Avatar of Taro
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Jman2220
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 95 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Taro 10 yrs ago


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Oldguild: Jman2220

I've been roleplaying on here for a while and have met some great people. I generally do Casual as free tend to move too quickly and all of the advanced roleplays I've tried have fallen apart.

...definitely need to update this soon

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Penguins are also amazing >.>
Well now I feel inadequate....my favorite animal is Penguins because they're adorable and swim instead of fly... >.>
“Uh, hi. You wouldn’t happen to know why we’re here, would you? And is it just me or does the sky seem kind of weird?” The girl's voice snapped Hideki back into reality. He looked at her and sputtered "N-no I wouldn't. Sorry I was lost in thought hoping that you would both wake up". He watched as the girl rushed over to the girl with the red hair. She seemed to shake the girl's shoulder a bit and Hideki began to stand. He could tell by her sigh that the other girl was still alive. He was happy to know that no one had died. He brushed himself off a bit and looked back at the first girl. "I'm fine thank you. My name is Hideki by the way." He smiled brightly and saw the other girl spring up from where she was laying. She seemed to be panicking which Hideki couldn't blame her for, before she walked over to the butterfly. Hideki smiled even brighter at her conversation she was having with the butterfly. "I don't really know what's happening myself. This other girl has only just woken up before you. I don't know why any of us are here and I don't know that I want to know. The only thing I really remember is my name. I don't know about you two." he watched as the butter fly flew to the right path and began to flutter erratically. He watched as it almost seemed to be pointing them in that direction. "I think your new friend wants us to follow it." he said looking at the red haired girl and gesturing toward the butterfly. He took a few steps toward the rightward path and turned to the others. "I don't expect you to trust me since we only just met, but I think we should go this way. If this is where we part ways then...it was nice meeting you I suppose". He turned back toward the butterfly. "Take me wherever it is I should go I suppose. I don't know why I trust you because butterflies shouldn't glow...but you're the only connection I have right now so, onward!"
I'm getting the feeling everyone is waiting for me, so as soon as I get home I will post
Yay done :D Yes indeed, nice to meet all of you!
Hideki felt....hard ground under him. He couldn't say why this was his thought but it felt as though it was the wrong kind of ground. 'What does that even mean?' he thought as he began to register the fact that there was little sound around him. Just as he had started to accept that there wasn't much to hear, he heard a voice which caused him to instantly snap his eyes open. "Well! Things will just come together later!.... I think." Hideki heard the footsteps of the boy who had just spoken, but he couldn't take his eyes off the sight just in front of him. There was a girl laying there who had hair that was redder than any hair he could remember seeing. In fact, he just realized, he couldn't remember anything. He pushed himself up and propped himself up on one arm and noticed there was yet another person. Everything seemed......wrong was the best way to describe it. He knew he was in a forest, so where were all the animals? The trees weren't moving, but there wasn't even the feeling of a breeze. Even without that however, Hideki shivered. 'I don't really feel like hanging out here, but maybe one of these other two can help me. Plus, it'd be best to make sure they're alright.' He stood up and walked toward the pathways looking directly at the butterfly. It seemed to be unafraid of his presence, not that he was trying to frighten it, which was unusual. He stepped in front of the middle pathway and looked down it seeing that it seemed to be the clearest and likely best option to move forward. He looked down at the girl laying practically at his feet and noticed the branch. He frowned slightly wishing he could help remove it, but knowing there was no way with how weak he was. He took a step back and turned to an angle where he could face both of them waiting for some sign of life. 'If neither of them move, I'll have to check their vitals. Should I have to check their vitals and there is any sign of life I should probably start gathering food and other sorts of supplies from wherever I can find them...' He quickly was lost in his thoughts.
Woo! So excited. Posting now.
Name: Hideki Kita Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Hideki is about 5'7" and weighs 150. His hair, while long, is tamed to stay out of his eyes through years of styling it away. While not visible unless he takes his shirt off, he has a scar the runs diagonally across the left side of his chest. Personality: Hideki is the kind of person who is extremely friendly to everyone he meets. He enjoys making friends and being around people. He is loud and in many people's eyes can be quite obnoxious. He is loyal to a fault though. Once you are his friend, you could punch him as hard as you could and he would still try to find the good in you and everything you do. He considers his friends to be more like his family. Unfortunately, he can also be hotheaded and never backs down from a challenge. Physical Traits: Hideki moves very quickly and was on the track team. He is not known for his clumsiness, however he is clumsier than most of his peers. While fast, he is anything but strong. In fact, people often make fun of him for how weak he is. Mental Traits: Hideki's mind goes a mile a minute. He can hear one thing in a conversation and it will lead him to a whole new topic. Some call it ADD, he considers it to be normal in his own mind. However, he always gets excellent grades and has made the honor roll quite often to the point where many consider him a genius. However he is not good with processing other people's emotions. They actually frighten him sometimes. Color: #228b22 How they died: Never one to back down from a challenge, Hideki and one of his classmates were racing around the school to the rooftop, the other kid was a gymnastics team member and had known Hideki for a while. As they entered the school, Hideki saw an opportunity for an advantage and decided to use the very rarely used, emergency staircase. He ran up the stairs as fast as his legs would carry him. When he finally reached the fourth floor, he turned hard to go up the final set of stairs grabbing the railing. The next thing he knew, he heard a snap, and he was seeing the first floor rushing up to greet him. He final thought was 'I can't believe I'm about to lose'. Clues Discovered:
My CS will be up (if not later tonight) tomorrow morning!
Not a problem at all. I've been paying attention xP I'll get to work on a CS then
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