Avatar of The Undertaker
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 78 (0.02 / day)
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    1. The Undertaker 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Life finds a way - Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park
9 yrs ago
All you need is love. John Lennon very smart man got shot to death, very sad. -Julius Levinson from Independence Day
9 yrs ago
Most of us take an advantage of the things we have, never thinking they might be gone. But sometimes the things we love the most can be gone in seconds. Cherish what you have as if tommorrow its gone.
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9 yrs ago
It all went by so fast, I still cant change the past, I always will remember everything. If we could start again would it change the end? We remember everything. - Five Finger Death punch
9 yrs ago
You think the darkness is your ally? You merely borrow the darkness, I was born in it, molded by it. I am the darkness.
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The darkness might scare you, but I was born in the darkness, the darkness whispered to me in my lonely home. The darkness held me when no one else would, the darkness kept me sane when the world around me was warped by time. So don't fear the darkness, those arms sticking out of the shadows don't want to harm you, they just merely want to give you a hug.

Most Recent Posts

Dear God I hated Philosophy! That's a class I'll never take again...

I always kind of like Philosophy, it was an interesting way to look at life, and if gone deep enough it opens ups doors that we never really thought existed.


"Ah apparition I always did particularly enjoy feeling like I was being squeezed through a normal piece of rubber tubing you might find in an vehicle. I remember my first apparition was done when I was six, I remember it because... well at a young age when someone grabs you and you feel like your entire body is being crushed, you tend to remember it. Just be sure to be near a trash can when its all said and done, first times can be rather... explosive from the stomach if you know what I mean."

Jaden took another bite from the muffin as it seemed to be losing its taste, it was normal for him to lose his appetite when he recounted events from when he was younger. The years between six and eight were rather hard years on him, and would take more then a strong memory charm to erase those memories, at least to him anyways. Truthfully he had considered an memory charm to make himself forget the whole thing, however upon learning that memory charms can be reversed and the consequences of such could be disastrous, he had declined to have to done in the end. The last place he wanted to end up was St.Mungos in some cheesy open robe drooling one second, then screaming the next for the rest of his life. Jaden shook that particular thought from his mind, him in an open ended robe ranting like a lunatic did not appease him all that much, instead he finished his muffin as he took an empty cup and filled it with pumpkin juice taking a large swig turning back to Mary.

"Non-verbal spells can be pretty tricky at times, honestly my grandfather taught me the ins and outs of that type of spell casting so I was prepared for it when the year came to learn it. Grandfather was always very particular about training in the summer time, it wasn't twenty four seven of course but me and him, beside wizards chess, our past time is dueling each other in an open field far outside of possible prying eyes. Once upon a time my grandfather was a pretty fast dueler, he has lost some speed in his age but I can tell you from experience that what he now lacks in pace he makes up for in strategy. Perhaps if you and Madison ever need some extra training I can give you guys a hand here an there."

Gonna wait a tick for Tip to get a post in edge wise then I ll throw out another post.


Jaden entered the great hall very much like he always did a couple nods here and a few waves there, while he was not all that popular he was a known figure around the school. Mostly because he was a prefect but he was also known for his extensive DADA training he did. Most students liked DADA of course, who wouldn't like a class where you learn to fight off monsters of the wizarding world and how to stun your friend when they are not looking. But to them it was a chance to learn some cool new spells, to Jaden it was a large way of life, much of his family going back almost five generations or more were Aurors. Since he was a young man, at the age where he could just barely understand his parents often tried to teach him about their ancestry, about the line of witches and wizards in which his blood was shared with. He was only seven, a young naive boy living with his only known relative, his grandfather who everyday showed him spells, and techniques, and the very thing that made his family famous in not only the first wizarding war but the second. Before he ever attended Hogwarts he was being trained and groomed, but as Jaden learned that was also the way of his family, to begin training even before the child has a wand. Trained to respect the wand and to use it properly and that your wand is the difference between you and an untimely death at the hand of one who would see you dead.

By time Jaden got his wand for the first time there was already a connection between him and what at the time was a magical piece of wood whose allegiance was always his. So DADA was not just a class to Jaden, it was a way of life, one his family had lived for five generations. A family that had dwindled over the years to just two lone male survivors, himself and his grandfather who would not live forever. His life at Hogwarts to him was a time of training to become what he felt it was his destiny to always be. As Jaden sat don at the Ravenclaw table he quickly surveyed the food on the table, he quickly spotted what he wanted and to his luck there was one left on the plate. Pulling out his wand he swished it as the blueberry muffin flew off the plate just out of the reach of a young student who was going for it blindly as he chatted and flew to his hand. Jaden took a large bite out of the fresh muffin as Mary waved at Madison and then turned to him questioning him about what he would have guessed was the prankster who had it out for him.

Jaden swallowed his bite of muffin as he wiped his mouth absently and replaced his wand up his arm in the holster he had attached to his wrist and spoke:

"Yeah I have plenty of clues, truth be told I could have figured it out by now but my mind often is conflicted with more important issues then a rogue prankster. Then again honestly what else is new when it comes to that particular string of words. Some might say its last year jitters or because of the impending N.E.W.T.S but... well... have you ever gotten the feeling that a darkness is..."

Jaden looked at Mary as he stopped talking mid sentence and seemed to think about what he was saying. Sinking his teeth into the muffin in his hand he played off wanting another bite knowing it probably wouldn't work and changed subjects.

"How has your studies been going of late? I myself have some times from class today so I am going to help do an introduction class into hexs with the first years in DADA. If you have any free time I am sure you could come watch for a minute, those classes always tend to get interesting."



"Its no problem Stein I am a bit more jumpy in the mornings for good reason at that. Our younger house members are constantly being coaxed into trying to prank me by one whom will remain nameless... for now."

Jaden spoke keeping his eye's in his journal, he wasn't worried about Stein all that much prank wise, he had not tried to do so yet and if he hadn't by now he wouldn't. Jadens adversary was rather smart, always went for new years, which meant it had to be someone within the same year or close. But he could never get an answer out of the would be pranksters, seeming they didn't even know who was doing it themselves. It was quite a perplexing puzzle actually, one in which Jaden loved, he had always been into strategic games it truly appealed to his mindset. Let his thoughts wonder he thought back to the first piece of evidence he had gathered on the attacking prankster, a simple note written to a new year telling them to pull a prank on Jaden the Prefect and then an item from the joke shop was provided for them to do so with. It was the same thing every year since his fifth year, the one year they had tried to pass him a puking pastel which got eaten by another Ravenclaw given Jaden did not like pastels much to begin with and backfired.

Truth be told Jaden could have solved this by now, it wouldn't be all that hard a spell here and a spell there and he would have his answer, but honestly all these prankster antics kept him from becoming bored as a Prefect. An as he said before many times it made him laugh at times and laughing these days was getting harder and smiles far and in between, his mind clouded as it was. When Jaden finally heard the familiar voice of Mary he finally looked up from his journal and stood up closing it with a snap of his wrist.

"Morning Mary I see you got a late start."

Jaden had a bit more step in his walk now that Mary was up, happy to finally have someone to actually talk to. Jaden loved Stein in all but in this case it was all good. As Mary quickly took over and spoke to Stein about Madison being at breakfast and that she would help him find her at breakfast she looked at Jaden and spoke to him.

"Yeah I am finished, the usual pranksters already tried their hand and got caught and are now undoubtedly downstairs eating their fill of eggs and bacon. I could go for a muffin myself if our tower did not already take them all that is.

Jaden put the journal in his inside robe pocket and walked to the secret entrance to their tower and opened it with a flick of his wand and stood at the entrance.

"When your ready."


Jaden near jumped out of his skin when he heard a rather loud scream from behind, to the point where he dang near tossed his black journal forward into the always roaring fire. Jaden turned ever so studiously as he viewed the voice that had become all too normal too him. It wasn't the first time Stein had nearly made him jump to the ceiling and heaven forbid it was going to be his last time in any case.

"Stein try to keep it below a dull yell, you nearly made me jump into the fire. Now I believe you were asking me about Quidditch. Yes I am still on the team, and all new applicants go to Madison Flaherty she is the current serving Captain of the Ravenclaw team. She went down to breakfast just a little bit ago I am sure you can catch her there if you go now. Try not to run and or knock anyone down on your way there, I know your excitement can really... exhilarate you at times. An when you get there try not to yell at her or sneak up on her, fair warning."

With that said Jaden nodded to Stein and returned to reading his journal, the boy was gonna make him fall off the tower one day with his shouting hen he got excited. Jaden smiled to himself again, he used to be a little bit like that when he was younger, but he grew out of it rather quickly. His grandfather was a loving man but he was also the kind of man who you didn't want to take by surprise. Jaden had been on the wrong end of some rather quick hexes. He did not particularly like stupefy being cast on him, Jaden chuckled to himself recalling the memory of scaring his grandfather half to death in the mornings. The smile faded as Jaden once again got to thinking what was taking Mary so long to get down here this morning, he didn't eat much not being a breakfast person but he did however love the blueberry muffins they served in the hall and he would hate to miss them.

Jaden was silent as he stood positioned inside the Ravenclaw Common room, Jaden's eye's shifted slowly back and forth between reading the black worn journal he held in his hand, and watching the groggy Ravenclaws wake up and start for the main hall for breakfast. Jaden commonly stood waiting in that exact same spot morning after morning, being a school prefect he naturally got up earlier then the others, and made sure the morning went smoothly. As much as he loved his fellow Ravenclaws they could be a particularly rowdy bunch in the morning, especially the new years, while most settled in by this time, some were still just a bit anxious. That could definitely be said for the muggleborns, or the ones who were completely new to the magic world they found themselves in. They were always getting into some kind of hi jinx somehow someway, most of them who somehow found themselves with gags from the joke shop in Hogsmeade. Jaden had been trying to discover the culprit who kept supplying them seeming new years did not find themselves commonly in Hogsmeade. Unfortunately he could not observe every single Ravenclaw every single second of the day, but he had his suspicions. He was not going to relive the incident from his fifth year of school, his first year as prefect, when the new years were being supplied with decoy detonators. Every morning practically the new years were setting them off, which turned out to be a deliberate act to drive Jaden crazy in his new position, the one who planned it he never found out.

Jaden looked up as Madison a 6th year came down from the girls dorm, he nodded at her with a small smile as she left to go to breakfast. Jaden trained his eye's back on his black journal as he looked at several spell incantations he was working on, very potent defensive spells once he worked out the kinks in them. The problem with any invented spell was that creating the necessary wand movement was very complicated. Creating spells was both a dangerous and a very long complicated process, however in the end it appealed to his long nights when he was unable to sleep. He spent a lot of his time when he was not roaming the halls for curfew breakers in the library, some people would say he was never without his black journal, and some of the muggleborns would say it was his little black book whatever that meant. Jaden was broken from thought when he heard a steady clicking on the floor, the sound was all too familiar to him. Jaden quickly brought his book down as he took his wand from his robe and pointed at the ground.


The word flash through his mind as he waved his wand simultaneously, the decoy detonator on the ground seconds from erupting vanished into nothing as Jaden moved his eye's up seeing a couple students on the stairs. Closing his black book he slid it into one of the large pockets in his robes as the two students quickly scuffled back upstairs to avoid the lecture he was going to give them. Jaden shook his head as he smiled to himself, truth be known he didn't mind the small pranks, what was the point in being good twenty-four seven all the time, life would get increasingly boring for him. However he was a school prefect so he had to at least glare at them and make sure they thought he was going to do something. As the Ravenclaw tower steadily emptied, it became quiet, walking over to one of the several couches Jaden took a seat, he had not seen Mary yet, probably still sleeping. He usually liked to walk to breakfast with her if he could, when he was not chasing down pranksters.

In all honesty Mary was one of his real if only friends at Hogwarts, Jaden knew others of course, but his rather distant and constantly changing personality made him rather lonely in most cases. He didn't mind it though really, since he was a young man he had favored being alone. He used to always stay in his room, or go somewhere outside of his small village, a lake, an open meadow, just a place he could be alone and think. Truth be told he was alone more because he chose to be, it was just easier for him that way, the less anyone knew about him the better. He was pretty sure there had to be others who dark past's like his, he did not pretend he was the only one, in fact Mary his friend had one, she never spoke of it but he knew that look in her eye. He did not know about it really, he knew it was about her mother, but specifically what it entailed he did not know. He never pressed and she never pressed him about his, their friendship was built on mutual respect for each other and that was enough for him.

It did not mean that he was not curious of her past, but from his own he was not going to just ask, if someone did the same to him he wouldn't even care to tell them anything. Jaden moved his hand up to his neck as he rubbed the spot where the scar was, even though it was hidden by magic he could feel the different texture of the skin. It dang near went from side to side, Jaden quickly lowered his hand and perished the thought. It was far too early to start reliving nightmares, and he had a full day ahead of him with his classes, patrolling, Quidditch practice, he needed a clear mind. Removing his black journal from his inner pocket he opened it with one hand and began to read again waiting for Mary to arrive.
got it
I am simply just a pie who waiting for its baker... O^O *teary eyes*

So much I could have said. but thankfully I am able to keep those comments to myself now xD
@The Undertaker
True, true... I will just be like that one guy who is in the corner of divination, music and astrology looking at the clock before leaving and disappearing xP

Lol i could imagine that too he is just sitting there reading and looks up at you and then you disappear slowly like a fine mist disappears between morning and noon. An he would just be like "Well then... back to the dormitory for me."
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