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    1. StuartM 10 yrs ago


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Character Sheet for Student

Username: StuartM

Character Name: Marshall Scott.

Age: 16.

Gender: Male.


Personality: He has a very curious personality, always thriving to learn more. Marshall is a sociable person, but has grown to be a bit dark with his perception of things. He's not an attention seeker, but he does take credit for his accomplishments. He's proud, and trustworthy - though it doesn't take him long to get angry. He is good at making use of what he has. He can be aggressive, due to his father, and is known to lose it when someone makes a smart comment - negatively aimed at him. He's a fast learner with the desire to expand his knowledge. Over all, he is honest. When he does lie, it's for a good reason. He is cunning, usually confident.

House: Viserious.

Bio: Marshall was born to pure blood parents in the state of Louisiana. An only child, unloved by his father - but loved by his mother. The reason for this is Marshall wasn't planned, he was born an accident - a mistake. His mother was over joyed, but his father was angry, aggressive - upset. It didn't take long for Marshall's mother to realise that her husband didn't want the child. She wasn't giving him up for adoption - despite her husbands persuasive efforts. The thing is, he had an older brother. The golden child. He always did everything right, he was planned, and always made his family proud.

During his childhood, Marshall was never accepted by his father. His mother cared for him, but he was always living in his big brothers shadow no matter what. It wasn't just his dad, the whole family line disliked him - and never saw him as a member of the family, except his mother. He was not in a very poor family, not entirely rich either but they were well off - with over enough to raise their two kids. Marshall's brother was a bully to Marshall, but no one would intervene, no one cared. His mother would split them up when she could but she wasn't by his side 24/7.

He was raised in Louisiana, he was in the public and knew of magic - but was not exposed to it. They would rarely use it around Marshall. When at the age, even to his fathers detest, he went to The Salem Academy of Magical Arts. He was put in Viserious house, he had a hard time making friends, but he did over time. The teachers didn't like him much either - he wasn't his older brother. He was always the teachers favourite, a popular kid who passed his classes easily. He also was the sporty kind. Marshall always had a deep interest with spells. He'd read spell books repeatedly, constantly expanding his knowledge of spells.

Marshall loved flying. When he was in the sky, he had no problems. There was no family issues, no one to cause him problems or anything - he was free up there. Quidditch was always a big favourite of his, and it was something he wasn't that bad at. When he played, it was as a chaser. He loved the fast pace and the competition, but most of all he had fun playing it. As the years went on he made more friends, and his confidence grew. But he wasn't usually the way he should be. Years of being shunned by his father, and living in his brothers shadow took its toll on him mentally. He grew tired of being second all the time, and over time formed a darker personality. He's not a bad guy, or mentally disabled. He's just done with taking all the crap given to him. After years of bullying and neglection, he has been in a few fights. Both before, and after he went to the Academy. He has only been in two fistfights at the academy in which he lost both - he stood his ground and fought back though. He doesn't get bullied as much any more though, since he started being able to use his Wand to defend himself.

-Knowledge of spells.
-Defence against the Dark Arts.
-Care of magical creatures.
-Quidditch. (Specifically chaser.)

-"Don't give a damn" attitude.

-Defence Against the Dark Arts.
-History of Magic.
-Ancient Runes. (Elective.)
-Care of Magical Creatures. (Elective.)

Pet Owl Jerimah.

This RP makes me very excited! Love the whole concept. :-)
Love the concept of the RP, especially how it starts later into the apocalypse. Interesting!

Also the ideas for how everyone would meet were intriguing. I like the horde flushing the city forcing us to move etc.
I read the comics, and novels, play the games aswell as watch the TV show. Hordes can be in thousands so that idea is completely possible and would make sense also! :-)

I read someone asked if the apocalypse took place in the TV show universe or the comics universe yesterday, in the comic universe the Z word is commonly used. In the TV show it has strictly been written so it never appears. Apart from the Z word being used in the comic universe, there are very little differences as to the actual universal laws. Everyone is infected, bite kills you unless you can stop it spreading (like hacking of Hershel's leg), no known cure etc. :-)
So, what is, how did he put it, “the score 'n shit?”.” Conell spoke

Nallore's choice what happens with you now C.
If you mean after we reach my house then I have no quarrels. Where we go is up to you guys - but Luke's getting buried at mine and my Uncle is getting introducted at mine also, after that I really don't mind I have faith in you guys. Marshall ain't making decisions once Luke's in the ground. After that he isn't deciding where to go, what to do, who eats what etc. Once we've been to mine he's a follower. For a while atleast. He blames himself for Luke's death.
Touching post brother.

I think the plan is, once we're all done grieving a little, we'll press on to my house. Just under an hours drive, and with the gas siphoned we've got enough to get there. Then I think Nal wants us to head for the border.
It's all yours buddy.
A short time had passed. Marshall got up to his feet; wiping tears from his eyes. Hearing Sophia's words, he responded negatively, but with compassion. "Luke wouldn't want to put us in danger... Setting a fire would only attract them. We'll keep the body until we next stop - maybe at my house. I had a few tools in my shed. One of which is a shovel, we can use that, won't take long at all. Ain't no Walkers gonna dig him up, nor animals. He wouldn't want to put us in danger I'm sure - he was that kind of a guy - putting us before him. Besides, we could maybe stay at mine for a few days, last I remember there's food there, and we could rest up before moving on. Though, I think your ideas could be used in another matter. Two guys with me, one's a cop the others a bit on the temperamental side, I think. I'm not cremating Luke. I'm not putting us in danger - which is why you can decide what to do with these guys. I'm not gonna make the decision that could end up with one of them killing us. Besides, I think you're more equipped to deal with these guys. You've had to deal with fans at some point, right?"

"Neither are heavily supplied. They seem pretty straight up but y'know. I searched and frisked the guy in my pick up just there. Name's Conell. Packed with that SMG of his though. To be honest, I can connect to him a little bit - but hey, your call. He seems pretty all right to me though. The other guy - cop - don't remember his name or even if he gave us it. I think shooting my best friend in the head had a lot of thoughts flying through my mind... He's not that stocked up either though." Marshall said, telling her the score. "We can leave without them, leave them here - take them with us, whatever. I'm not taking part on this matter - your call completely. Not sure how much they have to offer, they certainly don't have much in the ways of food or anything. Pressure ain't easy. Your decision could cost lives..." He said, following that he walked up to the pick up.

"You're pardoned by the State of California, see that pretty girl with the blonde hair? Her name is Sophia. Go talk to her, she'll tell you the score 'n shit." Marshall said, talking to him through the opened window. He stepped back, opening the door for Conell to step out. Marshall walked around to the drivers seat, he leaned down and picked up the whiskey, taking the cap off, drinking a little, screwing it back on and walking to the cop car.

"Yo. Blonde girl over there. Go talk to her. She's friendly and she'll let you know the game plan and whatever." Marshall stated, wiping sweat off his head, and a tear off his cheek. On you go man." Marshall walked back to the pick up, and leaned on the back where Luke's corpse was situated - wrapped up. "I need you here man. I'm not - - I can't do this without your support man." Marshall said, talking to the dead body. "We're - we're heading for my old crib in a little while, remember?" He asked, as if he was going to get any sort of reply. "You'd like it there y'know... It's a nice set up. Don't worry man, when we bury you, we'll have a real nice ceremony and everything... It'll be just like modern ones, burial, people say a few things, everybody throws a bit of dirt on or whatever. It'll be nice. Natural. We all miss you man. Ash is in good hands with those girls. Maybe she'll say some words when your being put 6ft deep... She'll make you proud in this world now. Just gotta get to my house, bury you, rest up then move on." Marshall said, as he jumped up into the back of the pick up, and just sat there next to his best friends dead body, drinking the whiskey - trying to accept the fact he was never going to see Luke again.

"I'm sorry I failed you."
Okay then I'm off!
Name: Shawn Taggart

Age: 27

Nationality: American.

Occupation (pre-outbreak): Assistant in the local hardware store.

Apperance : White t-shirt, blood stained, brown cargo pants, walking boots, black jacket if cold, belt with holster, 6"1 tall.

Personality: After all this time in the apocalypse - he's not the most trusting. Shawn understands that the more people you have the better chance of survival you have. He's currently on his own though, the people he was with didn't make it. He's on his own again. Prior to Hell on Earth, Shawn was caring, compassionate, trusting. Now though, he cares for not as much. He's still human though. His only fears, are death, other people - and Walkers.

History: Born and raised in Houma, LA, Shawn was born to Amy and George Taggart. It was there he grew up, attending school and getting his first job in a small resteraunt. After a few years and a few different jobs - Shawn got a job in the local hardware store. Assistant behind the desk and customer services. Sadly, when Shawn turned 24 his mother and father died in a fatal car crash. It broke his heart - but with the support from his then-girlfriend Nicole, he healed. He was 27 now, working in the same God forsaken store for over three years now. Getting a new workplace hadn't been the easiest thing around - every time he applied and interviewed for a new job - he was turned down.

The world fell. It was no longer about jobs, money or anything. It was about food, water - Nicole. At 4 months in she realised she was pregnant - and when she revealed it to the group -including Shawn- everyone was shocked, emotional. Common questions arose Are you going to keep it? How will we survive with a baby on our hands? and so on. 12 months in now. Their numbers were lower and lower. The pain of loss never went away - room was just made for it. Until the place they were held up was overrun - - Shawn was the only one to make it out alive, because the dead were too busy eating his loved ones - his friends, his wife... His unborn child.

Months have passed since, and Shawn is struggling to find hope - a reason to keep going on. At present date he is held up in a bar - low on food and water, plenty of alcohol to be fair though. He led that group - and they died. He doesn't make many decisions for any more. He can defend himself, others if need be. He's a survivor. He has no problem being there and helping people - but he doesn't lead. He puts his faith in others now-a-days.

Useful Skills: A good shot, not afraid to get in close with his hatchet. He can handle Walkers - it's always been other survivors that caused problem.

-.44 Smith & Wesson Model 629, 6" barrel.
- 1 Hatchet.
- 1 pocket knife.
- 1 can of beans.
- 2 bottles of water, one half full.
- 1 backpack.
- A dozen rounds or so of .44 ammo.
- 1 Stale candy bar.
- 1 toothbrush. (No toothpaste though.)
- A picture of his ex wife.

Other: Shawn has been forced to make decisions - not easily made. The world has took its toll on him greatly. Easily said he's much different to the man he was before all this. He doesn't find it easy to trust people - but understands safety in numbers.

PS Sorry this might seem a bit quick. I've got some stuff that I'm doing currently - but really wanted to get this up" I'll make any changes if need be, thanks. :-)
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