Avatar of theoncomingstorm
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: G33k
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 42 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. theoncomingstorm 10 yrs ago


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Name: Jason Ward
Age: 23
Description or Pic ((Anime or real. Either work.:
Mask Picture:
Skills/ Weapons: Computer hacker extraordinaire
History: Grew up in New York. His parents didn't give him enough attention when he was younger, so he took up computer hacking. He was wanted on 4 counts of hacking government and private machines when he was 18, but after 2 years of avoiding the chase the charges dropped. He is now silently hacking for hire.
Other: He likes milk.
In The Academy 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Flamingevilwolfgirl said
Caleb followed him, looking frustrated. "We haven't done anything to you! What's your problem?" he asked, his voice slightly raised.

Jason brushed the boy following him off and turned towards the food line.

KatherinWinter said
Roxy and Khriz stood on the far left side of the gym talking. She smirked as she saw a new student loosing his way through the crowd. He seemed like he might be in there group. He certainly didn't seem to fit the other two groups. Roxy decided she should go greet him. "Excuse me I think Khriz. I think I see a new member to our little gang." Roxy stood and careful made her way towardsthe newcomer. She didn't have to plow anyone over. It might have had to do with her confident stride, but more then likely it had to do with the two knives on her belt. "Did you choose the Sedition?"

"Yes. I did. What's it to you?"
In The Academy 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"Besides being locked in an academic prison with a bunch of snobs? No problem." he said as he continued to walk into the cafeteria and towards the serving line.
In The Academy 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jason looked around the halls of his new prsion.... err school. I don't like this place already. Walking around several students almost knocked him over. He quickly dodged the first few, but plowed right into the fourth, who was a spindly boy that looked a few years younger than him with perfectly conditioned hair and clothes. The boy fell backwards, his books, and latte, splashing all over him. Jason quickly walked away from the boy and entered the cafeteria because he was freaking hungry. Inhaling he snorted "Nasty pizza.... on the first day..... This place seems great."
In The Academy 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Woot woot! Do you need to work him in? Or can someone tell me what's going on so I can throw him in?
In The Academy 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Flamingevilwolfgirl said
JASON! XD *Is an inside joke between Blithe and I*

Alright. Lol. Well I hope the GM'll look over my CS pretty soon and let me know what she thinks, and then let me know how to work back in.
In The Academy 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Name: Jason Ward
Age: 17
Personality:Easy to piss off. Jason gets in fights easily, bucks authority, and doesn't make friends easily. He bounced around schools a lot when he was younger, living only with one parent at a time since they divorced when he was 4. His dad was a lawyer, spending little time with him and instead leaving him with a maid. His mother was a doctor, and spent many late nights out which let Jason roam around LA when with her.
Bio: Jason's parents divorced at 4 years old. From then on he began bouncing between them every other week. At age 13 he stole his first car and began his rampage around LA when with his mother, and San Fran when with his Dad. Jason ran through a girl a week from the age of 15-16 when he finally got busted. Caught drinking underage, and driving a stolen car, the cops arrested him. His father managed to buy off all charges, and shipped him away to the academy to get rid of him.
Group: The Sedition
Other (anything else you want to add): All of his antics are for attention. On the inside he's a total geek, and a computer GENIUS, but he would never let that show. Instead he mocks others, especially those that are more intelligent.
In The Academy 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Flamingevilwolfgirl said

Yes dear Fangirl, it is I. ;D
Hiya there! I used to be quite active on this site, and I hit a lot of stress in college and fell off for quite a bit. But I'm back guys! :) And I'm looking for some 1x1 RPs. I have a list of all the fandoms that I quite like, so if any of you are that awesome and also enjoy my fandoms feel free to choose one of those (I would be hella happy) or if you have other ideas PM me. I'm down for any kind of 1x1, though I do have a certain craving for some mature themes, as I'm a more mature person. I do prefer my RPs over PM, but if you need to have them over threads I can probably arrange that. I will play M or F, and will RP MF or FF, I don't do MM, just a personal preference (please don't be offended, it just isn't my thing). I will try my absolute hardest to give you a paragraph+ of material. 1 liners don't build RP. I will occasionally do one if it's a situation where a question is being asked or something of the sort, but not typical. My post's length will really depend on my mood, how much you give me to work with, and how rushed I am. But I will try to give you something good to work with. I do ask you use good english/grammar. If you have a dialogue that is "aye bish wut u up to? u wan go hang?" I will possibly terminate the RP right then.Annnyyywayyysssss please RP with me :)

((I will put the ones I prefer with *'s. The more *s the more I like)

Just shoot me a PM if you're interested at all.

Also I respond VERY fast. If it's been like 4+ hours and I haven't responded, don't feel shy about shooting me a bump PM.
Any more room?
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