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  • Old Guild Username: The15thSpycrab
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    1. The15thSpycrab 10 yrs ago


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The boy laughed softly at Aqua's crack about their boring teacher. Chuck was glad she had come over to sit by him, his worries that she was disgusted by his behavior completely dissolved. "I wonder what happened to all of our old teachers. Ms Alder used to teach this class, before the incident. She was rather fond of the old style of punishment where students write sentences on that chalkboard. Only thing was, the screeching chalk made it impossible for her to teach while someone was being punished, so she almost never made anyone do it."

Chuck stopped talking as their new teacher looked back at the class, then resumed once his back was turned.

"Hey, maybe all of our new teachers also have powers. Maybe the government wants to create a school of superheroes, complete with proper mentors and training and stuff." This new theory was exciting, and he went on. "If so, someone should document the whole thing, and they could get rich by selling comic books or a movie!"

The teacher looked at him again, and Chuck adopted a look of perfect innocence. Burying his head in the book, he whispered to Aqua. "We should plan this in full after this class."

So far we have character teachers for maths, PE, martial arts, and world history, so it should be OK to create an NPC for an English teacher.

EDIT: Nvm, Mr. Pike now exists.
"Aqua," Chuck repeated, shaking her hand. "That's a beautiful name, and quite fitting, too. I'm a copycat." Chuck's confident grin turned into an awkward one, and his cheeks tinted rose as he realized what he'd said. "Sorry, that didn't quite come out right. I mean my power is a copycat, sort of. I can do stuff after I've seen someone else do it. Like Ronin or Taskmaster, from the Marvel comics."

He realized that he was still holding her hand, and his cheeks turned even redder as he let go. Cheesy, dumb, and now creepy, he must be making a wonderful impression. "Hey, um, it was really nice meeting you. I'll just, uh, go back to my desk now. Class should be starting soon." He turned and went back to his desk, hitting himself twice on the forehead with the palm of his hand as soon as he was sure she wouldn't see. Great job, Chuck. First day back at school, you meet a wonderful girl, and you have to go and ruin it. That couldn't have gone any worse.
Chuck looked up from his drawing at the sound of people yelling, and glanced over at the now-melting wall of ice. He watched as the striking blond deftly maneuvered the water back into its container, impressed by how competent she was with her power. Of the few people he had met with supernatural abilities, she seemed to be the most comfortable. Since their teacher had yet to arrive, Chuck thought it would be a good time to make introductions. He stood, careful not to overturn his desk and the precariously balanced pencils on it, and walked over to where the girl was standing.

"Hi," he said, with a confident grin. "My name's Chuck. Are you new around here? I don't recall having seen you before, and I'm certain you're someone I would remember."

Chuck felt a little awkward about his greeting, especially the cheesy "someone I'd remember" part. Perhaps he should have watched some romance shows before school started back. Too late now, the greeting had already been said. Man, it would be cool to have a power to undo mistakes. A redo, like on those racing games. Crud, he'd been standing there for a few seconds, the girl must think he was an idiot. Was his breath okay? He brushed regularly, but maybe it was time to get some mouthwash. He thought he was pretty good at getting girls, but this one was making him feel even more stupid than he normally was.

Chuck slid the green Mercedes sedan into his parking space with a screech and whiff of burnt rubber. After watching a few television shows about racing and stunt driving, he could do just about any driving trick in the book without fear of wrecking. It gave his parents a fit, but they were willing to do anything for their special little boy. The clock on his dashboard told him he was a few minutes early, but the school bell suggested otherwise.

He quickly slid out of the car, then pressed the lock button on his keychain while sprinting for the door. He caught up with the last few students entering the classroom, and took his seat near the front. English wasn't one of his favorite classes, especially because his talent of copying was against the rules for creative writing. He sighed, took out his books, and began to scribble a famous painting he had seen a few days ago.
You caught me at a bad time. I should get an IC post up by tonight.
Name: Charles "Chuck" Flounder
Superhero Alias: Chimp
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Power: Adoptive Muscle Memory
Chuck has the ability to instantly learn anything he sees someone else do. This allows him to acquire
and store a vast array of skills ranging from freerunning to cross-stitching. This also means that if an
opponent uses a move against him once, he can recognize it if it is used again. He can only repeat
skills that are within the range of human ability, however, which means he won't be copying anyone
else's superpowers.

Personality: Self-confident and a little lazy, Chuck gets by with as little effort as he can. He is not very competitive, and pays no mind to
teasing or insults. He is very loyal to his parents, often bringing up "things his dad says" as a reason for his actions.
History: Prior to the incident, Chuck was a B-average student. He enjoyed learning, but his acquired knowledge was often too varied to be of
much use. His lack of motivation got him in trouble with many of his teachers, especially his PE instructor, but he was a personal
favorite of the principle, so he was never seriously punished.
Chuck loves his new powers, and now spends most of his free time watching and practicing all kinds of different skills, many with no
redeemable purpose. He still doesn't pay much attention in class, but a few minutes spent skimming through his textbook is usually
enough to get him an excellent grade.
I'm interested.

Dibs on adoptive muscle memory.
Waiting for somebody else?
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