Avatar of The1Rolling1Boy
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2058 (0.73 / day)
  • VMs: 4
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    1. The1Rolling1Boy 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current ggrrr everything is being unneedily confusing!
5 yrs ago
its late at night and i want a freaking burger. like a big burger with with bacon and like mushrooms and onions... rip my stomach and me tomorrow
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5 yrs ago
well my pms are open. im honestly just hunting for roleplays to spend some time on and better my writing
5 yrs ago
idk if i should continue writing an old story that i've put on hold or try to find a new rp
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5 yrs ago
when you spend an hour revising a character only for you to screw up and loose all your work


I'm literally just a ghost.

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Wait... Okay my character has the ability to turn into a Dragon and they has Hell-fire breath that can be used when it both form... So how would the power limiters work for them?
I'm up for it
Name: Fife Blaze
"The name is Fire. And it's nothing different from that."

"I shall not say I have no reason to say"

"You want a demonstration you little cock-eyed shit? If that's what you wanted then just ask."
Dragon Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into Dragon. This also means they can change into the dragon has seen below.

Hell-Fire Breath: The user is able to manipulate energy that can manifest as hell-fire in their lungs in a way that allows them to shape the exhaling of hell-fire. These shapes can include bursts, streams, spheres, or a cloud of it from the mouth.

"What are you lookin at?!"

"It's known of your business now fuck off"
Don't expect that job to be done very frequently. I can't imagine inmates getting THAT injured aside from the brawls from time to time.

Heheheheheh my character is probably going to cause so much havoc that you meet has well kept them in a padded cell with a straightjacket on 24/7... Just don't piss them off is all I got to say. I'm currently typing my character up in my own little character topic thing, just using a rough average kind of sheet.
Banned for banning me over something that every human being does
@LostDestiny You just wanna do the collab in a pm chat? It would probably be easier for the both of us
@Loony ^-^ d (The d looks like a okay sign to me idk how or why... But it does)
@Loony Oh okay! That's so cool. I have been trying to figure that out for so long now
Oh yeah... I forgot about that.. Wait how did you get the video to do that like have it in the post and not just a link ?
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