Avatar of The1Rolling1Boy
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2058 (0.73 / day)
  • VMs: 4
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    1. The1Rolling1Boy 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current ggrrr everything is being unneedily confusing!
5 yrs ago
its late at night and i want a freaking burger. like a big burger with with bacon and like mushrooms and onions... rip my stomach and me tomorrow
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5 yrs ago
well my pms are open. im honestly just hunting for roleplays to spend some time on and better my writing
5 yrs ago
idk if i should continue writing an old story that i've put on hold or try to find a new rp
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5 yrs ago
when you spend an hour revising a character only for you to screw up and loose all your work


I'm literally just a ghost.

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YO! I'm lonely and stressed. I need to hide in a realm of imagination and fluff

I play abit with sketch up too.its not got textures or anything fancy like that though.
It's surprisingly easy :)

yo! i wanna do that for Kesho now! That would be so fricking cool! maybe a few other houses i have attached to chartacters. Is Sketch up a free download? and can i get it on a windows laptop

Yo, What up my dude! welcome to the site and if you got questions dont fear asking. You can ask myself or anyone at all at anytime! If you get bored check out the pm interest checks maybe check out the spam forum those are normally pretty funny
Sebastian Ajgiel


Sebi listened to Soihban talk and as she brought up one person after another he slowly grew more and more confused. He didn't know who any of those people were, expect for the fact that Jagger could dance really well apparently but he had no room to agree nor disagree with any of her statememts. I actually know the song from my childhood. I have questionable memories of listening sing the song at a boarding school where I grew up," He replied as a sipped the bubbly golden drink from the fairly fancy looking glass, And if your jagged joke is a request to dance then I'll habe to take you up on it though i haven't danced with someone in years"

Sebi softly chuckled at his very modest statement, though it was very true since the last time he did dance was for a class he took out of boredom but there he learned how to waltz and that's not the best choice of dancing when your at a city party unless you're trying to show off which if he had a choice would chose to not to since even when he did waltz for school he wasn't the best.
Sebastian Ajgiel


Sebi was pleasantly enjoying singing along with the mystery woman. as the song drew closer to the end he drew ever so slightly closer to her. Once the song finished, it was as if he snapped from a trans and he was quick to notice where he was. Sebi looked around the area nervously surprised that he somehow dragged himself into this. He looked up at the redded headed woman as she leaned against the piano that was playing earlier tho it seemed like the person who does doing so had run off because of something.

"Well hello there. To whom do I owe an introduction to this fine evening?"

Sebi lightly bowed out of respect, "The name is Sebastian Ajgiel." He gently raised his head while examining her dress out of curiosity before studying her face. It was a habit of his to study their outfit to see if he could understand them more before studying their face to get the more finite details. "Do forgive me if my bargaining into your singing disturbed you. I just couldn't help myself but to join in since I knew the song so well and have many memories of it."
So, we want to shape the RP to be what people want, create events and ideas that people enjoy, and if you think somthing less working, tell us and we change it.

We are inviting you good players, writers and excellent people to give us some feed back, ideas, complements or criticism.

Feel free to post and you may get a digital cookie of your choice! And in a quote from a fun movie.

Bill S. Preston: Be excellent to each other!

okay so I had this event idea... like every city isn't the greatest like it has there dark alley ways. and we have some characters who are doctors and police and detectives so like what if we have something like a murder mystery or a robbery or a kidnapping! And like if someome wanted to be the guilty character they could. idk it's an idea I had and I like being evil and mischievous.
I just need to figure out a post in all honestly and to bring myself to read stuff
I got a post up! it's kinda short but i couldn't figure out anything better
Sebastian Ajgiel


Sebi calmly stood there staring into his cup silently still listening to everyone and would sometimes tuning out everything to focus on one conversation. he perked up his head as he heard someone singing a familiar song, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Has he listened for a bit before slowly drifting toward where it was coming from. He pushed and ducked through crowds trying to keep the song in his head. Once he drew closer and closer he started to singing along more pronounced with each step until he came face to face with a man on piano and a woman in a brilliant green dress with strawberry red contrasting hair. He stopped and stared as he calmly sang along to the song with a faintly giving an inviting smile to the woman. he had no clue what it was called yet he knew every word perfectly. It was like it was from memory and as if this had happened before.

anyone else remembers this guy? he's my spirit animal
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