Avatar of SuperNova9000
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 58 (0.02 / day)
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    1. SuperNova9000 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Sometimes when I think about how I used to RP years ago it make me glad the guild lost my old stuff, shhhh don't tell Mahz!
7 yrs ago
My fellow guildmates I have returned finally!
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I'm a queer English trans lady and I'm also a Guild veteran from way before guildfall (if anyone still remembers that terrible day). I've just come back from a long hiatus and just looking to enjoy myself and make some cool stories together

Most Recent Posts

Hello friends, I saw the interest check was open so I took a peak since overlord is a favourite of mine and I was thinking I'd like to join the group if that's acceptable. The story hasn't gone too far so catching up won't be an issue.
Sorry I've been absent for a little while we had loads of consecutive shoots, plus being a mum is just a lot of work sometimes lol

Her phone seemed to ring for an eternity, although in truth it was just a few seconds. Ana was doubtful that her father would pick up, expecting to be greeted by voicemail. The distinct beep of a connected call meant he had actually picked up. She had thought to leave a message. He was a corporate CEO and one of the most powerful men in Morvai. She felt so small compared to him, even with all her fame and fortune she was still just a celebrity. She couldn't make real change like her father. He could move the world if he had a mind to. She tried to speak but found no words. Her father's voice was deep and commanding even as he opened with a perfectly friendly tone.

โ€œHello, Anastasia. How have you been?โ€

โ€œH-hey Daddyโ€ฆโ€ She had always called him daddy even on live talk shows. โ€œIt's been a while. I've been um... busy... but I'm okay. How's business?โ€

โ€œGoes for the both of us thenโ€ฆ being busy, I mean.โ€ He then let out a small laugh, rather rare for him but he typically let himself loose when speaking with people close to him. โ€œWeโ€™ve encountered some problems, but nothing too big.โ€

Typically, he didnโ€™t want to speak about business when talking with his daughter, but it is what she wished to talk about. Suffice to say, Klaus was unbelievably unaware of his daughterโ€™s nervousness in her speech despite priding himself to be able to spot these kinds of things. He then took out a cigarette and headed outside.

โ€œAnyhow, I was thinking of visiting your motherโ€™s grave later. Hopefully, you havenโ€™t forgotten why.โ€ His tone was joking, but he really did hope that she hasnโ€™t forgotten her own motherโ€™s birthday.

โ€œToday's her birthdayโ€ฆ I think she'd like that you still take time off for her.โ€

The phone sat lazily on her lap, she wanted to ask him to join her for lunch. They hadn't spent any time together at all lately. She often found herself wanting to spend more time with him. A girl needs her father and Ana, despite being a young adult now, still needed hers.

โ€œI would think that she would want for you to take a break as well, hm?โ€

He paused again. He looked over to Leila who seemed to be gesturing something at him. That was when he realized that someone was at his door. Klaus motioned for her to tell whoever it was that he wasnโ€™t at home and that he was busy. Leila nodded and then left for the door.

โ€œAnyway, do you want to come with me? We couldโ€ฆ hm, perhaps we can get some lunch after weโ€™ve visited your mother.โ€

โ€œOF COUR-ah um yeah Iโ€ฆ thatโ€ฆ sounds great. I can be there in fifteen minutes.โ€

It was exactly what she wanted to hear. It occurred to her that paparazzi might be prowling at this time of day but she was still excited to see her father for the first time in a long time.

โ€œIโ€™ll get dressed!โ€

โ€œLooking forward to it.โ€

He was rather surprised at her eagerness to do so, but it didnโ€™t bother him. Spending some quality time with his daughter might be a good thing for him. Considering how most of his real interactions were with Leila and Jared, which says a lot.
With that, he stood up and prepared himself to get out.

"See you soon!" Ana ended the call and immediately jumped off the sofa, dropping her phone off her lap in the process. It made a soft thud on the carpet as she sprinted up the stairs to her room "Heading out Lin, see ya!" a barely audible confirmation is all she could make out as she entered her wardrobe. The wardrobe itself was about half the size of her considerable bedroom. It's sections had been meticulously organized for every occasion from formal attire to lingerie, each section was further organized into tops, bottoms, shoes, and accessories, arranged by colour. It was a worthy wardrobe for a fashionista such as herself.

She poured through her selections at lightning speed until she found a perfect summer ensemble, an off the shoulder half sleeve top in yellow with a flower print, denim shorts, some simple sandal wedges, and a mid brim sun hat. She collected a purse to match and headed down stairs again to collect her things and head out.

The soft cushion of the mattress is tempting, perhaps she could just lie down for a while and no one would notice? She could feel a heat rising around her as a sense of urgency kicked in. Suddenly, her eyes are wide open. The once quiet setting of the apartment was suddenly engulfed in flames! She jumps out of bed, covering her mouth instinctively, and runs to a panel on the wall. She frantically hammers the touch screen. "Fire suppression was remotely disabled, shit!" She takes a moment to look around, searching for answers in the chaos. She runs to the door but stops short. The front door stands closed as if in defiance. Her face contorts in exasperation as the fires consume the world around her. She tries the door panel but it's black, as dead as she'll be soon if she doesn't get out soon. "Oh, for fuck's sake..." She reaches under a table close by, retrieves a pistol, cocks the slide back, and puts two rounds in the panel by the door in a smooth motion. The door panel shorts and sparks loudly as the door itself hisses to life. Finally, she escapes. She presses against a space behind her ear as she briskly jogs down the hall away from the disaster. "Badou, pull the surveillance from my building, I want network records access too, and get down here with a car."

"AND CUT! Great job everyone, that's a wrap for today lets set up for tomorrow and get the hell outta here. Ana, you're amazing..." The director, a man in his late thirties named Arthur Williams, continues dishing out orders to the crew as Ana exits the set.

The holographic flames flicker off and Ana walks over to make-up as the MUAs flutter around her getting rid of the pounds of foundation and fake soot from the fake fire. "Linda?" A young woman briskly walks over from across the set and stands in view of the vanity so Ana knows she's there. "What's up Ana?" Linda replies, face buried in a tablet about twice the size of your average smartphone. "Can you call a car so it's ready when this is done?" Ana motions with her arms at her face with what little range is permitted when two make up artists are scrubbing you down. Linda gives a barely audible 'mhmm' and makes a few motions at her tablet, efficiently performing her tasks as always. "Going home, right?" Linda asks without looking up from her tablet. "Yeah I think so..." Ana pauses as an MUA removes her lipstick. "It's so hot today I might go for a swim too."

Once the MUAs had finished removing the glam she was back to her normal self, which frankly, was still a sight to see. She returned her white tank top and panties to the costume designer and donned a flowing sky blue summer dress, a pair of sandal wedges, a wide brim sun hat, her purse for the day, and the traditional 'I'm a super famous actress but please don't notice me right now' oversize black shades. A fairly typical outfit for someone her age in Eden. By the time she had finished the car had arrived to take her home. Linda lived in the same penthouse with Ana, because Ana didn't like to live alone, so they shared the ride. Once again she left behind the lights, cameras, green rooms, and voice-over booths of the industry. The rather large complex of TV and movie studios was intimidating at first, now that she was a star it was even more so. There were more eyes on her than almost anyone in Morvai and the pressure was an ever-present weight on her shoulders.

The car itself was rather simple yet luxurious, the ride was mostly quiet as both of them were decompressing from the day. Ana was leaning on Linda's shoulder staring at her phone with the contact list open. She was focusing on a single name Klaus Devin Jarsdel. Linda glances over for a moment. "Just call him." Ana makes a cute moan and rubs her face into Linda's shoulder. "What am I supposed to say!" Linda rolls her eyes. "Have you considered hello?" Ana let's out another cute moan. "Then what? We haven't had a real conversation in over a year! Besides, he's probably in a business meeting or something..."

Linda is more distracted then usual so Ana gives her a inquisitive nudge. "Look at this-" Linda presents her ever-present tablet to Ana with a broadcast playing from MorCo. "-some terrorists thought it was a good idea to set things on fire today, I wish they would do peaceful protests or something instead of destroying people's homes. What do they think this will get them?" Linda's face was one of disgust. "Maybe it's like in season two when the cyber-terrorist group, Black Cell, uses hacked maid androids to kidnap a dignitary?" Linda looks baffled. "What?" Ana let's out a hardy laugh. "You don't watch my shows at all!" Linda get's flush."Of course I do! I just haven't gotten around to watching season two yet.... or season one." Ana reaches into her purse for a vape pen, takes a drag, and blows it in Linda's face. Linda pretends to be disgusted but it's actually quite a sweet scent. "Anyway, in the show Black Cell uses the kidnapping to divert government resources away from the actual objective of diving into the treasury funds and stealing bank information from the whole country." Linda gives an inquisitve look. "You think the fires are a distraction?" Ana takes another drag of sweet honey-scented vapor. "I dunno, maybe? I mean terrorists are generally upset with the people in power right? So why attack civilian locations?"

"Who can say..."The car pulls up to the curb of their building, a towering spire of glass and luxury, and the door is opened by an attendant waiting for them. Ana hops out enthusiastically and smiles in passing at the young man standing in the hot sun dressed in a suit, sans jacket. Linda follows closely behind as they walk through the enormous lobby. "Call him." The walls are lined with expensive art, a very bored young woman sits behind a service desk seemingly wishing to be anywhere else at the moment. Across the large foyer the gold lined lifts wait to take the two up to their home. They enter the lift and Ana places her hand on a touchpad, it responds with an outline of her hand and turns green. "Penthouse floor." The touchpad chirps a confirmation and the lift rises quickly. "You really should call your dad, I bet he misses you." Ana shifts uncomfortably in the lift as it slows to a stop. It opens to reveal the penthouse, an entire floor dedicated to a single owner (plus one). Despite it's luxurious style it's rather welcoming. The living space takes up the largest portion of the first floor and is surrounded by crystal clear glass windows that pour in natural light. The kitchen takes up a quarter of the first floor and is fully stocked with every amenity imaginable. The second floor was mostly bedrooms and access to the upper garden. Outside on the deck the pool could be seen through the glass walls as well as the lower garden. Everything was modern in style. The penthouse has four bedrooms but the two unoccupied rooms were converted into an office for Linda and a VR gaming room for Ana. The two threw their purses onto a nearby sofa in unison and plopped down. "Here I'll help!" Without warning Linda presses the call button on Ana's phone and scurries off upstairs. "Traitor!" With the deed done all she can do is wait for someone to pick up...

@Polaris North
Just a heads up, I'll post in the next couple or days. Also, love all these posts so far!

Original digital portrait credit to unam et solem

Almost done debating on some things and style choices but here's the current WIP for your eyes to see! It's mostly walls of text atm sorry about that...

Original digital portrait credit to unam et solem

Just posting my interest here as well (nluxwithmyself on the discord) so it's on the record
Celica the Enchantress

The journey was spent researching a number of topics. A crewman suggested stronger gunpowder, another wanted to enchant the hull and make it stronger, both fairly straightforward. It was just a small distraction from her research on a degenerative muscle disease that plagued her son Alistair. Every once in a while Celica would go to the upper deck and lazily toss a bomb overboard, the bomb would float for a moment before detonating, and then Celica would gauge the strength of the bomb based on the height the water reached upon detonation. It was a simple test but apparently disruptive so she was forced to scale down her tests. She gave a rousing about the mysteries of the world, opening the mind, sprinkled it with a few obscenities, and capitulated to their demands.

When finally they arrived at port she was a bit apprehensive. Court spies were always around, even in backwater towns like this one. She had prepared a mask of sorts, changed her hair from it's deep black to a simmer auburn with dyes, and fashioned an unassuming robe with a cloak. The only other thing she needed was an excuse to have that Valian woman come with her.

She wandered around till she found her. @Sputnik "There you are Ms. Wulfarth, I've been looking for you. (Celica gives a curt bow) I'd like to ask a favor of you. You see I'm not really much for swordplay so I'd feel much safer with a woman like you around. In exchange I can offer any of my many services to you for free, sound fair?" Celica have a sweet smile and puffed out her chest as she looked up to the gorgeous Amazon before her.
A thousand pardons friends for my brief absence something came up unexpectedly and i haven't gotten much sleep. I'll post sometime this weekend.
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