Avatar of TheVampireRevan


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current Will be getting to replys tomorrow. I've had the block
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9 mos ago
Appreciate it. I have so many good characters to bring here if I could ever get the inspiration to write them. Not being able to code doesn't help. I can't even get images up
9 mos ago
Question about the character sheet section. I can't code so can I make separate posts or put them all together without the coding? Wouldn't look very pretty
9 mos ago
So two things. One: I am inspired to write up two of my characters. Aura- a vampire/succubus (this would involve NSFW type RP) and my my Fire elemental Flame . If interested message me
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9 mos ago
Will get to replys shortly,I been lazy the last few days lol
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Hi! Nice to meet everyone here. I'm 33 and have been roleplaying since I was 17. I can do almost any type of rp though my favorite will always be fantasy /supernatural type rps. I write incredible fight scenes with all of my characters and that's what I tend to do best . Though again I do all different types of rp,so hit me up you'd be surprised by what I'd take.

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Name: Josh but I prefer to go by Revan. Hopefully you'll all get a chance to meet him,he's my oldest and favorite character to play.
I've been roleplaying a while I'd say probably 12_15 years now. I used to roleplay on a website called vampirefreaks,it was like an alternate Facebook type of place with forums for roleplaying and other things.
I like supernatural type rps but I also enjoy horror,supernatural romances and fight scenes. I write fights pretty good.

What else to say..... I also do alot of gaming,I have a four year old gray and white cat named Mr boots and I like heavy metal of all subgenres though currently my favorite is power metal.

Hope to be able to get a character created soon and get an actual story based to going,it's been way too long .
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