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We'll get started soon! Here is my CS and Sicarius will post his/hers soon.

Name: Her Majesty the Queen Mother Elya Emerast

Age: 19

Appearance: Elya is a slender woman, about 1,65 m tall with pleasant curves. She possesses a classical beauty; large, deep green eyes, a straight nose and full, pink lips. Her hair is dark red and falls down to the small of her back in smooth curls, though she normally wears it done up.
She wears fine clothes in muted colors and rarely any jewelry other than her wedding ring and a black gemstone set in gold as a necklace.

Background/history: Elya is the first born daughter of Magnus Stormholme, one of the most powerful lords of Alcea. She was promised to king Barynd even before she was born and grew up knowing she was to be queen, and was raised accordingly, together with her two younger brothers.

She met her future husband a handful of times throughout her childhood, finding him a pleasant man and looking forward to their wedding with childish enthusiasm at first and then with more mature eagerness once she understood the politics better. And it didn’t hurt that the king was a handsome man.

In the spring after the year she turned fourteen, Elya and her family traveled to the capital for the wedding. It was a grand ceremony and was followed by a feast that lasted for seven days. Once it was over, Elya’s family returned home, but leaving her youngest brother there to train as a page.

Elya quickly found herself at home in the royal castle, making friends with her ladies in waiting and also growing close to the man the king had assigned as her personal guard, Sir Stefan. A bit over a year after the wedding, Elya fell pregnant, to the joy of both her and her husband.

When Janolf suddenly seized power and killed the king, it came as a surprise to everyone. There had been whispers about Janolf consorting with dark powers and it was known that he was hungry for power, but no-one had thought him bold enough to overthrow the crown.

Since her escape from Janolf, Elya has lived in the Ilvancean emperor’s palace in comfort, waiting for an opportunity to take back the throne for her son.

Skills: As a noblewoman raised from birth to be queen of Alcea, Elya is well versed in not only etiquette but also in politics and she uses the knowledge to her advantage. She is very aware of her beauty and how to use it.

Something else?: Elya’s son Darlond, who is the legitimate king of Alcea, is about two and a half years old and is generally a happy child. He has his mother’s fair skin, but it’s tanned from spending time playing outside. He has blond hair, curling down long enough to cover his ears and he has the blue eyes of his late father.

If your character is from another culture/country, some notes on that: Well, Elya is from Alcea but I figured I’d say something about that. It’s a temperate climate, with hot summers and cold winters. The royal family has ruled for close to four centuries and the overthrow of them has had consequences for the magical stability of the land. It’s a feudal society with powerful, fairly independent lords who rule their lands pretty much as they please as long as they pay their taxes and supply the king with knights.
I'm going to get a CS up soon, and hopefully a couple of more people will as well and then we can start.
About three years ago, the ruling House of the country Alcea was overthrown by the powerful sorcerer Janolf, a man driven by an insatiable hunger for power. The King and most of his loyal knight were slaughtered, as was the whole of the Royal House. Except his young wife, pregnant with his child.

She managed to escape with the help of an ambassador from Alcea’s neighbour, Ilvance, and took refuge with the Emperor there.

Since Janolf’s takeover, a movement of resistance has grown, consisting of nobles from the Houses disfavoured by Janolf as well as more common folk dissatisfied with their new ruler, who the rumours say is in league with demons and monsters.

Elya is living in comfort in Ilvance with her now three year old son when a messenger from the Resistance reaches her, telling her that the true heir of the crown of Alcea is needed in the fight against Janolf and she decides to leave Ilvance and find the headquarters of the Resistance. Meanwhile, the Resistance sends out a group to meet Elya and her son and show her to their headquarters.

The idea is for people to play one of the people Elya recruits to escort her through Alcea (an exile from Alcea, a native of Ilvance, something else entirely...) or someone in the party sent out to meet her. The messenger would be fine to play, as well.

Notes on the world

It is, as you might have noticed, not plotted in any great detail so I encourage you to do your own worldbuilding! But here are a few basic things:

1. There are only humans (i.e. no elves, dwarves etc.)

2. Magic is innate to some people and is quite rare. It’s not something that is very well understood and attitudes toward it vary. Some think it’s ungodly and some see it as a gift. In Alcea, there is no system for training those born with magic; instead, they’re usually carted off to someone’s friend’s cousin’s acquaintance’s old uncle who can call on the winds. There are tales, though, of great organisations of powerful mages in far off countries...
There is also the deeper even less understood power of the lands and of the earth. Power that can be harnessed through rituals and amulets and so on. This is the kind of power that binds the royal family to the throne.

3. Gods and goddesses. Alcea’s official religion is the worship of the Sun-god and the Moon-goddess, just called the god and the goddess, but there are minor deities and cults all over the country. Which are real? Time will tell.

4. Technology. Late Medieval times. Swords, bows and crossbows. Stuff like that.

So, basically, this is a pretty standard fantasy RPG with a lot of freedom for the players. There is a basic plot, but not much more than that. I will be playing Elya, perhaps someone in the party sent out to meet her if that turns out to be relevant and various NPCs as needed. And bad guys. Although I suppose the players could be bad guys as well.

Rules and guidelines (there aren't many)
1. Be nice.

2. One to two posts a week.

3.In conversations with NPCs you're free to play them on your own when they're just generic, unimportant characters. When they're important (like someone with info relevant to the plot) I'll control them, but if you don't mind I might just send a PM with general instructions as to what he/she'll say so as to avoid cluttering. It'll work out.

4. I don't mind some planning of the action in the OOC thread. Obviously, the plot should mostly be driven forward in the IC but sometimes it's useful to do some OOC discussion of it.

5. Any and all suggestions are welcome. :) Either in the thread or in a PM to me.

6. Romance, friendship, enemy-ship, manipulation, betrayal etc. etc. is all fine. Go wild!

Character sheet
Appearance (pic or description):
Something else?:
If your character is from another culture/country, some notes on that:

I would like you to PM me the CS before you post it here and I'll (most likely) approve it. I'd also like you to include in the PM (but not in the post when you post it) a short note on personality and your plans for where you'll start in the roleplay (as in, in Alcea, in Ilvance etc), your characters motivation (just short, like 'make money') and if you have any specific plans for where you want to go in the roleplay (it isn't necessary that you have any plans at all. Improvisation is nice as well. ^^)

Go wild, kids!

Elya Emerast played by ThistleOfLiberty
Lacchi - played by Nemaisare
Prince Francis Machiavelli Enrico 'Fran' Dandolo played by Ontos
Helga “Yanhua” Tristis played by Sicarius
Cirindel Valehold played by Instantes
Rayf Calderwood played by Silly Cybin


King Barynd Emerast - the former king of Alcea, slain by Janolf in his takeover of the throne.

Darlond Emerast - Elya's son, the legitimate king of Alcea

Lord Janolf Grymholdt - the current ruler of Alcea. A powerful sorcerer who is rumoured to be in league with demons and other dark forces.
Sounds great everyone! I'm going to get an OOC up, then.

Here it is: OOC thread
Sounds interesting! I think I'll wait for one or two more people before I start an OOC thread.
Instantes: Nice! :)

Do you guys have any ideas about what kind of character you want to play?
Great! :)
Cool! I'm not planning on it being a very fast paced RPG, so maybe just two or so posts a week. Maybe one.
“I don’t understand, Sir Stefan. What’s happening? Where are we going?”

“Please be quiet, Majesty,” the greying knight replied to his queen’s worried questions, steadying her with a hand on her elbow as he guided her through the murky tunnel.

“You’re in grave danger.”

“I don’t understand,” Elya said, voice lowered.

“Lord Janolf has killed the Captain of the Guards and filled the palace with his own men. People say he has released a... a monster, or a demon to slay anything that stands in his way. He’s headed for the Throne Room.”

Elya swallowed. “And... my Lord Husband?”

“The King...” Stefan hesitated, “We do not know, Majesty. All I know is that he instructed me to take you and the child to safety.”

Swallowing again, Elya nodded. A part of her knew that she should be panicking, that her life was crumbling around her into dust, that her husband might very well be dead. That the life of the child she carried was in danger.

But most of her was numb, and simply followed Stefan without question as he led her through the dark tunnels underneath the Royal Palace until they finally surfaced, finding themselves in a small room.

A man was waiting for them and in his nondescript clothing and deep hood it took Elya a second to recognise him as the ambassador from Ilvance.

“We must hurry, Majesty,” he said, “Janolf will soon have closed the city gates. I have horses waiting.”

Still numb, Elya just nodded and allowed the men to usher her out of the house to the waiting horses, mounting the stallion they indicated and wrapping the cloak they gave her around herself.

They rode through the night.


Darlond laughed loudly as his small hands closed on the frog he had been chasing and he turned to hold it up to his mother for inspection. A fond smile on her face, Elya nodded from over her embroidery.

“That’s very nice, my love,” she said, “Why don’t you return it to the pond?”

As usually happy to comply with his mother’s wishes, Darlond nodded and trotted off toward the pond at the far end of the enclosed garden on chubby legs. Elya followed him with her eyes until she was suddenly interrupted by a servant stumbling out through the doors to the garden.

“Your Majesty,” he panted, “There’s a messenger. From Alcea.” He took another deep, desperate breath. “Not from Janolf.”


Basic plot is as follows:

About three years ago, the ruling House of the country Alcea was overthrown by the powerful sorcerer Janolf, a man driven by an insatiable hunger for power. The King and most of his loyal knight were slaughtered, as was the whole of the Royal House. Except his young wife, pregnant with his child.
She managed to escape with the help of an ambassador from Alcea’s neighbour, Ilvance, and took refuge with the Emperor there.

Since Janolf’s takeover, a movement of resistance has grown, consisting of nobles from the Houses disfavoured by Janolf as well as more common folk dissatisfied with their new ruler, who the rumours say is in league with demons and monsters.

Elya is living in comfort in Ilvance with her now three year old son when a messenger from the Resistance reaches her, telling her that the true heir of the crown of Alcea is needed in the fight against Janolf and she decides to leave Ilvance and find the headquarters of the Resistance. Meanwhile, the Resistance sends out a group to meet Elya and her son and show her to their headquarters.

The idea is for people to play one of the people Elya recruits to escort her through Alcea (an exile from Alcea, a native of Ilvance, something else entirely...) or someone in the party sent out to meet her. The messenger would be fine to play, as well.

Notes on the world

It is, as you might have noticed, not plotted in any great detail so I encourage you to do your own worldbuilding! But here are a few basic things:

1. There are only humans.

2. Magic is innate to some people and is quite rare. It’s not something that is very well understood and attitudes toward it vary. Some think it’s ungodly and some see it as a gift. In Alcea, there is no system for training those born with magic; instead, they’re usually carted off to someone’s friend’s cousin’s acquaintance’s old uncle who can call on the winds. There are tales, though, of great organisations of powerful mages in far off countries...
There is also the deeper even less understood power of the lands and of the earth. Power that can be harnessed through rituals and amulets and so on. This is the kind of power that binds the royal family to the throne.

3. Gods and goddesses. Alcea’s official religion is the worship of the Sun-god and the Moon-goddess, just called the god and the goddess, but there are minor deities and cults all over the country. Which are real? Time will tell.

4. Technology. Late Medieval times. Swords, bows and crossbows. Stuff like that.

So, basically, this is a pretty standard fantasy RPG with a lot of freedom for the players. There is a basic plot, but not much more than that.
I will be playing Elya, perhaps someone in the party sent out to meet her if that turns out to be relevant and various NPCs as needed. And bad guys. Although I suppose the players could be bad guys as well.

There's room for more players!
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