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Current Married. I got married. To Elden Ring. Gave me a ring and everything and I am like yes please
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@KaiserElectric Accepted. And now I can get onto the IC.
This a RP Between Me and @Birdboy

March 11th, 2006 - 9:10 pm
Gotham City is slick with rain. The rooftops are hard to grip. Nightmare has been patrolling the city streets for a few hours. It’s been quiet, except for the few guys who chose to try and steal from a liquor store. They’re in handcuffs with broken arms. Shouldn’t have chosen to steal and you wouldn’t get your arm broken, shouldn’t have chosen to point a gun at him either and you wouldn’t get your arm broken. In ancient times, if you stole you lost fingers and hands.

He could go for a cigarette, but he still has a few hours in the suit. Before the charge of his visor goes out. Ever since he started taking up the streets, crime had started to decrease, probably because he was actually getting something done. Unlike his Father before him.

An indicator on his visor goes off, it seems something is happening in the nice part of town. Huh. He knows that address, it belongs to a well known stock broker. Micheal Snow, turns out he made a large charitable sum recently towards a new upcoming community center. Some people were pissed off by that. A new community center sounded good. Some people were never happy with what they were getting.

Trying not to slip on the rooftops as he navigated his way to Snow’s condo. Considering Snow’s big donation, he had an inkling who was hitting Snow’s home. Likely Mirage. He had a habit of attacking rich people who made large donations. Yet, his Father had never been able to catch Mirage when he did begin to show up, which wasn’t too recent.

Almost losing his footing landing on the balcony of Micheal’s condo, second floor, but it didn’t mean he wanted to fall to the street through the slick glass. The sliding door is open, the wooden floor slippery with rain.

A scream can be heard down the hallway and Nightmare rushes down the hall, despite his boots nearly losing grip from being drenched in pouring rain.

“Pl-pl-leas,” Micheal can be heard pleading.

Rushing in, tackling Mirage from behind. He hits the floor. The both of them go tumbling onto the hardwood.

“Run,” Nightmare tells Micheal.

Micheal, in his boxer, soaked in his sweat. Shaking. He’s too shocked to move.

“Aaa,” Micheal screams looking around, he scrambles off the floor and begins to run away. Fuck. Not from danger though. He’s too scared to actually think straight. Nightmare gets up from the ground. Mirage lay motionless, that honestly couldn’t be it?

He runs after Micheal to shake him out of Mirage’s Dread Gas.

“Micheal,” Nightmare calls out his voice distorted from his helmet.

“No, no, stay away,” Micheal waves his hands.

“Damn it,”

How does he snap Micheal out of it-

Mirage is laughing behind him.

“You piece of shi-

-Shit! Gas is spreading in the condo. Like fog rolling in and settling on the forest floor. It begins to obscure Mirage’s silhouette. While Nightmare’s visor could filter some of the dread gas, not this much. Not this thick;


“See you’re eating the rich again Mirage, you see yourself as some hero,” Nightmare goads. He needs to get outside before the Dread takes over.

The cyber dog demon is beginning to distort, his figure beginning to elongate as all Nightmare can see is six red lights for eyes. Nightmare turns his head towards the porch. He needs to lead Mirage outside.

Hands shaking, as he fumbles with his utility belt, where is that-

-there bolas-

-Mirage is raising his claws. Hope this fucking works, Nightmare charges towards Mirage. He knows Mirage to fight like a feral animal, he’s not trained, Nightmare knows that. He swipes one of his claws at Nightmare. He is able to duck despite the fact he is starting to feel the effects of the Dread. His hands shaking, Mirage’s shape is beginning to turn into bending, shadow, he’s getting taller, his teeth sharper, his claws longer. Mirage sounds like he’s snarling now.

Managing to wrap the bolas around Mirage’s ankle.

“You can’t keep using the old Nightmare against me, Mirage, get some new material,” he yanks the chains of the bolas. Mirage hits the floor again, “Come on let’s go outside and we can talk.”
Nightmare coughs. Trying to shake off the fog. He needs to get out of here quickly before the Dread begins to take over.

Somehow he makes it to the patio. He’s shaking, as he’s dragging Mirage. Is he pretending to be out? Like he did the first time he arrived? He couldn’t be out that quickly from a pair of bolas? Could he? Fuck, this is what pissed him off about fighting Mirage. Bastard was a snake.

Yanking on the bolas-


-how did he-

-where did he actually?

Nightmare stumbles backwards when he realizes a big black shadow, back pressed to the railing of the patio. Did he stall that long? Nightmare holds onto the railing with his gloves. Mirage somehow got himself free from the bolas. Bastard always bided his time, didn’t he?

Fuck! Fuck!

“Don’t call me that!"

He can hear his Father’s voice echoing the name. It’s hard to makeout Mirage’s face as it is being replaced by the same helmet and visor he wears, his Father, yet again chastising him for the actions he took. It was never enough. He was never enough. He could hear it whispering in his head now.

“Eugh, shut up!” grabbing for anywhere in front of him and clasping onto whatever he thought was a person in front of him. It was the collar of Mirage’s coat most likely, flipping him around, Mirage tries to push him off, but he’s not nearly as strong as he is. Nightmare flips him over the railing. Mirage goes tumbling over the railing and out onto the sidewalk. While Nightmare vaults over, bracing himself for impact.

He’s going to kick the shit out of him for making him see those things again. He’s no one’s fucking shadow any more. Mirage who is slumped over, trying to catch his breath. Nightmare goes to kick him, he feels something sharp pierce the back of his shin through a weak point in his suit. Mirage’s steel claws pierce through the spandex-like material.

He pulls back his leg.

-Mirage coughs for more air as he stands up-

Fuck this.

His hands shaking as Dread courses through his body. Turning Mirage into a hungry wolf, with multiple eyes, and made of the shadows. He swiftly takes out his gun-


-Mirage doubles back. Mostly shocked. So the fucking monster does bleed. Good. Tightening his left palm into a fist, he charges forward. Punching the bastard in the face, well in the mask. Mirage stumbles backward. He’s going to break this bastards fucking face when he gets through his mask. He keeps on Mirage, punching him again in the mask. This thing is tougher than it looks, even with his padded gloves.

Mirage barely can keep up. It’s because he’s not a martial fighter and Nightmare knows this. The man behind the mask is starting to feel the effects of his gunshot on his side. He would have gotten a better shot if he wasn’t starting to feel feverish.

Now Nightmare is starting to feel woozy. He stops his assault on the mask, when his head begins to spin. As a massive wave of vertigo strikes him. As the streets begin to bend like a heatwave.

Crap. What the hell is going on? The cars on the sidewalk are all starting to look like lurking predators. Headlights become eyes. Grills turn into teeth. The sidewalk is beginning to turn into a puddle of water and he can barely walk. Boots sinking.

-Mirage rasps in pain.

-Mirage gasps.

His mouth is dry. He’s still feeling pretty woozy coming around. There’s the smell of something rotten surrounding him, egh. He ended up in the trash didn’t he? He’s going to be sick, ripping off his helmet, Asher leans over and pukes on the sidewalk. Not his finest moment, and he let Mirage get away. Didn’t he have something important to do, too, today?


It is to greet the newest member of the team. Johnny something. God his head is throbbing though. Cigarettes first. Cigarettes and get out of this god damn suit. He’s sweaty. Hot. Not feeling so great from Mirage’s Vertigo venom. He’s going to need to get his suit checked out. Need more padding in the leg area.

And where the fuck is George anyway? Did he look for him at all? Or just resigned himself to his bed and figured he was safe?

Day is already starting to start out crummy. His helmet, dead, it needs a charge. He still should have, there is his cellphone in his utility pack to call George.

“Sir Asher,” George answers.

“Do not Sir Asher me, did you look for me?”

“I attempted to track you through your helmet when the signal died, I have been waiting in the car in the city for you,”

“Well, I am in some alleyway, Mirage used his Vertigo Venom on me, did you bring a fresh pair of clothes?”

“I did sir,”

“We have to meet up with the team, right? To meet up with Johnny whoever,”

“Do you want a shower first sir?”

“Do I have time?”

93 stories? It’s not like Stark handed out RVSP invitations, on the nice fancy paper with written instructions:

93 stories seemed like a daunting task. He didn’t really understand why Tony Stark picked him out of the bunch. There were plenty of B-role heroes to choose from. Truth is, he’s nervous as hell, even if he wasn’t going to admit to that Chie. Whipping his head around, pointing to the elevator.

“Coming?” he asks.

She gives him one of her playful smiles, “How about we race?”

“You want to race up 93 stories? You’re a track star, you’re not a track alien,”

“Scared you’ll lose,”

“More scared you’re going to lose your breaklunch,”

“Sure,” Chie is already heading towards the steps. He’s not sure who she is challenging, him, or the machine.

“Pretty sure you’re just going to make the building mad at you if you think you can beat it,”

“Better hurry or you’ll lose!”

Crap. And she’s run off. Who else is he going to deflect to now? It’s just him and the elevator now. Wonder if any of the rumors are true and that there is an actual talking machine. Stepping into the elevator, wondering if there is a way to rig this thing to play hype music?

“I don’t know if you can hear me or not, or I am talking to myself, but take your time getting up,” because he’s totally nervous right now. And getting there before Chie while she’s still several stories below him didn’t sound like a good time. He hits the 20th floor, knowing full well where he’s supposed to be going. But now alone, he had to sit with the thoughts that had kept him up all night. Wow, how dramatic of a thought to conjure up right now?

“Okay Niel,” he walks himself through it, staring into a blurry reflection from a metallic part of the elevator, “Let’s walk through this, introduction thing.”

Especially not to look like a total nutcase.

“The elevator opens up, and you say,” he’s talking out loud to himself and he knows it, that or he’s being eerily watched by a machine, “Sup. I am Ace of Knaves.”

Sup? Sup? Have you been asked to give an interview before a hit rap music video? Ace of Knaves, you’re not even a masked vigilante. In fact you’re something much worse than a masked vigilante, you’re a private investigator. Way to go you perpetuating the heroism of the police force. You really outdid yourself on that one. Let’s try an introduction that isn’t as try-hardy as that one, please. Just something normal. Cool, well not like cool the way people perceive the word cool to mean.

“Sorry, got lost on the way up, you’d think someone was compensating for something, am I right, Nathaniel,”

That is worse. And what a cliche joke. Like, get an original joke. And that’s two dick jokes you’ve made since waking up. Is there something you’d like to tell yourself, Niel? Oh shut up. That’s not even funny.

“Niel, we have to make a good impression,” he says to himself, attempting now to talk out loud, to wrestle with his anxiety.

“Yeah I got that, but talking in the elevator to myself isn’t helping, what if they hear me?”

“I doubt anyone will care whether or not you’re talking to yourself,”

The elevator stops moving. This is the 20th floor. He laughs nervously, looking down long, sterile hallways, “Oh wow would you look at that wrong floor. Oops.” he presses the button for the 27th floor next.

“I just need a non corny, introduction,”

“How would Robin introduce himself,”

He stands up straight, “I am Robin, it’s a pleasure to meet you guys. I am a natural born leader, who likes to take charge of everything and micromanage just like my Father. Okay Niel tone it back down this is getting bitter.”

Pretty sure he’s going to get turned down if he keeps this up. Pretty sure if the rumors are in fact true about the A.I. Tony Stark will definitely know about the guy freaking out in his elevator. Maybe they’ll say that this guy is too much, and send him off to get his mind flossed. He’s pretty sure this isn’t a normal reaction to anxiety, like some burning itchy, maddening rash.

You just have to come up with a single fucking introduction. Why are you spinning yourself around? In so many damn circles Niel. It’s an introduction, not your whole entire fucking backstory. What are you going to do join the Justice League and treat it like group therapy and trauma dump on them every sad story about yourself?

Oh what’s your superpower Niel? Trauma and angst.

Can you be normal for once?

The elevator stops at the 27th floor.

“Wow weird, how this keeps happening,”

He presses the button for the 35th floor. Just get your shit together Niel. They probably don’t know who you are. Yeah, that’s the spirit.

See you’re sounding like Chie already. How would she introduce herself? Probably bust through the door, and scream, “Hiyah. I am Shuriken, ready to be your sword.” he does a karate chopping motion in the air.

God it's bad when he’s trying to imitate her.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Feeling sorry for myself is like my default though. That or irritation. Then get irritated. I have nothing to be irritated by. Ugh. My head is the worst place sometimes. This is why you couldn’t sleep. He wonders where Chie is. Should he have left her alone?

Make up your mind on where you want to argue with yourself about.

How did this go this far? All he wanted to do was practice an introduction. Instead he’s let his anxiety wind him up like a ball of yarn. His anxiety is like a cat bent on destruction, by knocking down the yarn roll, and you begin to watch as it careens in the living room and you’re desperately trying to stop it from unraveling. Way to be dark and dramatic, Again!

You’re really going to earn yourself the academy award for: Best use of Trope. Emo “Hero”

The elevator stops at the 35th floor.

“Crazy, how this keeps handing, all these floors look the same,” Niel jokes out loud.

He goes to press the 44th floor. Realizing he can’t hit the buttons any more. Crap. No. Is he locked out from hitting any more buttons. He furiously hits the 44th button, but the display screen shows 93rd.

“Fuck you, I wasn’t done having my anxiety attack!” he shouts at the ceiling.

He sort of mashes all the buttons together at once. Fuck you elevator. Furiously pressing the 44th floor, but the display continues flashing 93.

“You piece of shit! This is why machines shouldn’t have a mind of their god damn own, I am sitting here trying to fulfill my mandatory mental breakdown!”

The machine still won’t listen despite him trying to get the elevator to stop at whatever level is next.


He tries the emergency stop button. It won’t work.



Shit, the door is open. Isn’t it? Room is full too of people, he waves, casually while clearing his throat “Hi guys.”

Determine the whereabouts of Cerberus Activity

Locate Cerberus Facility and follow up on Cerberus Activity

Mission 1: Secure and locate information Cerberus next project on Ebos

Quick Note: All NPC's such as Rin can be piloted by other players for their post, I don't necessarily see the reason why I should force someone to wait on me to respond with a character. Characters who players cannot use will be marked with * otherwise if not indicated, the characters are free for use.

NPC Sheet [Free for Use]


Original RP by LetMeDoStuff

W h a t R e m a i n s

Even after a great war, peace remains unsustainable...

It's been four years since the legendary Commander John Shepard, human Spectre and Officer of the Alliance Navy, dealt the final blow to the Reaper invasion. By using the Crucible, all synthetic life was destroyed in order to put an end to the cataclysmic cycle that had ravaged the galaxy for what felt like an eternal process. Such a move sent a shockwave across the galaxy and put the order of galactic politics, society and conflict at a complete standstill. The Reapers were gone, as were the Geth, and everything seemed to go silent for a while. The Mass Effect relays were damaged in the process of final victory, and the last three years were dedicated to repairing and reactivating all surviving nodes of intersystem travel. Come the end of the third year, the natural order of the galaxy's original state returned in theory, yet nothing was ever to be the same again.

If one thing is for sure, then it goes without saying that the Reaper Invasion left a traumatising mark on all sentient life. Homeworlds had been brutalised. Planets had been wiped clean. Entire colonies had disappeared without a trace. The loss of life was all but ghastly. Human, Turian, Salarian and Asari militaries were devastated by the fighting, whilst non-council species differed in devastation. There was no real natural order of life anymore. Some species, such as the Batarians, were whittled down to as little as fifty-thousand survivors. Large swathes of galactic space had been reduced to echoes and silence. There was no great relief the moment Shepard pulled the trigger on the extinction cycle. Many had no real clue of what to do next. Bureaucratic stagnation returned to folly in the wake of billions killed. Repair and recovery coordination was admirable at best, and lopsided, disjointed and failing at others.

The Citadel and its Council fell into an identity crisis. Some ambassadors made large for enacting normalcy to a galaxy that could barely resemble it. Others called for great reformation, some even devolved into demands for reparations in a sea of debt-struck citizens. There was never quite the happy ending as once heralded by the countless news networks throughout the war, but at the very least, life lived on without having been harvested once more. Despite this, countless threats still plagued Citadel Space, from within and from the reaches of the Terminus System, or throughout the desolate wastelands left ravaged by the invasion. Civil conflict, those who see others unfit for leadership, sits as a close prospect in many systems. That universal unification of all life fritters whilst some fall to insecurity in the face of annihilation. It seems that the sudden revoke of the apocalypse set in motion a grand disturbance throughout. But at the very least, there remains hope among those that wish to persist with the aftermath seen by their saviours. It is simply a test to see whether said ideals come to fruition, or if they die in the ever-changing galaxy.

C a u g h t I n A L a n d s l i d e

...for the guns stop firing only when they need to reload.

Mass Effect: Intervention is to follow crewmembers of the SSV-Intervention, an Alliance vessel leased to the Citadel that was constructed from 'Andromeda Initiative' ship designers back in 2184. The Intervention is captained by one Te'yany Janniius, an Asari put in command of one of many new ships in the name of the Citadel's centralised military endeavours, beyond that of system-by-system policing by the Turian Empire and Systems Alliance. A new doctrine, inspired by the actions of the SSV-Normandy, has set out a number of autonomous companies who's intent is to provide flexible and effective military force between the cracks that formed in the damaged fleets' coverage. Though a licensed design in Alliance hands, the ships authority lies on the Citadel, and thus a range of races and species are found on board the ship. The Intervention is a relatively new vessel, having ran only several exercises and a few missions since its construction. Finally, it is to be bathed in baptism. The crew has been fully assembled. And with it comes its first task.

After the conclusion to the Reaper Invasion, it was easy to forget another major foe that still lurked in and out of Citadel space. Cerberus, the fanatic human organisation, remains, though much of its physical strength has been reduced to atoms. The death of the Illusive Man drew what many hoped would be the fatal strike to the group, however it served more to break the limbs of the beast than to sever its head. Cerberus remains out there. Their goals are once more uncertain, though the Citadel Council are more than eager to shut down any instances of its existence. Any cells and outposts that are discovered are immediately met with detainment or elimination. Ships like the Intervention specialise in removing these threats. Most recently, Cerberus activity was picked up on Virmire, in the Sentry Oemga, far into the remnant lands of lost battles. The assignment has been left to the Intervention to investigate the reports, and to either detain, disrupt or destroy any presence found.

W e l c o m e !

...for the guns stop firing only when they need to reload.

Hello and welcome, interest checkers and newcomers, to Mass Effect: Intervention, the thread set aboard the aforementioned SSV-Intervention, a reconnaissance and security frigate commissioned for Citadel matters. We're here to bring together a wide variety of characters all in the same boat, from different walks of life, in a post-Reaper Invasion galaxy. A lot has happened to the galaxy, and though the Mass Relays are only just starting to reach a condition viable for usage, there's a lot to reconnect and recover in the wake of a destructive war. We will all fall under the initial command of the vessel and create an interactive breathing space for these characters to develop, add to the story and to forge their own path in a time left over by the legends that preceded them.

I think you get the gist of the story setup. For the tl;dr: Citadel want to root out pockets of Cerberus, and the SSV-Intervention, a relatively fresh ship in a tested design, is being sent to Virmire to investigate a reported presence. The main focus of this RP is surrounding the characters and how they interact/bounce off of one another. The plot should be the vessel for them to develop and engage in varying levels of relationships with one another, be it the professional camaraderie, the friendships, rivalries, disdains and even romances that stem from a ship's community-like crewspace. Of course, this means that over the long course of the setting, we'll be visiting different planets, locations and stations to help flesh out a series of connected stories. Depending on how the RP goes, we'll either focus far more on the ship's micro stories or its macro stories. Either way, combat, working lives and tragedies are sure to strike along the way. The galaxy is still very much a dangerous place, and the hole left if the galactic balance of power post-invasion has put many in precarious spots in life.

So, it should go without saying that first I should introduce to you the SSV-Intervention. As mentioned before, this vessel was a System's Alliance design obtained from the Andromeda Project before they set out. Since its acquirement, the Alliance had begun development on their own version until the Reaper Invasion cut plans short. Out of the ashes of the war came time for innovation once more. The ship's design schematic - the Hood-Class Frigate - was then brought into fruition as a cost-effective, yet highly resilient, vessel that brought to power a new doctrine of galactic peacekeeping. Shepard's spearheading of this doctrine through his use of the SSV-Normandy SR2 was then brought to the Citadel Council at first notice, to which they purchased licenses for existing ships and brought them into their own ranks. And though the ship hasn't seen much wide adoption outside of Alliance in their attempt to rebuild strength, the Citadel Security Fleet has employed around 90 of these, many still bearing Alliance designation. One of these, freshly out of trials, comes the Intervention.

But what of the characters of this vessel? Well, to begin with, there'll be a pool of races to choose from, with the non-Citadel Security Fleet races being allowed as secondary characters down the line if they were to be introduced aboard. For the most part, the crew will differ from all sorts of backgrounds. Some of you might choose to have characters already know one another, either minimally or extensively, prior to the maiden mission of the SSV-Intervention, whilst I assume most will be there as new faces to the ranks.

There is one somewhat important prerequisite to the character you make: they must at least be a serviceman for their home systems' organisations (i.e. Alliance Military, Turian Fleet etc.) or a recruit of the Citadel Security Fleet. Now this doesn't just mean the brunt and brutes of soldiers, this could be down to the more logistical and civilian-like positions found throughout, such as doctors, scientists and researchers if you want your characters to fill those niches. I was asked this during the making of the OOC thread. If you don't have a desire for the "militaristic" background, then the Citadel Fleet fills that gap more, acting more initially as a civilian-like job. Of course, they'd end up being recruited officially for service aboard the Intervention, whether through requested transfer or necessity, and with the Galaxy still bandaging its heavy wounds I can suspect there might be a good array of backgrounds that precede their introductions.

Another topic to quickly touch on is the characters' jobs. Not every character has to be a combatant first and foremost. I've talked the interested and we have such ideas as the ship's main doctor, think Chakwas for the Normandy, or a pilot. I'm fine with these, eventually people will have the space to make landfall in their own ways, should a major story event come about, and I'll try to best include everyone where I can, but just keep in mind of what might influence your character in their specified roles. Also, alongside these roles comes the topic of "class". I wouldn't say there's any super strict class structure for combat-based explorers and peacekeepers, such as the general soldier, engineer, adept and onwards, but it is worth looking at the six "classes" to better narrow down any combat skills, of which you'll choose from three, just to make sure we don't overextend what our characters can do from the beginning. There may be opportunities to better equip and hone a characters' skillset, but I don't generally want to gameify the abilities too much as this is a narrative RP foremost.

Last side note for the character sheet: I'm posting the most basic skeleton for it. Some people like format their sheets differently, and I'm all cool for that. So long as you include all the necessary information here, you're green to go ahead, and if you want to put in any additional information, then go for it.

Again, bare minimum format, so feel free to decorate or reformat the sheet to your heart's desires, because who doesn't love a bit of flash and flair to their introductory character sheet?

Overall, I do dearly hope you enjoy the RP we've got here. Those who've shown interest already, I'm super excited to see what you bring to the table, and if anyone new is interested in joining simply drop your interest in the OOC here and I'll be excited to see what you come up with. If there are any problems with submitted character sheets I'll query about them as best as I can to make a compromise if it's something that I feel may harm the experience (which honestly is a rarity). Thank you all for reading this, and to send it off, I'll leave a small list of major events detailed by Shepard's exploits to summarise the galactic events that are still in influence today.

Hemlock - Red - Represented in Teal , Rueyn - Siri - Represented in Orange

The kaleidoscope circuitry is easier to navigate now that he knows the path. He hadn’t walked as Digital Ghost in so long he had forgotten how it felt. A part of him wanted to take divergent paths and begin to seize the facility from the inside. Choking its circuitry is like a heart attack of the motherboard. Though he would show some temperance until they knew the full plan and he could remove his body out of the danger zone. He should have accounted for the splash zone, however-

He shudders. This facility is so cold-

-something splatters across his face. It's warm. Wet. And sticks to his skin the consistency of paint, though he is certain this isn't that.

“Fingerpainting are we,” he states, there is a touch of annoyance. As far as he is aware, when they escape he didn’t have a change of clothes and two people coated in blood tended to look suspicious.

“My bad, I don’t exactly have a dropcloth handy,” Rue drawled, licking the blood off of her bone colored claws. “I said I would protect your body, never said anything about your clothes.”

So some assholes had decided they wanted to add a tally to their kill marks, and openly talked about it pretty close to her. So she decided she had a problem with it when they decided to come at Hemlock.

“Humans limbs tear like paper,” Rueyn commented, “Blood goes flying when a man’s arm is completely ripped from its socket by about 90 pounds of brute force. Same goes for the rest of his limbs. And there were two of them. So, pardon me, your highness.”

“As commendable as that is and I appreciate the save, how are we going to get ramen now covered in bloo-

Rue ignored his comment as she cracked her knuckles, then broke the cuffs around her wrists with the horribly loud crunching noises of metal being bent and crushed in ways it was not meant to be. She growled with satisfaction as they crumbled from her wrists. Without the electric currents running through them properly, they were no match for her strength that was measured at 4tons (8,000 lbs) of weight. Then she did her ankles.

If her powers being unleashed had any effect on how Hemlock saw her, they likely shifted with the black shadows and smoke that emanated from her body, limbs and face.

She turned her gaze towards him and wiped the rest of the blood off on her black jumpsuit, having licked most of it from her hands and even her face, that’s how long her demonic, forked tongue was. It was also prehensile like a chameleon tail, which helped. And was probably an unnerving sight for others to witness. Especially since she stood surrounded by a pile of gore that was once two metahuman inmates.

He's trying to ignore the sounds of her tongue on her skin. Saliva dripping, lapping up blood? How he longed for simple things, a cup of ramen, perhaps a shower, and somewhere to listen to the static hiss for a while.

“Gods fucking damn,” Rue rumbled. “That’s better. Okay, now what do you want to do, tech genius?”

“Don’t you mean tech highness,”he is definitely being a wise ass and she can’t help but smile at it.

“Okay, your techness,” Rue wondered if he could sense her rolling her eyes with her tone. “As much as I have no doubt you can make your way to the needed area of interest yourself, you’re not exactly a match for even the average human’s strength, and that’s just my strategic observation,” she added. “I’m going with you and we will travel by shadows, no one can touch us in the darkness. Just direct me based on your senses and I can take it from there.”

“It’s not always about physical strength. I could microwave a man before he could twitch a muscle. Sometimes I don’t cook them first and I let them twitch in paralyzing agony for a bit,” his smirks with a challenge.

But Rueyn stood resolute in her decision.

She had already decided he was hers to protect. And with how dangerous prison riots were (she’d lived through at least five in her two decades of being there), she wasn’t taking the chances of his getting fucking murdered on the way to free them all. As far as she was concerned, the plan was doomed without him. And she wasn’t about to lose yet another being that she felt some measure of caring for. Twenty years so soon after the last was still too soon.

“It is quite useless to argue with me, Lock,” she told him matter of factly. “I’m not above throwing you over my shoulder to ensure your safety and thereby the success of this plan.”

“I won’t resist your assistance Rueyn,” he tells her, “But please if I do resist, do not hoist me up. I prefer my feet comfortably on the ground.”

He stands up. Now what to do? Soon there is going to be a riot, isn’t there? He had control of the cameras, and the monitors, as well as the alarms and the handcuffs. Still he didn’t like being Digital Ghost when there is so much activity around. Too many variables, like two men being ripped apart by Rue. Which meant he would have to navigate the facility by foot, using the security system as his guide.

“Unfortunately, one of my capabilities, leaves my body for too long, exposed like this. I am still capable by myself, don’t worry about me, when the riots happen, I’d like to take the path of least resistance Taking my trip into the security system, I have a relatively decent map in my head of the layout of the facility. I hadn’t realized how far underground we are, no wonder everything feels so smooth,”

If there is one thing he wished he had right now, it is a blanket. He should have brought one from his cage before leaving for the cafeteria. Then again he didn’t expect there to be an escape plan happening today either.

The last part of his sentence struck a chord in her and she growled.

“Underground? Really? No wonder there’s an underlying smell of dirt and mold everywhere all the time.”

She made a noise of disgust in the back of her throat and replaced her mask.

“So, what will it be, Oh mighty Digital Royal?”

“Should that be the name I take up, then, Digital Royal, instead of Digital Ghost,” he gives her an airy dry laugh, “I will accept your alliance. I just like being difficult for the sake of being difficult. It gives me human qualities.”

“Very well then,” she replied. “You make fair points. Come, take my hand or hold onto me somehow, you won’t come with me otherwise.”

She was glad he didn’t argue with her. It was less of a headache for her. She laughed at his comment.

“Cyberspace Royal sounds better,” she admitted. “Digital Ghost, though, that’s got a whole different ring to it, edgy and dark almost. Let me know when you have a firm grip on me. Skin to skin is best but holding onto my clothes works just as well.”

She gathered the shadows around her in preparation, her outline dwarfed by a solid black mass that flickered and writhed, her eyes glowing.

Truth is, he’s hesitant. Her Nebulous form is easy enough, now, to gauge where she is standing. Yet, there is a fragment in his mind, a distant memory. Being dragged along by a parent insisting he needed assistance. He understands that is an entirely illogical response to this situation. As they aren’t similar, from what he can determine her powers were similar to his that required touch.

Extending out his hand to grab her own, or really he awkwardly felt around for it in front of him. He’s not able to determine things like limbs separately from the whole body. This is embarrassing.

Rue noticed his awkwardly feeling around for her and to save him further embarrassment, gently grabbed his hand to lace his fingers with hers, being very careful not to use too much of her strength lest she accidentally break his fingers.

She’s surprisingly gentle. Her hands are warm. Like previously.

“Are you ready?” she asked. “It’s going to feel weird, especially since you can’t see, though you likely won’t have the usual fear upon seeing pure blackness around you that most people have.”

“I don’t see total darkness,” he tells her, “It’s like being surrounded by snow I can feel. It’s like my brain registers something is there, but I have no visual reference for what I am seeing. Just big splotches of color. I am ready. I admit I am fascinated to experience another's power."

“This is interesting,” Rue replied, bringing the shadows around them both. “If only I had the one power that allows mental connections to share images, well, at least without using my Mark.”

She walked through the inky shadows that covered the building and walked into the layer of blackness, Hemlock’s fingers firmly laced in hers. Anyone who was watching them would have seen them just disappear into darkness, fading away with a few blinks, shortly before the lights went out and all was plunged further into chaos.

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