Avatar of The Mad Hatter
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 744 (0.20 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. The Mad Hatter 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current I cannot - for the life of me - manage to manually turn off my PS4 by pressing the button. My damn cat, however, manages to hit it every single she even bypasses the console.
1 like
4 yrs ago
My kids found an old Barbie TV from when I was a kid - you know, the kind that was huge and boxy with a tiny-ass screen - and my daughter said "No, mommy, TV's are flat." Another parenting fail.
4 yrs ago
My kids don't understand what a (computer) mouse is or how to use it. They keep poking and swiping at my monitor. I have failed as a parent.
4 yrs ago
When your kid gets super excioted and just up and læeave their friends to come give you a hug when you come to get them from daycare
4 yrs ago
Shit happened



So, it might be high time I do this. I've been considering it for a while, but I just couldn't really muster the need to do so. So here goes nothing...

The name's The Mad Hatter, though The Mad Hatress would be more befitting, considering my lack of a penis. You can call me Mad, Hatter, Hatress, AM, Love, Sister/Sis or Whatever. I'm a 28 years old woman with a bunch of different fancy pieces of paper stating how great I am, but I haven't really found that one thing (job) that makes me happy yet. But I like writing.

I've been Post-by-Post roleplaying since I was 12, so... that's a while. I've been writing stories since I could and I've always had a great interest in Fantasy and Sci-Fi; mostly High Fantasy with Elves and Dwarves (or other fantastical creatures) and Superhero/Superhuman stuff.
I've actually been roleplaying for as long as I can remember, starting with sticks as swords in the backyard with my brothers, evolving into Live Roleplaying in the town club, then going into Pen-and-Paper at the age of ten, with PnP overlapping with PbP for a few years.

I'm an Advanced level writer, but I can do Casual, if I'm intrigued enough at the concept/idea of an RP. I'm almost always looking for a new RP, so you're very welcome to shoot me a PM if you're looking for players for something I might like.

I'm from Denmark, making me a Dane, making me Danish. Danes are known for their "rude" nature, promiscuity (and generally pretty loose view on sex), open minds, horrible (and dark) sense of humor and, mostly currently, their racism. I can't say it's not true, but I'm not a racist; at least not really. I joke.

I have a small daughter (Freja) from October 2014 and a 4 months premature son (Balder) from December 2016. I also have a wonderful husband who fully supports my roleplaying "career".
I have a tabby cat named Salli, a canarie named Robin and an aquarium full of guppies that reproduce at too rapid a rate for me to come up with names for all of them.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by ReusableSword>

Wondering how you got Reo. Yamamoto sounds right, but even if I can't read one of those kanji, the other one doesn't ever read as "Re" in Japanese.

You might have accidentally stumbled upon a Chinese/Mandarin reading rather than Japanese. Kanji is pulled from the Chinese Lettering, after all.

Of course, I could also be totally wrong, but hey Kanji's difficult.

It's actually completely correct that those two kanji would be pronounced as Reo/Leo. I'll just leave it at that.
No offense, but I think people usually ask if they need help with their characters' names. Just up and doing it does give off a smart-ass vibe, though I'm sure that wasn't your intention.

Especially since your help seems to be basically copy-pasting a pronunciation of a word into jisho.org and picking the top results. That's not exactly how Japanese people pick the kanji for their names. They don't just choose an existing Japanese word with multiple kanji that happens to be pronounced the way they want and go "okay, that works".

There's a plethora of kanji than can be pronounced "ten", and just as many that can be pronounced "shin", for example. You can, in theory, combine any of those kanji you happen to like to form a name and a meaning - like ten for heaven and shin for trust. And thus you'd get "heavenly trust". And so on and forth.

Also, for the record, "foreign minister" in Japanese is also pronounced "gaisho". Multiple words often have the same pronunciations, so just because one of those words is questionable doesn't mean everyone will immediately jump to thinking that's what was meant.

Tl;dr: Let's give people a lil break with their names, and offer help if asked instead, yeah?

Going to be working on a CS this weekend, hopefully!

My bad. Will keep to myself now.
<Snipped quote by The Mad Hatter>

I actually talked with Sloth about his name, and it wasn't the type of excited he meant for it to be, but kept it nonetheless XD

Btw, don't think we've ever met on the forum before. I hope we have a smashing time in this RP :D

It's a good name
I once played with a chick who had - completely without knowing what it meant - named her character Gaisho (it can mean hooker/prostitute), 'cause they wanted it to sound like geisha, but not actually be Geisha.

I honestly wouldn't know if we'd "met" before. I've been RPing for ... jeesh, I guess it'll be 14 years soon.
I've played with so many people that I can't remember by far the most of them. Also, I suck at names and people change their avatars all the time, so I get confused
<Snipped quote by The Mad Hatter>

Yo, you got no problems. Correcting Japanese names isn't going to cause anyone to label you as a smart-ass XD

Though I'm not one to say anything because I literally just named my character "Bang Bang of a Thousand Guns"

I noticed and chuckled at it, but also clearly saw that you definitely did it on purpose. We've got a dude called "Excited State", too. I assume that's completely intentional as well ;)
@The Mad Hatter I'm sure you know that I'm not actually skilled in the Japanese language, so whatever I create probably just sounds good, rather than being totally meaningful. I have tried that with some characters I've made, but at the end of the day, I'm no expert. That's not gonna be an issue for you, is that?

Nope. No issue. Just trying to help.
I'm bored, so... I did things. I'm really trying to be helpful and not a pain in the butt. I'm not trying to be a smart-ass or anything. Just wanna make that very clear!

@Dead Cruiser I'm assuming that the version of the word "tenshin" you're going for is the one that translate into heaven/divine? In that case it would be written as "天心". Other variations of the word could be; "転進" which translates to something like "change of direction", "天真" which translates in "being naive", "点心" which translates into "dessert/cake".
Gabriel, the angel, would be written as "ガブリエル" in hirigana, but the name would be pronounced slightly differently in Japanese than in English. They would pronounce it something like "Gaburielu"

@Raijinslayer "Sugiura Shiryū" would be "すぎうら しりゅう" in katakana.
@FalloutJack So... Just wanted to let you know that the Greek name Nero would be spelled "ネロ" in katakana and that Kayakos is not a Japanese surname. Kayako (かやこ) is a feminine given name, though, so I think that might be what you were trying for..?

Any way, the name "Nero" could easily be said as "Neru (寝る)" when spoken; "Neru" means to sleep, lie down, ect., but is more commonly used among youngsters as a slang word for having sex. Just thought I'd let you know.
I think my CS is done for now. It's a bit meh, but I can beef it up if the concept is acceptable.
Consider this my placeholder. CS is very WIP. Seriosuly, don't look at it.

Might be done.

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