside the table that Gwyneth was standing by, a low sigh escaping the man's mouth as he'd look between the few that had just came into the kitchen. Lowly grumbling he'd turn about to start working on the plates of eggs once again, cranking out another within a few minutes as he'd lay the plate off to the side, noting there were now three plates again for any of the members that wanted some form of breakfast. The Easterner would reach out to drink from a large canteen filled with filtered water, something he had bought from one of the markets within the southern territories on the off-time they were given, rather useful since it filtered the water for him and didn't need to make him have to boil such in order to make it healthier for him to consume.

The man would turn to gesture off to the new plate of eggs he had just finished to Icarus, speaking to him in a light tone, "Eat the food, before it wastes", which he would say briefly before turning about to lower the temperature settings on the stove, he found it odd how he could control how hot the stove was with a dial, and that it needed a metal object to help heat such.

He'd then idly wave off to the woman as a low sigh escaped his mouth as he went back to work, this time making something out of the fat of the deer he had bagged the other day, him making something out of the fat of the deer as he'd stop for a moment and raise a brow at Kylie, "I have to ask again, how come you got the color hair you do again?"

Cochise Tarak

@grandia20 @Blackened World
Gwyneth and Kyy would smell the scent of a morning meal being cooked overneath one of the stoves, the sound of boiling water in a pot on the stove following with the otherwise rather quiet kitchen, especially in the mornings. A set of low sighs would be heard as they would hear it come from a certain individual stationed before one of the stoves in the kitchen. The man whom stood before it was a moderately sized individual, standing at the height of 5'6" with a moderate build that spanned across his limbs. Not all completely muscle with a a slight gut, a set of dark brown hair that was kept cut rather short, and slightly reddish skin that made up the complexion of his skin. He wore a set of deerskin clothing that was consisted of a deerskin shirt, trousers, a belt, a bandooler added with that of an odd red glowing necklace in the shape of a skull made of solid iron situated around his neck.

He already seemed to have been up for some time, although waking up earlier than most westerners was something he always did, due to having had to do so in order to be ready to move at a moment's notice from place to place back in his home out East. He appeared to be chewing on something as he was seen scrambling a set of eggs with the end of a steel hunting knife he had recently cleaned. A set of several plates had been placed onto a nearby table in the dining room, seeming rather fresh due to the scent they possibly gave off to the two. A funny thing about the man known as Cochise, the newest member to the group, was he was doing all of this with his full clothing and gear on, a revolver stuffed into a deerskin holster at his side and a lever action rifle slung over his back, tomahawk and club at his side on his belt.

Cochise would turn about and raise a brow at both Gwyneth and Kyy, looking to them with a familiar set of curious, wild brown eyes as he'd gesture off to the plates of fresh eggs coupled with venison jerky, "You two... eat now, made other plates for those who woke early."

@Agent 47No, he didn't really try to make too much of a name for himself.


Name: Cochise Tarak

Nickname/Alias: Cochise

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Allegiance: Night Raid

Personality: Cochise could be seen as a rather moderate individual, mostly due to the fact that he is one to prefer to negotiate a situation out compared to fighting out such. He's not one for strong opinions, preferring to try and not have strong opinions on someone or a matter due to having a dislike for what he knows westerners call as "drama", and or he was raised up on the ideals of moderacy, optimism and minimalism. He also prefers to make friends than enemies, being a rather social individual, despite possibly being somewhat awkward due to the fact he isn't too used to the "western" form of dialect that the others speak in, including western empire cultural ideals and customs. He also tries to find ways out of potentially fighting, being one to rather run than fight in a potential conflict due to conflict that not being entirely too in his nature, although at times when there is no way out of a combative scenario he can be seen begrudgingly fighting in a direct combative scenario with his comrades. He's also rather young and still somewhat unused to the world of conflict situated within the western ends of the Empire, himself having only joined Night Raid in an attempt to see what else the world had to offer after having took care of a few of the members during one of their escapades in the lands outside of the walls. All in all, he is an overall moderate individual whom is rather social and tries to care to the other members of the group, despite possibly lacking the same powers and offensive capabilities and willingness to fight unlike them.

Likes: Animals, nature, primitive living

Dislikes: Cities, crowded spaces, lack of fresh air

Fears: Isolation

Brief Bio: Cochise Tarak was born far to the East from the center of the Empire beyond the walls, born to a tribe of nomadic individuals whom claimed an arid set of mesas and deserts as their home. Although not exactly inherently warlike from the beginning of their origins, as the Empire began to expand their influence beyond the capital's walls was when the tribe of men and women native to the Eastern deserts adapted a somewhat more aggressive approach to life. The tribe was known to live off of the wild animals and large cattle-like animals that lived amongst the region, known on occasion to take on the great beasts that lived amongst the land as well. Mostly known to make usage of horses to move in and out of combat with Empire patrols in the region quickly, having learned to quickly adopt the usage of weaponry similar to the weaponry the Empire used, albeit much more primitive due to the lack of military grade weapons passed on to the Tarak tribesmen through trade from explorers and travelers that dared explore the region.

Cochise was born to a tribal warrior and huntsman, his mother being one of the few shamans that made up their small sect of the large tribe that lived scattered amongst the desert. His childhood was mostly spent learning how to prepare his own meals and for others, alongside provide basic medical attention to through the usage of local plants to injured men and women within the tribe. His childhood could be considered rather... mild due to the lack of conflict that persisted throughout his young life, mostly playing with the other children of the tribe and living a rather carefree life as a child of the Tarak Tribe. His teenage years were somewhat different though, with the teenage Cochise having to be took under his father's wing finally, which he spent being taught how to live off the land, hunt for himself and others, and fight if need be, begrudgingly to the younger Tarak whom preferred to keep out of conflict's way. He ended up passing his rites of passage within the tribe over the course of his teenage years, becoming a honorary member of his tribe at the age of 18.

A few years passed as he ended up participating in a series of small skirmish-like wars against Empire patrols and activity within the area, although he didn't exactly vy to do such, nor he did exactly think the Empire was completely in the wrong unlike his other kinsmen, he fought them on foot and horseback. Mostly acting as a guerrilla unit whom would ride in on horseback, circle the patrols of Guardsmen and pelt them with potshots with his rifle with other members of his tribe before turning around and attempting to flee. This strategy tended to work, but on occasion a few of the men within the skirmishing units of his tribe would be gunned down and they would be forced to retreat and regather their forces. As the few years passed, the young Cochise happened upon a strange artifact that was mumbled by a set of traders he traded with later as an Imperial Arm, or relic as it had been called on one of the dead corpses of the men that he had help slain. It was in the shape of a simple skull made of solid iron around the size of one's hand, and the name "Bodaway" was inscribed into the back end of the item, with the tribal man taking the item and wrapping it about his neck as a sort of decoration thinking it no more than jewelry.

Not so long after, a few months would pass as he participated in a few more raids against the Empire, and he made note of an odd increase in his abilities, noting that most of his senses and physical abilities had been improved upon when he had gotten into a direct hand to hand fight with a heavy Guardsman, who he managed to defeat with some form of ease with his tomahawk despite the man being armored, experienced, and far more well-armed than him. He ended up getting up in a fight with one of the Night Raid members as they had adventured into the northern mesas of the desert, where the whole group had been ambushed by a small patrol of his fellow tribesmen and him whom demanded the group hand over their weapons at the time, although the whole group managed to be severely injured and some killed. The young Cochise ending up being one of the few to go toe to toe with one of them for a time due to the Imperial Arm he had, until he had decided to give in to the individual and offer to guide the whole group through the northern mesas, provided they didn't injure any of his kin.

And... a year later, he ended up having intermingled with the small group of individuals mainly due to the man's innate curiosity of the outside world, having seen the capital for the first time underneath a mission the group had gone through. He happens to be one of the younger members of the group, currently only within the group due to the fact they've noted of the fact someone like him had managed to have the strength to use an Imperial Arm like his, despite it's lack of apparently abilities.

Imperial Arms Name: Bodaway

Imperial Arms Picture and Description:

Bodaway is an Imperial Arm constructed from a solid block of small iron, that had been crafted into the shape of a skull about the size of the average man's palm. The small skull-like Imperial Arm has a dull grey color to such, lacking in any significant features besides the fact it had been crafted to look much alike that of an aged human skull. A small gem situated in the center of the object however gives it a brief red glow that acts as it's main source of power, something that grants the user of the item enhanced senses and physical abilities.

Enhanced Physical Abilities: Bodaway grants the user of the item enhanced physical abilities, twice that of a Human athlete in their prime, allowing for them to perform great acts of dexterity and strength at some points.

Enhanced Physical Senses: Bodaway also grants the user of the Imperial Arm physical senses that are nearly double that of a Human in their prime, allowing for them to react faster than normal and use their five physical senses at a higher capacity than normal.

Imperial Arms Trump Card: None

Extra: None
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