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Name: Takeshi Maetaka

Gender: Male

Year: 4

Bio: Takeshi was born into a rather wealthy family ("rather wealthy" meaning they owned a private mansion on a private island, and each of his aunts and uncles as well as his father own their own businesses), though, aside from wearing suits more often than not, he does not regularly act like it. Said family is despised and feared in the business world, mainly due to the ruthless tactics of the family head, Takeshi's grandfather. Shortly after his mother's untimely death, Takeshi went to move in with his maternal grandparents until very recently when he moved back in with his father, step-mother, and younger half-sister, Kanade. He began attending this school in his third year and promptly joined the student council, of which he was recently elected Vice President. After learning his President ran an unofficial Occult Club, he decided to join that as well in an effort to prove everything they saw as truly occult wrong. He has since made friends with both of the Branfords.

Personality: Although stubborn and hotheaded with the habit of flirting with young women, Takeshi is a very compassionate young man. However, he is also very emotional which is both his greatest strength and weakness (for example, if his family was killed off one-by-one by a witch for an unknown but important reason, he'd focus extremely hard on proving it was, in fact, not a witch but would lose sight of said important reason). Takeshi also has a perpetual fear of 'shaky' transportation, thinking he might fall out. He has also been shown to be intuitive and intelligent at certain situations, as he uses his step mother's "flip the chessboard" mindset to predict his enemies' thoughts based on the situation at hand. Though he doesn't look like it, Takeshi also enjoys reading, mostly mystery, which explains his extensive knowledge on the subject.

Hobbies: Reading (loooots of reading), Debate, Law, Puzzle Games, ogling the ladies

Talents: Speed-reading while retaining details, Rhetoric, Logic, Puzzle Solving, flirting with the ladies

Advanced English
Advanced History
Criminal Justice
Study Hall
[Keiichi Maebara, Group A, Infirmary, Second floor main building]

Keiichi sputtered and spat, coughed and hacked as he massaged his throat. "Gurgle gurgle gurgle" indeed. That woman could choke. Anyway, what exactly was going on?

First off, he was wrong. He was apparently with Shion rather than Mion. That was a shame, but nothing too major.

Second, he ought not scare people apparently. Now that's just wrong.

Third, he needed to get towels or water or something to put out a fire they were apparently about to light on a giant hair monster that seemed to be sucking the life out of someone he'd never seen before.

Fourth, did Rika ever teach him to dispel spirits? It was possible, but he didn't seem to remember.


'Giant hair monster that seemed to be sucking the life out of someone I've never seen before? What the hell is going on?'

It was at that moment that Keiichi realized exactly why Shion had asked him if Rika had ever taught him to dispel spirits. Err. Errrrrr. "W-well, shrine maidens wear red hakama and I think the color red may have to do with it, maybe. I think I read that somewhere. Oh, and there's always salt! That works, I think. Throwing salt on them. Talismans, too, but I wouldn't know what to write on one...Where's Rika when you need her?"

Keiichi gulped. He still had no idea what the hell was going on. Wait, what about salt-water? That's both the salt to drive off the demon, and the water to put out the fire. And wasn't it saltwater that they used to clean off that stink spirit in that one movie? Or was it something else? No wait, that didn't come out until 2001. How'd Keiichi know about it? Either way, that's off-topic. What mattered now was his ingenious saltwater plan.

No, wait.

That was a dumb idea.

And he still had no idea what the hell was going on.

"Oh and by the way, Shion, what the hell is going on?"
[Keiichi Maebara, Group A, Closet in the Infirmary, Second floor main building]

There are three signs that signal the approach of the Head-Crashing Basher.
First, the lights will flicker on and off.
Next, the phone will ring and there will be nobody there.
And finally, the Head-Crashing Basher arrives in the ghost of the bus that ran him over.
Then he exits the bus and crosses the street without looking both ways...because he's already dead!
Then he taps on the window with his bloody, baseball bat-hand...
He opens the door...
The closet door creaked open just a tad. He slowly approaches the counter...

"And theeeen...heeee...GETS YA!"

Keiichi Maebara leaped out of the closet in which he'd been hiding and grabbed Mion Sonozaki's shoulders, attempting to spook her in the process. Hopefully she wouldn't retaliate too hard.

Before he jumped out of the closet in a cheap trick, Keiichi had, of course, entered the closet. He had awoken in this room before Mion had, and had ended up deciding to hide in the closet until she woke up. Keiichi was a tricky bastard like that. Anyway, sometime in between his entering the closet and Mion's awakening, he had fallen asleep. It was a miracle that no one had opened the closet to find him there. Eventually, he had reawoken upon hearing muffled voices beyond the door of the closet. People had entered the room, meaning Mion was probably awake. It was then that he decided his ambush was better late than never and had flown through the door.

"Yo, Mion. Make some new friends?" The young man grinned, assuming the well-endowed, green-haired maiden was his close friend, rather than the twin sister of his close friend(who also happened to be a close friend).
"I'm sorry for everything.
Even though I made all that drama to declare we'd be able to overturn fate,
In the end, I'm the one retiring first."

-Keiichi Maebara, shortly before taking a bullet to the chest and dying

Name: Keiichi Maebara

Age: 16

Gender: Male

From: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

Personality: Keiichi is a kind, if somewhat rude on occasion, young man. He appears to be some sort of chivalrous pervert, greatly enjoying the sight of the female body, while at the same time respecting his eye candy's dignity. It is likely, however, that his perverseness is merely a ruse to screw with his friends. No one is entirely sure. Speaking of friends, he values said friends above all else (possibly due to the lack of having any for most of his life) and would stop at nothing to protect them. Nothing. Not even murder. In fact, murder seems to be a common solution.
However, Keiichi has another side to his personality. Deep down, he is incredibly paranoid. Under stressful conditions and harsh emotional situations, his paranoia is likely to reveal itself as a great distrust in everyone around him, the belief that something is always following him, and acts of intense violence (usually involving baseball bats and the loss of human life).
Also, he doesn't like needles. Not one bit. He does like Mion, though. Quite a bit, not that he'd ever let it show.

Bio: Before moving to Hinamizawa, Keiichi was struggling with his grades in a cram school in Tokyo. An intelligence test, however, showed that he was very smart, but if a question didn't make logical sense, as in "Why should one do that?", he wouldn't find it interesting, and thus would not answer the question very well. After the intelligence test, he was transferred to another, more gifted school, where his grades improved rapidly. He was soon the best in class in every subject, but that resulted in lack of social strength. Keiichi was bullied by his jealous classmates, but he could easily take it as there was only one thing that mattered to him—the praise from his teachers, and, more importantly, his parents, and he was given allowance raises as a reward. However, as Keiichi started to find school too easy and boring and his high grades became "expected", he felt like getting involved in something "more exciting" and decided to buy an airsoft gun with his extra allowance. With it, he began shooting at smaller children as they walked home from school.
Keiichi was never connected to the shootings, due to his clever ways of hiding and sneaking, but his actions did not go unnoticed, and parents were asked to never let their children go home alone. One day, however, a young girl was on her own, and Keiichi found her a too easy a target to resist. The girl turned around before he managed to shoot and she was hit in the eye. Her pained screams seemed to register with Keiichi, as he froze in horror. He wanted to help her, but couldn't do so without revealing himself and thus ran away. Keiichi, in the end, confessed to being the shooter to his parents one morning. His parents were greatly upset, but they also felt guilty for not hearing their son's "cry for help". For the sake of a new start, Keiichi's parents paid his bail and moved to a quiet town, Hinamizawa. There, he met and befriended a group of people, including Mion and Shion Sonozaki, the former of whom he had a thing for.

Despite his appearance and personality, Keiichi is in actuality a highly intelligent person with a genius-level IQ.
He's good at hitting things with blunt object. Very good.
He's a pretty good shot with a ranged weapon, too.
He gets a +5 modifier to all dice rolls when protecting a friend.

Other: He can rap. Kind of. Also, Group A please~?
Relying on instincts? Of course, all humans did such. Both he and every opponent he faced did so on a regular basis. It was common sense; reacting to a a threatening action is on instinct more often than not and that was normal. 2fast was correct: being human sucked. You couldn't get around your instincts, but being able to use them to your advantage was a good thing. (Though the way she talked about humans as if she wasn't one was fairly suspicious, Daigo didn't give it very much thought as it was similar to his own philosophy, being a Savior and all.)

However, in this situation Kaguya's claims fell on unstable ears. Relying on instincts? How dare she accuse such a prolific gamer as The_Fiend of being no more than a filthy animal. Daigo seethed with suppressed rage. He refused to believe she had beaten him in any way other than cheating. And so, he decided to challenge her to a game where only the dealer could cheat.

The Fiend reached into a pocket on his bag and procured a deck of 52 cards. He shuffled them in a way to make sure it was clear he was not cheating before placing the newly-shuffled cards onto the tray table and simply proclaiming "Blackjack."

He dealt his opponent two cards, the first face-down and the second face-up as were the rules in Blackjack. Kaguya's face-up card was the Queen of Hearts. Then he did the same to himself. His face-up card? The King of Hearts. He picked up his face-down card. The Five of Diamonds. He thought over the probabilities in his head.

If he were to draw a card greater than 6, he would bust. To get a perfect 21, he would need a 6. Currently, in the deck, there were 48 cards. Ignoring his opponent's face-down card, he could calculate the remaining cards as if there were 49. Out of the 49 cards that remained, there were 14 valuing 10, and another 12 that would raise his current value above 21 resulting in a bust. All in all, that was 26/49 or about 53%. There were 4 cards remaining that could give him a perfect 21; 4/49 or about 8%. That left 19 which would leave him below the 21 threshold or about 39%.

There was over a 50% chance of him busting. Those were not good odds. However, when faced with the fact that there was over a 50% chance that his opponent had achieved a value over his 15 (4 aces + 30 (the amount of cards valuing over 5 that remained in the deck) left her with about a 69% chance), a 53% chance of failure was much lower than a 69% chance. And so, he chose to draw another card.

As he reached to the deck he found himself praying to the god of chance that he would neither bust nor receive too low a number to make a difference. Daigo caught himself doing this and mentally criticized himself for it before picking up the card and taking a look...
"No, I'm not happy now."

Daigo's loss was still bothering him. There was no way such a basic baiting tactic could've ended his streak of over 10 years. It' just wasn't possible. Either 2fast was leagues above any other player that existed or she cheated. The first was unlikely, seeing as how Daigo himself already fit that bill; there was no way someone was that much better than he was. The only way she could have won would have been cheating. That or being a god, and we've already establish there's no such thing as gods.


Moments prior to speaking, Daigo had come to the conclusion of Kaguya's godhood. But in that short time, he'd once again convinced himself how absurd that was. Despite that, however, his mind kept on returning to that conclusion. Only a god could defeat Daigo Uzuki. Only a god could defeat The_Fiend. There was no other way he could have lost. There was no other way. No other way. He was sure of it.

The Fiend crawled over his new rival to reach his window seat which just so happened to be next to her. This was an opportunity for him: he'd be able to continue getting information out of her. Hopefully, he'd be able to figure out how she really beat him. Surely she wasn't a god. Maybe she was. But she probably wasn't. Or maybe...

Not worth worrying about right now. What mattered now was how a human could bet Daigo. Not a god.

"Explain to me how all you needed to do was analyze my movements and you were suddenly able to figure out exactly what I was going to do. I have a method of changing things up precisely so that strategy doesn't work on me. The fact that you've beaten me at all proves you cheated. I'm sure of it."
Daigo ignored the majority of what was being said on the various televisions. It was news or something, but that didn't matter. It was all Greek to him(both literally and figuratively). The young man only knew Japanese and some rudimentary English. It wasn't his fault he had no idea what the newscasters were going on about. There wasn't a single place in Japan(that he knew of) that actually taught Greek. And even if he knew a place that did, it wasn't like he was going to go out of his way to learn it. There were no such things as games made in Greece, after all.

Anyway. Back on topic. Greek newscasters shouting something about "spartoi" or something had nothing to do with Daigo at the moment. Probably.


The_Fiend felt somewhat insulted by 2fast's lack of reply other than shouting "rape" before he even had a chance to act. It was pretty rude of her, all things considered. You don't just ignore The Fiend. That's not cool. Not cool at all.

However, Kaguya did not ignore Daigo's inquiry of how she beat him. It may not have been noticeable if the two were not speaking so closely to one another (due to the young man's rather aggressive manner of initiating conversation) unless the inquirer had been focusing closely on the inquired's facial reactions. The only response she had given was a brief smile.

That was, of course, ignoring the two slaps. The two slaps were definitely a reaction. The first was probably to demonstrate her romantic interest in him. The second was probably in case he didn't get it the first time. After all, if the hefty amounts of dating sims he played were to be believed, the girl was just being a tsundere. If Daigo were any other man, he would feel flattered by Kaguya's public displays of affection. But Daigo was not was not any other man. Daigo was The Fiend. He chose to ignore 2fast's advances, seeing as how he was already married.

To video games, that is.

Video games and his waifu(Seri Kawakuji from the Jin Megumi Tensai spinoff, Mask 4).

Back on track, the only meaningful reaction noticed by Daigo was the smile. To him, this reaction was extremely important. If the hefty amounts of dating sims he played were to be believed, the reaction of a simple smile was sometimes the most important reaction to look out for. Usually, it meant they character was hiding a secret.

And what was the smile a reaction to?
"Only a god could beat The_Fiend. And don't tell me you're a god, they don't exist."

Ah, yes. That was it. He inadvertently accused her of being a god. The smile probably meant she was indeed one(or at least, that's the conclusion Daigo's currently unstable mind's logic led him to).

And it made perfect sense. That was how she was able to end The Fiend's winning streak. He stood with a blank expression for a few moments before finally deciding it would be a good idea to board his plane, so he did so. Once on the boarding dock, he looked at his boarding pass for his seat number; A1. The first seat, a first class window seat. How perfect for such a champion.

Daigo also figured he may as well follow Kaguya and continue to interrogate her, seeing as how they happened to be on the same plane. "I've never met anyone with a reaction time like yours. It's like you know what I'm going to do a full 180 frames before I do it. How'd you get that good at predicting people?"
Daigo Uzuki stared at the screen. 'You are winner! Perfect game!' it said. He was used to seeing these words. After all, he'd see them every time he played this game. And he played it quite often, seeing as how it was his favorite game and all. However, this time something was different. Something was definitely off, and The Fiend couldn't quite put his finger on it.

And then he realized.

The thing that was "off?" It was the simple fact that he was not the winner of this game. It was his opponent. The God of 2D Fighting Games(as his fans had christened him) had been defeated. Over 10 years of nothing but Perfect Victories and getting first place in every tournament he'd ever played in, be it sanctioned such as this one or simply a series of challenges in the local arcade. Daigo Uzuki had finally lost.

The young man had heard of his opponent before. How could he not have? 2fast2furious4u was somewhat of a household name among pro gamers as well as the average game-playing internet user. Of course, The Fiend was just as famous. Daigo was excited to finally play a game against Kaguya. Surprisingly, they'd never participated in the same tournament until now. He was looking forward to beating her. He had no doubt in his mind that the outcome would simply be yet another perfect game in his favor. After all, he never lost. The Fiend was unbeatable. The keyword in that statement being "was."

And Daigo did not understand.

The concept of failure was an entirely new thing to him. The last time he'd lost a game of anything was before he even really knew the difference between winning and losing. Thus, he'd never felt this feeling before. And it was painful. His mind still had not even begun to process how a loss on his end was possible. In his mind, there was not a single human alive who could defeat him. In his mind, he was a messiah among gamers, one who would lead the casual -Lambs- to the Eden of competitive play. In his mind, only a god could possibly beat him.

Daigo snapped out of his daze and blinked a few times. He could no longer see the screen in front of him. Looking around, the young gamer realized he was surrounded by fans(of both himself and the one who had beaten him) and interviewers. Dropping his usual nice-guy celebrity facade for what was likely the first time in public, he shouldered most of them off with a simple "I need to catch my flight to my Beijing tournament," and shoved his way through the crowd and out of the building.

Once on the street he ran in the direction of the airport. He wasn't in danger of missing his flight, no, he had plenty of time. But that wasn't the reason he was running.

The instant his opponent came into his field of view, he burst into a sprint before collapsing into a slow walk, hands on his knees and gasping for breath. Daigo was a professional gamer, not a professional athlete. He didn't have the time to exercise, so he got winded easily. Give him a break.

After catching his breath, the young man quickened his pace to catch up with the girl. Once close enough, he grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face him. "How'd you beat me?" he demanded. "Only a god could beat The_Fiend. And don't tell me you're a god, they don't exist."

Though he said "[gods] don't exit," Daigo was unsure of himself. He couldn't be sure of anything at this point. His entire world outlook had just been shattered by this girl. In his current state of mind, it was likely he actually would believe something as absurd as her being a god.
I made them in advance because I knew you'd say yes because you love me~

Name: Daigo "The Fiend" Uzuki [Screenname: "The_Fiend" (before fame: "pandalord88")]

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Daigo is a seemingly friendly young man at first glance. He regularly converses with fans when given the opportunity and will accept a challenge from any of them(though such a chance does not often happen as when not participating in a tournament or playing in an arcade, he often holes himself in his home playing online games). However, underneath this nice-guy, near shut-in facade, Daigo is an immensely arrogant human being. He has also been described by psychiatric professionals as a megalomaniac with a borderline Messianic complex. He believes his gaming ability to rival that of whatever gods may or may not exist, and not without reason, having not lost a game in over 10 years and not a single time in his gaming career. In short, he's an amazing gamer who has a few screws loose.

History: Legend has it, Daigo was born with a controller in his hands. He was born into a rather average family; his father was a game designer, and his mother a former casino dealer from America. As such, he was exposed to games and gaming of all kinds and quickly began to show his skill, his inherent talent for playing games. As he grew, he also grew in skill and eventually began to visit arcades on a regular basis. It was there that he discovered his love for fighting games. After thoroughly trouncing everyone else in the building, he would return home to play MMOs. Eventually, he discovered his passion and favorite game, FreezeRed. Since his discovery of the game, he has never had less than a perfect win. As such, he became famous among the gaming community and people began to call him "The Fiend," prompting the change of his screenname from pandalord88 to, fittingly, The_Fiend. It is rare to meet an avid gamer who does not know of The Fiend, whether they accuse him of cheating his way to the top or idolize him as a gamer god. Currently, he has entered a FreezeRed tournament in Greece using his main, Magna the Floodedge.

God They Serve: Kaguya Nakamura, God of Falsehoods, Luck, and Chance

Abilities: Really good at games. Like. Super really good at games. All kinds of games. Video games. Card games. Games of chance. Out of all games, however, his favorite type is Fighting Games.

Equipment: His personal controller(some accuse him of illegally modifying it; he did not), a full deck of un-tampered with cards, a personally selected collection of R-18 doujin, a carrying case devoted to his portable game collection, a Plane tablet with a modded Doors 8 OS, a Quasar S5 smartphone, a Dontenin 3BS handheld gaming platform, a Dontenin Gamechild Boost handheld gaming platform, a Dady PF Zoi handheld gaming platform, a Dady PFP 3k handheld gaming platform, and a Doors 8.2 gaming laptop with top-of-the-line specs.
Sakaki~, can I make a hero for your god~?
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