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    1. Stephanie96 10 yrs ago


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pats on back all round
Sorry, I'll get working on a post! My bad.
Goshhhh, someone post!
Posted! whoop.
Millie sensed the trouble before she saw it. Victor left to go see Angel and Millie’s eyes were on Deon fighting in the ring. Then something in the air changed and the hairs on Millie’s arms raised. Something was about to go down. She turned her head towards Angel and Victor and saw the crowd around that area of the bar steadily growing. There were more Lost Ones here tonight than Millie had realised. Millie stood up to make her way to the table and, just as quickly, two of the Lost Ones disengaged from the group and walked towards the bar. Millie quickly made her movements look more natural, settling herself on the bar close enough to them that she could hear what they were saying. She tossed her hair over to the side of her they were stood on, so they wouldn’t think she was paying attention, and leaned her elbows on the bar, requesting a drink from her friend the barman.

What did she try to do, kiss you so you'd tell her where our people live? Have sex with you for the location of most of our money? Millie had to admit, that was a pretty common tactic, especially coming from Angel, and she wouldn’t put it past her. Still, Millie didn't exactly enjoy them talking about Angel that way. One of the Lost Ones left his friend, who remained at the bar looking none too happy from what Millie could see through her hair. She flicked it back, moving so that it appeared she was simply stretching. The gun in the back of her jeans was very well hidden, considering, but she threw on the jacket she had brought anyway.

“I’m freezing.” She said, nonchalantly, to the guy who remained behind at the bar, whom the other had called Knox. If Angel hadn’t succeeded in getting information out of him, maybe she would. She glanced at him and gave him a slight smile and a shrug. "Got stood up."
Pffft thats a masterpiece, nothing to apopogise for ;D
Evie noted the man sitting on the bar who greeted her. Jace raised a slender eyebrow at the nonplussed response he received "this interview only works if you answer my questions" he laughed "and customer service works on talking" another laugh escaped his lips.

Evie's eyes moved from roaming the room around her, back to the man. She shook her head and laughed, shortly. "Sorry, I was just taking it in. Yes," She said, walking forwards, her heels clicking on the floor, and extended her hand. "I'm Evie Smith, you must be Mr Rollins?"

Jace smiled, one side of his lips raising a bit higher than the other "please, just call me Jace" he said simply as he shook her hand. His eyebrow raised slowly once more "so Miss Smith" he began "what would you be expecting of this place as a job?"

Evie, who had never had an interview in her life before moving to New York, was realising more and more with each of them, that she wasn't very well equipped for the working world. She had tried to fancy talk her way around so many interviews in the past few months, and none of them had gone her way. "Jace." She nodded, agreeing, testing the name. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, and back again, thinking about her answer. "I just...I need to keep a roof over my head." She didn't know how well her honestly was going to work out, especially the way she was dressed, she knew she didn't look desperate for money, but she was getting more and more desperate by the minute.

Jace looked over her slowly, his eyes flicking quickly up and down her as she spoke. He moved back up to bar and jumped up, sitting down casually and continuing to look at her. The way she dressed, spoke and held herself didn't quite match the story she told. But then again...neither did his story. He nodded, hoping to alleviate some stress off her he smiled as he spoke "that's a good enough reason that I won't pry in to" he nodded again "ever worked a bar before?" He doubted she had. The more he looked at her the more she seemed to ooze upper class.

Evie bit her lip, awkwardly, sighed and shook her head. No point lying; if he decided to give her a chance, he would find it out soon enough. He seemed like a nice guy though, his smile an obvious attempt to make her feel more at ease. "No, I haven't. But I'm a quick learner."

Jace laughed "good cause you're on shift in an hour" he laughed and reached behind the bar, grabbing a dish rag and jamming it into his pocket. He stepped down onto the floor and smiled at her again "welcome to the Lost Drop E" he laughed "best put your running shoes on cause tonight is 'Happy Night'" he said with a grin.

Evie's eyebrows shot up. "What...you're serious?" She smiled, a quick laugh escaping her lips. "Thank you!" She said, impulsively stepping forwards and hugging him. Immediately, she regretted that decision, realising how unprofessional it made her look, and she stepped back, clearing her throat. "I mean, uh, thank you for the opportunity. I appreciate it." She nodded and turned to walk through into the back of the bar. "Uh, where should I...?" She held up her bag, questioningly.

Jace grinned as she hugged him and immediately pulled back. He shook his head "hun, drop the professional act before you start working ok?" He smiled "most people don't care for a 'professional' bartender and the same goes for a waitress." He looked as she held up her bag "oh, follow me" he gestured and opened a door set into the back wall of the bar, in between the shelves that held liquor. Behind the door lay a small corridor that lead into an average sized office. The office was decorated sparsely, a small desk and a few filing cabinets being the only things that made it look like the room had a function.

Evie felt a little stung by his words, but she didn't comment on it. He was probably right; nobody who came to bars like this to socialise wanted an uppity server. She followed him through the door and back into the office. It didn't look like a place one would spend a lot of time, just the average work space.

Jace smiled once more "just put your bag down anywhere" he moved over to the filing cabinet, pulling a file out of it and moving to the desk. He placed his feet up on the desk as he sat down and started reading the file "hope you can move fast in heels" he said, eyes flicking up to her over the file "or have you brought another pair?"

"Oh I'm an expert at moving quickly in heels." She commented, jokingly. "Its one of the special skills listed on my resume, along with waltzing and silverspoon dining." She smiled, setting down her bag on top of one of the filing cabinets. Catching sight of herself in the small mirror on the far wall, Evie removed her coat and shook out her hair, trying to make herself look more like a barmaid and failing. Tomorrow she would wear something plain, jeans and a tshirt probably. Tomorrow and every day after that. If she wanted to fit in here, and to keep her real identity somewhat of a secret, she was going to have to look the part. She had the feeling she had already failed where Jace was concerned. Moving over to the chair that sat opposite his, she sat down and crossed her legs, clasping her hands together over her knee. "So, do you have any helpful tips for a beginner?"

Jace looked up at the response she gave and smirked, happy to see there was something more than that professional girl act he saw. He watched as she removed her coat and started to look her over, watching as she obviously tried to make her appearance a bit less upper class. It didn't work. A smile worked it way across his lips. She was stunning, there was no doubt...she would either get lots of tips or lots of flirting drunken men and women Jace shook his head at the question "not anything special...just the usual tips like be nice, don't swear, try not to screw up orders and leave the fancy drinks to me" he smiled. Closing the file, he stood up "oh, breaks are taken in here and there are no cameras in case you find someone out on the floor you particularly like" with that, he winked at her and began walking back out to the bar.

Evie nodded alone as he spoke, taking in his words. They were all general things she would expect and she had no problem with any of them. His comment about the breaks seemed usual enough, and she followed his lead, standing up as he did. His next comment took her off guard and she paused as she was about to leave the office. She smiled, embarassedly, a slight blush creeping up her pale cheeks, before followng him out of the office.

Jace turned into the bar and began his usual preparations, setting up his alcohol so it was in reach. He worked through these things almost without looking, his hands moving quickly. When he finally looked up to see Evie standing there, blush crawling across her cheeks, he grinned "you thought I was serious?" He winked at her "only for staff back there...understand?" Another confident smile worked over his lips as his hands quickly made a few shots "here you go...don't let it go to your head now" he placed the shot in front of her and downed his own "nothing like a .46 Magnum to start a shift" he said with a wink.

Evie's blush slowly subsided and she picked up the glass, smiling. She swilled the liquid around for a moment before throwing it down her throat. She grimaced slightly, as one does when the scalding liquid of a shot hits your throat. "Only staff." She reiterated, lifting her glass at him and setting it back down on the bar.
RogerD said
Not sure yet, but Buffy did also die in season 5, so another must have been called.Weren't the charmed kids much more powerful IIRC? But yeah they're both combined into the same world, and hence why the Elders are the PTB in Angel & Buffy. Titans and the Gods are essentially the same as Hellgods. i hope that doesn't out you off?

No, the Charmed Ones were the most powerful, the kids weren't as powerful as they were. And alone, PJ is just an ordinary witch, so unless someone else wants to play a charmed kid, it doesn't really make a difference? But its okay, I'll make an ordinary witch.
RogerD said
I 'spose you could be sent back through time as an adult to help gather those required to help participate in the battle to stop the Senior Partners + and something else......

Oh so this isn'y just set in the world, but at the same time? I don't think it makes that much difference because not that much changed between the charmed ones and the kids taking over.
Thats fine, but would PJ be considered original? Only because she only appeared as a child in the final episode and a baby in the comics? Might be cool to have connections to the book of shadows?
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