Avatar of the crafty pig
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    1. the crafty pig 9 yrs ago


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Yup most certainly
I have a cap of 6 including myself and dookie and we are well below that so would be delighted to bring another person into the fold

Feel free to knock up a sheet

Any questions pm me

Are you still accepting characters?


update is up and pm replied too... dookie if you want to bring a character in so you can keep posting whilst we collab george that's completely up to you
escha I will keep rolling this on for you whilst we work
Ministry floor- First floor Broom Cupboard
Rufus Scrimgeour

He was minister for magic, the highest official authority in the wizarding world, a man who the people looked too for strength... yet he had fled from his office and was sitting on a bucket.

That pissed him off no end. He embraced the anger used it to shield him from the shame from the self doubt. He should have seen this coming, it had been to quiet, he should have known they were preparing something big.

That was too harsh, it hadn't been quiet, it had been a war zone and he had lost good men and women in that fight. Fourteen casualties and he knew them all by name, had personally taken the news to their families. Their names were burned into his skull... names he repeated to himself whenever he felt himself at a low ebb, before he lay down each night and as he worked out each morning.

He pushed them away now, he needed to respond, needed to put things in perspective.

First things first, emergency apparition points. three on every floor. It was a fairly antiquated system truth be told... one he had raved to Fudge about it but there were issues he hadn't had the time to work out how to fix.

Once you allowed people to apparate from a point, people could apparate to it. They were stretched as it was protecting the apparition points in the atrium, having them enabled at all times added 18 new spots he needed to guard... just not feasible in wartime.

Hence a system, the charm to initiate the emergency apparition points was taught to every head of department, the idea being that all 13 of them couldn't be compromised.

Thirteen people could enable those points and twelve of them were sitting in his fucking office puppets on You Know Who's string. Getting of his bucket, he pushed the door slightly to reveal the deserted corridor outside.

A wave of his wand, cast a chameleon charm and he melded into the wall, even as he slid out and began to trot down the corridor.


Your plan is perfect, a perfect breach and enter, bout 10 people are huddled on the floor two guys leaning against the next wall with wands raised casually throw their hands up to shield their eyes. The first gets a stunning spell in the chest from gait the second throws himself to the floor and a stunning spell from the beanpole sails over his head and splits the wood of the office behind it, forming cracks in the walls

He make out to cry out but you hit him with a quick "Silencio" that leaves his mouth working pointlessly, your follow up hex can have whatever effect you like.

In terms of marks out of 10 it's an 8 for a breach and clear, slapdash entry charm and a missed curse but the issue you is the civilians, for all your preparation and the muffling charms, the screech followed by the screams of the civilians is enough to alert those behind the barricade of what's going on.

You hear a barely distinguishable

"through the fucking walls" through your muffling charms

Despite his miss with the stunner, beanpole may not be the quickest duellist but he is a unique thinker and a pretty sound tactician. It's the reason he partners Gait, a more fiery and combative young auror.

He reaches the fragmented wall in two strides his should cracking the fragmented wood from his stunning spell, pushing his wand through and you hear a body hit the door into the next office along and rebound with a squelch and a muffled curse. Gait is pushing blinking stumbling civilians through the break in the wall.

badly drawn if hopefully helpful floorplan

Even as you turn to your own door raising your wand to seal it, it explodes outwards, your barely able to get out of the way, dropping and rolling to one side but the door catches your wand hand and try as you might it slides from your grasp.

Even as he raises his wand to hit a finishing curse you....

(the floor plan is so you know where you are you are just in front of the barricade, one of them has leapt over to get to you and the others are trying to break down the next door which he has sealed... you need to move fast, deal with this guy and get yourselves into the next office... sorry for the delay... any questions let me know)
I'll have something back to you today mate
apologies to everyone
I'm the one slowing this side of things down

Our office has managed to get the flu go round in the middle of summer.... go fucking figure and everyone has pretty much come down with it.
I was wrecked the start of this week and for the rest of it covering shifts to keep us ticking over not to mention I've just two gorgeous new kittens and unfortunately the breeder doesn't seem to have wormed them properly so it's medicine 3 times a day.

been a bit of a bitch tbh and I'm a fairly slow poster anyway.

I'm working on things now to get us up to speed.

glad to see you like the posts, got to give the credit to dj, guy knows how to set a scene :)

@eschatologist @thedookienut

just to let you know an update will be done today and a reply to your pm post
first free day I've had
Sorry for the delay been ill all weekend and just got two new kittens which I've been helping to bed in

I will have a reply to cookies collaborative and an update for Billy today or tomorrow :)
How's the post going any eta?
Sweet I will try and start writing the update tonight or tomorrow then

Good posts this far let's keep up the quality
we have pretty free reign in this story so let's keep fleshing out the detail :)
Cool beans :) looking forward to it
Real life isn't balanced, as much as I'd like it to be. I certainly won't be pushing for Billy to be able to do it, that would not make sense, but magic in HP isn't exactly fair or dramatic.

it's ok as said I think we're all agreed its a step too far so we can leave it at that
Personally my reluctance was also a reluctance to introduce elements into an rp I don't truly understand myself as evidenced by my description above.
(fyi I knew antimatter had been artificially created but weapons using it haven't to my knowledge though research has been funded)
Either way it's neither here nor their.

Report your plan to Blackwell who will give you two companions and send three more wizards to begin a barrage to keep those on the barricade distracted as you make your progress

In terms of the life spells, the first office would show no signs of life, the second office multiple life signs, your issue being how do you distinguish between normal ministry officials possibly hiding and those imperiorised. Make your move on the second room and I'll describe what you see in their.

Should give you enough for a decent sized post. Feel frame to name describe your comrades if you wish. Should give you enough for a nice post.

Any questions let me know.

Fyi bad luck on the post dookie :( happens to me alllllll the time... really frustrating :(
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