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    1. TheFourthIV 9 yrs ago


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Tobi Valade

"Defeat is a state of mind, no one is defeated until defeat is accepted as a reality." -Bruce Lee

Tobi smiled slightly when he noticed his remark towards Rae did exactly what he intended it to do. More and more people piped in, ganging up on the poor girl. For a moment he almost felt sorry for her, but remembered what the Inquisitors did to his parents and that feeling disappeared as fast as it came. Even Violet spoke up and kind or sort of sided with him but not really. Who knew, girls could confusing and shit.

Speaking of girls, a rather attractive looking one approached him. For a second he fantasized about the forest orgy mentioned before but shook that thought away. 'Focus Valade,' he thought to himself, now was not the time nor place. He made sure to keep his eyes on her face and actually listen to what she was saying. I digress but, deep down Tobi longed for an actual connection with a girl but at the moment it was much easier to well, connect his face with a nice pair of tits. So for now, he'd pick the latter, repeatedly...

"I'll join you, doesn't seem like anyone else is gonna though."

Tobi grinned, "thank you, at least someone has some sense. And you name is?" He asked, reaching out his hand to grasp hers. He had switched into his charming mode, a gentle handshake and a soft smile. Valade was interrupted by Mr. Shirtless calling out to him.

"Atta boy Snowball," the guy said randomly before sprinting off into the woods. 'Well that's a new one... Nice nickname though.' Tobi was just about to turn back to Poppy and enter the ship with his savaging group when a girl emerged from the ship.

At first Tobi thought nothing of her until he noticed she was armed and laughing like a maniac. 'Aw shit, this isn't going to be good.' He thought to himself warily.

Oh boy, was he right. The crazy girl mocked Tobi, Charlie, and Rae before pushing her gun against the stomach of the shy little brunette who had the first-aid kit. Tobi was just about to step in and hit that bitch over the top of her head when she pulled away and started a speech. Oh, it was beautifully crafted in the language of lunatic, filled with a perfect amount of ridiculousness. The girl was talking about the imbalance of power... While holding a fucking gun. Tobi actually face-palmed this time, it was too tempting to not comment, even if it got him shot.

"Holy fuck you are bat-shit bonkers. I'm sorry, but do you even hear the words coming out of your mouth? I don't know what kind of shit you're smoking but you need to take a lower dose or something, damn. You're talking about how we're trying to take control or abusing power or whatever while you're pointing a freaking gun on all these unarmed people. You're the type of person who should be the last person to get a a gun. I don't even know why you're getting all riled up in the first place. I don't know about you but I want to survive to fucking tomorrow so can you please just shut the fuck up and let us get the supplies from the ship? If not shoot me right here, the rest of these people will probably kill you. We might be criminals, but most of us don't enjoy cold-blooded murder. So here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna take these people into the ship, we're gonna get the supplies. Then we're gonna evenly distribute the shit we find. After that I'm takin' whoever wants to come with me North, if you don't want to come that's fine I really don't give a shit. And for fuck's sake no one's in charge, it just so happened that Charlie and I somewhat know what the fuck we're doing. I'd say you can lead but we'd all be dead by tonight if that happened."

Tobi was really sick of people being uncooperative, they could all eat a dick as far as he was concerned. He just wanted to get some supplies, then head North, it wasn't that complicated. He didn't think that it had sunk in that they were on an unknown freaking planet. Anything could happen, at least they had an objective that could maybe help them in the end. Who knew, but it was damn worth a shot.
i have a post to post! soon. very soon.

I'll post after you then. :)
I'll get a post up in a little while once I get home but I got a shit ton of homework so no garuentees.
As Tobi repeatedly face palms, I love it. Definitely South though.
Lol Tobi fights fire with fire :P

Tobi Valade

"Defeat is a state of mind, no one is defeated until defeat is accepted as a reality." -Bruce Lee

As Tobi expected, not many people were interested in, well, fucking surviving. Most of them probably didn't give a rat's ass about anything Charlie and himself had said. It was irritating to say the least, at least they were trying to get everyone to work together. One especially disgruntled girl shouted out to them. He regarded her warily as she snapped at both of them with an attitude that could kill.

"I'm sorry – who exactly put you in charge? Because I must have missed it. What, was I passed out during the election you held while we were plummeting to the ground?"

Valade smirked, she was a feisty one, eh? A spark of annoyance flashed in his eyes. Wait a minute, weren't your parents Inquisitors? That's how you got those fancy legs right? Well, I never said we were in charge, we were just saying that it would be a smart fucking idea to get stuff out of the ship so we can, ya know, survive. If you don't want to join us feel free to go fuck yourself on your own. But no, we aren't in charge, but I know for sure we won't have an Inquisitor's daughter fucking commanding us around." Tobi then turned away from her and sauntered to the ship.

"If any of you feel like getting some supplies so you can make it through the night come with me. We're gonna pick this ship dry. You guys know the rule of three right? Three minutes without oxygen and you die, three days without water and you die, and three weeks without food and you die. We don't even know if the water here is drinkable so unless your content with sitting on your asses until your inevitable death I suggest you give us a hand."

He noticed a girl that came out of the ship had some supplies with her, she spoke up. "Just—just something I found, but—in the lining of the pods there's a little bit of food? And some tools. So, um. Nobody panic just yet,"
Tobi stopped and walked over to her. He hoped none of the greedier of the teens would try to forcefully take her supplies. "Hey you," he said, "can you show us where you got that stuff? we're gonna salvage everything from the ship before we head North. Would you mind helping?" The young man hoped it wouldn't have to come down to having to fight in order to ration the supplies. He had a feeling these people were going to give him a run for his money. How could one even begin to try and lead or even help people who all hate authority? It was even worse that they were violent. Maybe he could scare them straight with his freakish strength? He wasn't going to hurt anyone of course, that would create anarchy. He would only do that if he had to defend himself of course. Ugh, teenagers.

I love it.
We assume there's probably knives and guns, I believe Potato mentioned that in Chatzy at some point.
Just a head's up Smarty and I are doing a collab and our characters are gonna suggest salvaging the ship so maybe that's how our specific group of characters can all meet up together for the first time.
Due to school and my job I'm gonna have to drop out of this, good luck guys!
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