Avatar of Sylvaky
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Sylvaky
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 66 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Sylvaky 10 yrs ago


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I am Syl, a non-binary person from Canada!

I have years of roleplay experience spread over various sites. I was here before the big wipe happened and enjoyed the community. I've come back after several years to rekindle my love for writing and roleplay. I can and will play most most genders, however I prefer my main character to be NB or a man.

I also have experience in D&D as a DM and so have experience creating settings, plots, and diverse characters.

Most Recent Posts

Aeris stretched her hands and arched her back. Tetsu was right, for them to compete would be useless. Tests of strength were not her forte just as speed was one of Tetsu's weaknesses. They very well could have sparred but Aeris felt they would be at a stalemate, forever avoiding or soaking up blows to one another. "And here I thought I would get to show off." she joked. Letting her arms fall, Aeris stepped back to let her fellow tenno stand. His invitation to accompany him to the incubators was a welcome surprise with the added bonus of seeing the old Kubrow, Khan.

"I would be happy to." Aeris chirped happily, "One of them is for me right?" She nudged Tetsu softly with her elbow and began weaving her way through the garden and after that, the door. It was not a long way to where Tetsu kept the incubators, Aeris presumed it was to keep them close to the gardens, the closest thing to outside they would get until they were older.

"I had a chance to look through Corpus trade routes during my last assignment," Aeris started, taking a sharp right. It was always hard bringing up Corpus around Tetsu and she hoped she was not crossing a line by speaking about them. "There will be a shipment of Gallium leaving Uranus in a few days time. If the Kubrow have hatched by then, maybe you'd like to join me on a raid."

Aeris stopped at the door to their destination and turned on her heel to face the Rhino Warframe. The weight of her own warframe curled around her wrist felt heavy and she could already feel the anticipation building within her. "You can never have too much Gallium." A smile played at the corners of her lips as she waited for his answer.
Aeris stepped down the ramp of her liset, the helmet of her loki warframe folding away to reveal a freckled face framed by copper hair. In her hand was a data module containing information about Corpus trade routs. She surveyed the room around her, everything was bustling with activity, preparing to go to war with other clans and Lotus. Every tenno had felt the loss of their late Master Shinto and Aeris often believed his death had hit her the hardest. He had been her role model, the soul purpose she had joined Clan Prowler in the first place. She locked eyes for a moment with their new Dojo Master, Kuro. He was determined to destroy any and all clans in their way and through Aeris did not relish the thought of killing fellow tenno, she would do anything to get revenge. She wanted to be the one to watch the life drain from Lotus.

Aeris dropped her package at the back of the hangar and made her way further into the dojo. Her warframe dissolved completely as she walked and by the time she had reached the gardens on her way to the obstacle course the only thing remaining was a bulky bracelet on her wrist. Underneath her warframe Aeris sported grey fitted shorts and shirt. She went barefoot, as some did, in her warframe and walking on the grass of the garden was comforting. She spotted Tetsu in one of the more solitary corners of the room and she went over to him. Like her, Tetsu had a deep hatred for Corpus though his reasons were deeply seeded and unknown to Aeris. It did not matter to her, they were of like mind even if her fellow tenno did have a bit of a temper.

"You seem unsettled." Aeris observed, "But i'm sure it's nothing a friendly competition wouldn't fix." She had seen that look in his eyes before, something haunting him. She thought the best thing for him would to get his mind off it and she hadn't challenged anyone to a race in a very long time. There had been little room for fun and games.
So are we going ahead with this then? :)
That's a shame, I was very much looking forward to this. Anyone know anything else that looks interesting, sifting through Interest Checks can be tedious.
So has this died before it even began?
The Family: Flesh and Ichor sounds fantastic!
Has everyone lost interest?
Has everyone lost interest?
Count me as interested :)
Are we waiting for anybody else? I lost the interest check so I'm unsure if anyone else responded.
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