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    1. Sumable 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Too busy watching Vinesauce to post
9 yrs ago
I feel like one of my friend's minds has now exploded because I changed a seemingly easy choice into a difficult choice.
9 yrs ago
i've learned about half of 'Running Hell' from Cavestory on the piano.
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9 yrs ago
There you cann't see the Duanye over the ocean?
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In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Name: Alphys
Monster Type: Lizard
Gender: Female
Occupation: Scientist
Weapon?: Ray gun of science! (+20 ATK, prone to missing, though)
Armor?: Alphys' Glasses (+5 DEF, improves accuracy)
Magic: None
Personality: Nerdy, awkward, and a bit of a loner unless it comes to her friends.
Bio: Alphys was hired as the royal scientist for the Underground a long time after the previous one died due to mysterious circumstances... She was assigned the task of finding out what makes human's souls last for so long, and fusing it with monster's. After using some of the old scientist's schematics, she made a device and used it to find out what was inside of a human soul and made the hypothesis that a mysterious element called determination made it possible for their soul to stay intact after death.
Elated and excited to get to work, Alphys took in the bodies of near-dead monsters, and fused them with determination... the results of the experiment were horrific, however, resulting in terrifying amalgamations of all the test subjects. They bonded together and became hostile... Alphys could not let them be found. She'd be executed, or at the very least, hated by everyone. She nurtured for the amalgamates and just ignored all the mail from the families and from Asgore... other than, of course, the one where Asgore found a tea cup in the shape of Alphys. She never let anyone find out about the amalgamates and lived with the ever-increasing guilt.
After the experiment was called off, she didn't have much to do and did two things: watched hundreds of hours of anime, and built her only successful creation that brought anyone joy; Mettaton. By combining the soul of Napstablook's cousin and a metal body, Alphys constructed Mettaton; a dazzling game show host and resort owner, with every product in the underground having to do with him in some shape or form. This was her magnum opus, but it soon seemed to backfire as Mettaton got more and more popular, and slowly began to stop talking to her unless she made the call at the right time. This made Alphys a bit of a recluse, and she felt like the garbage dump was where she belonged... she was hanging there one day, when she met the love of her life. Undyne.
"Undyne; the strongest fish in the world! What a character!" Alphys thought to herself quite often. She was never really able to muster up the courage to tell Undyne of her feelings. She would always shy away and try to change the subject any time she'd ask because she was afraid that Undyne would think that she's weird.
One day, out of the ruins came a human. Alphys expected this, actually... she had cameras set up in every town and in every bush and tree and cave so that she could spy on Frisk. She grew attached and felt like she wouldn't be able to kill Frisk, not because of her wimpy arms or anything, but because of her feelings. And her wimpy arms. She instead planned out something elaborate, where Mettaton would seemingly trap Frisk, but then Alphys would swoop in and save the day! But after the final step in her plan, she felt remorse over her deception. She had one last goodbye with Frisk, and ran back to her lab, locking it all the way up and disabling any forms of communication.
After a while, though, Frisk came back with a love letter from Undyne and Alphys mistook it for Frisk's letter, going on a date with him instead. They did a quick roleplay in the garbage dump and Alphys began to lose control as she sometimes does, and unfortunately got caught by Undyne. After a moment of awkwardness, Alphys freaked out a little bit again while telling Undyne of her love. Undyne, lovingly, threw her through a hoop and into a trash can and made her run a bunch of laps with Papyrus. She left early, though, and went back to the lab to confront her fears, and with the help of Frisk, released the Amalgamates and proceeded to go above ground. Undyne and Alphys lived together from that point, and now, knowing that Frisk is lost, is determined to do whatever it takes to see her friend again!
Appearance: Alphys is a short, plump yellow lizard with a constant slouch and insecure stance. She wears a lab coat and glasses, and on special occasions, a polka-dot dress.
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Do you guys mind if I drop Seth? I feel as if he's a little useless at this point, plus, I could take Alphys.
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Sans peered at the entrance of the ruins, curious as to what could be speaking. It would be best to wait for the others, though. He heard a chorus of NYEH HEH HEHs down the pit, and watched as his brother landed perfectly. Nonchalantly, Sans muttered "Nice job, pap. That was pretty cool," and looked back at the entrance to the ruins. He began to walk towards them, and realized that it would be much quieter and safer if he just teleported... but people were just talkin', right? How big of a fuss would they get in if someone happened to walk at them? Sans pondered these questions as he walked, and looked into the ruins' doors...
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I see. Thanks much! I'll try to get a post up later today.
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hallo! I think I might be back in business for a little bit. What major events have happened so far?
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hm... Considering I cannot find the time to make a post let alone another character it is silly that I'd try to think of another character. Also considering the limitations as well. I guess that's how I am, though; i enjoy 'making' characters.

I believe I'll be able to begin posting again in January.
In Overtale 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I like the idea more that Gaster was not actually the 'father' of the skelebros. I think in my app I referenced my preference that Sans, because he has many jobs, could have worked with the Royal Scientist, and that Alphys also helped until Gaster fell into the core and 'died'. And Papyrus was just busy being a sentry/making puzzles/trying to solve junior word scrambles. But that's just my preference, G.A. Haruki's word is final when it comes to this rp.
In Overtale 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I've always thought Chara was a girl and Frisk was a boy.
In Overtale 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
... i wont be able to post for the next month or so. personal issues and family monetary issues, plus other family stuff is going on.
In Overtale 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I looked around, seeing the forest clearing and Frisk's sister, whatshername. I felt my bones rattle a tiny bit as I looked at the temmie running away... "She ran off like the devil was after her!" I said as I looked. "Maybe he was." I then looked at the rest of the group, but soon heard a loud, familiar voice. I turned around towards Papyrus, and saw he had Flowey with him. "What 'sup?" I asked my brother as I leaned against a tree and stared at Mettaton's damaged body. I would have gone over to help, but I thought that the others had it. "Frisk's AWOL, Pap," I said when he asked about Frisk. "Maybe he went back down to the underground. Dunno why he would, I mean, that fall's quite a long way. If he liked falling, he'd go skydiving, though."
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