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    1. Switch 10 yrs ago


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there's a fucking ELDAR

Got my eye on you, young degenerate.
Potentially interested. I'm always careful around Tolkien lore. Will read through the OOC and characters, then I'll let you know more solidly if I'm interested or not.
Name: Syvarrus

Race: Eldar

Personal equipment

Wait, in 50K Ynead is born within the Soulstone circuits of the Craftworlds. This requires the Eldar to be dead, down to every single individual. Only the Dark Eldar might remain, logically speaking. I like the idea of an Eldar character but according to the lore of 50K they've all been wiped out, and are an extinct race.

@thewizardguy no. Biel tan refused the ritual suicide and a number of Eldar chose the path of the exile beforehand.

Ynnead is NEARLY born, but still trapped in the infinity circuit

If Ynnead were ACTUALLY born, Slaanesh would be dead, most likely.
Still no delete post option on the forum so uhh just ignore this?

@Switch sounds fine. Make the CS, and I'd prefer not a harlequin honestly

Understandable. Exile it is, starting it now.
@Switch There is 1 Eldar Craftworld Left, Bie4l tan. As for corsairs and exodites, all we know is that as 50K progresses they become so scarce as to path into myth as a race. EVEN SO I would absolutely accept Eldar characters

I'm thinking of a well-seasoned, near-ancient Eldar Exile/Ranger. Would this general idea be acceptable? Obviously, I'll need to make the character sheet and such, but does that sound alright?

EDIT: Alternately, a Harlequin would be quite a bit of fun.
I am so incredibly interested in this, but I have some questions.

Are there any Eldar left? Exodites? Exiles, maybe a lucky Farseer and her entourage?

Also what about the Cronz? Did the Dynasties fall, or did the Devourer even go after them, what with the lack of biomass for consumption and all?

EDIT: The Black Library, and the Dark Eldar of Commoragh I'm also curious about.

EDIT (again): Nevermind. The wiki has all the info I could need.
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