Avatar of TheFiredancer
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 85 (0.03 / day)
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    1. TheFiredancer 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I am a Dreamer, staring forever into the Stars, and I Dance on the Eartth, as around me it chars.
8 yrs ago
Happy Singles Awareness day!


I am The Lover of Shadow and Dancer in the Night.
I am the Keeper of Stars, The Bringer of Fright.
I am a Creature of Darkness, in Pain I Delight


I am Night Striker. I am an insane, self-destructive perfectionist.

I am Starlight Dancer. I am powerful, panicky, brilliant and unpredictable.

I am Shadow Dancer. My joking attitude hides insecurities that I have no desire for others to see.

I am Gaia Starsoar. My bubbly personality hides a serious and determined individual.

I am Moonlight Dancer. I am quiet among strangers but my friends know the real me.

I am Dark Nova. I hide my true self behind a facade used to make others happy with or proud of me.

I am Blood Diamond. My relaxed way of thinking has more than once gotten me in trouble.

I am Musical Dreams. I am a dreamer that wishes and works for bigger and better things.

I am Moonrunner. I am a friendly loner by nature and get lost in what I love.

I am Red Gala. I am a hard working, family orriented mare with a need to help.

I am Winter Frost. I am a timid, kind little filly with a dangerous secret.

I am Obsidian Sunrider. My past haunts me and the only peace I find is in the sky.

I am Hope Dawn. I have near crippling fears, but hidden within is a will of steel and a silent hope that tomorrow will be better

I am The Final Firedancing Fiend. I am a complex person with a love of life and the creativity inherent within.

I am me. I am an indivudual. Nobody will ever take away that which matters most. My identity, my life, and my hope; just go ahead and try. I dare you.

~The Final Firedancing Fiend

Most Recent Posts


Autumn giggled. "Oh, I don't think you'd have wanted to sleep for a week," she said. "Think of all the fun magic you'd miss if you missed the convention." She grinned down at the cute unicorn. "Oh, come on in," she added, motioning. "I just need to round up Bijou, Oxnard, Boss, and Dexter. then we can do something fun."

There was a moment before the door to the room opened to reveal a smiling Autumn. "Oh, hey," she greeted Ley happily. "I was hoping you'd come by. Sorry I had to go, but I can't really leave my hamsters hanging." She grinned at the unicorn. "Sleep well?" she asked, stepping back and making a motion to invite Ley into her room.
@Carlsberg the Shitty Beer

Sky sighed, grumbling quietly, before speaking up. "Alright, have fun wherever you're going and whatever or whoever you're doing," Sky said to her teasingly. The potato he was holding proceeded to explode. He sighed.

The hotel's hallways would be lacking in any sort of crowd, but the more public areas, like the restaurant, pool, gym, and other such areas would have a few ponies making use of them. Autumn's room, should Ley go there, was a fair ways down the 'basement' rooms hallway with a simple wooden door bearing the number on it.
[Carlsberg] the rather shitty beer

"One pony," Sky answered with a grumble. "I suppose you got three or four, then?" He rolled his eyes good naturedly at her saying it was lucky he chose a different room, though he made no comment.

The note read:

I had good reason to disappear, don't worry. It was to go feed my hamsters. I'll be in my room for a bit. 072 if you want to come by. I can show you the hiking trails or some of the lesser known places of beauty at the resort.

@Carlsberg the Shitty Beer

Sky glanced up and over at Ley. "No idea. She said she had something she needed to get done and left you a note," he said. "It's your note, so I didn't read it." He chuckled after. "Oh, and my night was amazing. Met a great stallion and danced the night away." He shot a grin over at her. "Kind of lucky we chose his room, no?" he added with a laugh.
@Carlsberg the Shitty Beer


When Ley woke again, Autumn would be gone, though there was a note taped to the wall across from the foot of the bed, and Sky was out on the balcony fiddling with his potato cannon, a large stack of potatoes beside him. Though, with how close he was to getting this one right, pretty soon he'd need to find another project to occupy his free time. There was also a plate of breakfast sitting on the bedside table beside Ley Lines. The clock beside the bed read 10:00, and the sun's angle outside let Ley know that it was still morning, as it was well and truly risen, versus the light of the setting sun in the mountains if she'd have slept through the day.

Autumn laughed. "So, if he brings a Princess, only then you'll share," she teased. "Well, the poor guy's gonna be caught between a rock and a hard place." She giggled. "Well, I understand that, and figured as much, I'm more curious how he would know to stay out if he didn't find himself his own pony," she clarified with a laugh, eyes sparkling.

"I see... so you already broke him once then," Autumn teased after a moment, her smile matching her tone. "And the poor stallion! Breaking his dreams so thoroughly and jarringly. Did you at least off to share?" she joked, though Ley would easily be able to tell from her tone that Autumn already knew the answer to her own question. "And more importantly, how did he not walk in on us last night?" she added, this question more curious than anything.

Autumn giggled. "I don't keep a little black book. And my bedmate doesn't have the courtesy to hide theirs, I leave," she informed Ley in amusement.

At about that moment, there was the clip-clop of hooves on the balcony and the door opened. Sky came in and grabbed his potato cannon before looking over at Ley's bed. Whatever he was about to say got lodged in his throat. There was a long moment of silence, before he simply turned around and walked woodenly back out onto the balcony and proceeded to jump off.

"Oh dear, did we break him?" Autumn asked, sounding much more amused than concerned, the wings on his back doing a lot to prevent her from worrying. "And was that your assistant?"

“Guests of the resort, mostly,” Autumn told Ley with a cheesy smile and wink. She held the look for a couple of seconds, before bursting into giggles. “On my spare time, I’m usually out enjoying the areas around the resort. There’s a huge network of hiking trails around here for those that enjoy it.” She gave Ley a softer smile as she finished.
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