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    1. TheWildHost 9 yrs ago


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Dallas, Texas (Central Time)

Yo my life is about three things and three things only
-gettin money
-gettin bitches
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Felix nodded his head, "Yes, lets continue mapping the area around use though, we can make our way there. I don't want to waste any daylight"
B)Improve military tech

The smiths will work hard on creating throwing spears from copper as they are going to be used for hunting, while the Iron will be used for weapons, tools and armor (in that order). Also if we found any lead, those are used for sling bullets.
<Snipped quote>

<Snipped quote>

<Snipped quote>

Average? Between hunting, fishing, foraging, and now growing three different crops, what else could you do for food? Beekeeping?

So bee (lol) it. There will bee lots of bees making honey and mead until I can bee that one guy with "absurdly high" as his food level, and if bees won't bee enough, I will bee looking for some sort of livestock. Maybe the Ards will even eat the wolf puppies.

@barkmeat2 is about to fire your ass up boy

quick edit; sorry for the really short post, I'm not really feeling it this turn, hopefully my next one will be much longer though.
>Radio for a pickup crew

Felix looks at the armor, armor that at one point would've made a man strong. He ordered for an armored car to come and take them back, a quick trip that would help show off the possible treasures of this new world. They moved the crate to the entrance and continued on their way, the radio operator giving a nod of completion.

>command center (Concrete and Metal)
>motor pool (Concrete and metal)
>latrines (wood)
>living quarter (wood)
>mess hall (wood)
>defenses (concrete and metal watch towers, wooden palisade)
>storage (Concrete and metal)
>production? (none, yet. We will use the supplies we brought)
>Lab (tent, will be constructed out of the more important materials later)
>Generators (housed in the motor pool for now)

Felix looked around for the missing men, 4 Wehrmacht recruits. He cursed under his breath before taking a better look at his surroundings. The combat engineers had already begun taking the supplies off of the trucks to begin construction. He quickly detailed what he wanted and ordered the head engineer, Herman Von Hosendor a grizzled veteran that was a digger during the great war. Herman went on to become a successful Engineer and Felix had handpicked the man to lead the engineers.

The base was to be the command center and motor pool adjacent,at the back of the facility, with the messhall, living quarter and makeshift lab to be across a foyer that would be about 150 feet on the left side of the facility. A storage bay would line the right, all surrounded by a wooden wall supplemented by light metal watch towers that would be movable if needed. The final side (front) was left open, but eventually a wall and gate would be added, but for now the Panzers and light vehicles would be able to leave unhindered.

Once Felix explained the layout of the facility Herman began planning the building, claiming it could be finished in 1 week, 4 days if all the Wehrmacht helped (Which they would) and until then the men would live in tents. The SS squad would set out on a scouting mission, led by Felix, for the surrounding area, with the troop carriers and armored cars ready to leave if any hostile forces were engaged.

The flickering portal gazes into the rolling planes, grass up to a mans chest gazing back in some parts.

Felix looked around at his men, many of them nervous and mumbling now. The Mauser Kar98k slung across his back shifted as he pulled his MP40 from his side, away from its sling. In a well rehearsed move he loudly pulled the slide back and chambered a round before taking a breath and then a step. "Let's not keep this place waiting then" Felix said as he stepped through the portal, a warm wind immediately brushing over him.
Goliath drones weren't put into service until '42
Ah yes, Himler himself. The slightly pudgy man was held in high regard as the fuhrer's right hand. You converse with him on the intricacies of the mission. What you and your men need as well as any counter measure for any potential threats. Your talks of your plans brighten his eyes and pique his interests, he will surely do his best to provide further support.

[+1 Requisition Slot per month]

>25% Military Goods
>20%Civilian Goods
>15% Medical Supplies
>40%Infrastructure Materiel

and the base expedition group will be:

>[ ] One Squad of SS Commandos.
>[ ] 40 Wehrmacht infantrymen. These are broken down into 5 squads of 8, including a medic and a machine gunner, as well as submachine gun soldiers and riflemen.
>[ ] 10 Opel Blitz light trucks, carrying ammunition, medical supplies, and fuel.
>[ ] 4 Krupp Protze heavy trucks, carrying the above, in addition to heavier construction materials and supplies.
>[ ] 4 Sd.Kfz. 251with machine guns, towing a pair of FlaK 38.
>[ ] 2 Sd.Kfz. 247
>[ ] 1 Panzer IV tank

>[ ] Two squads of a dozen Combat Engineers each, able to quickly erect fortifications and assist in military constructions.
>[ ] An extra pair of Panzer IV tanks, with a fuel truck to go with them.

Felix hoped they wouldnt need too many medical supplies for the first month, but he did know they would need infrastructure. The engineers would be useful in construction and the Panzer IVs would be invaluable if what the Project documents told him.
Felix walked over to the man he would be answering to on his mission and began chatting with him, and generally getting to know him better. (I don't know if my commander and I have a relationship or not, but if not I will take this time to establish one with him)
Felix cleared his throat uncomfortably, and readjusted the collar of his uniform. He recognized a few of the men in the audience, old COs and brothers-in-arms, but he also saw a sea of men and women of high power that he didn't know.
"Thank you for your applause, I'm glad to be leading this mission and hope to bring glory to the Reich. I feel a twang of disappointment whenever I realize I won't be fighting here, at home in Europe, but it is overshadowed by the sense of duty and possibility of finding something greater while on this mission." The dining hall remained quite "For the Reich and for us all!"
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