Avatar of Thundercrash
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    1. Thundercrash 9 yrs ago


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I usually put a trigger warning up at the top when I do something that I think would be pushing it for most people. Then they read at their own risk.
@Miakardia How graphic are we allowed to get? Because I have an idea for how to start, but it could be a pretty serious trigger for some people.
Name: Kirsta Corasdottir

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: A slight, willowy girl with long red hair, dark blue eyes and creamy skin. Considered beautiful by most standards.

Height: 5'4”

Weight: 102lbs

Mother: Cora, 24. A prostitute from Eastwatch, deceased

Father: Barthas Mogran, 54. A skilled researcher, alchemist and lord in Cacus’s court. He is frequently unfaithful to his wife. Kirsta has never met him but does know that he is her father.

Lady Tiara Mogran, 41. Lord Mogran’s wife. She is well aware of her husband’s various mistresses, and is equally unfaithful to him. However, she does not know about Kirsta’s birth.

Camlin Mogran, 24. Kirsta’s half-brother and a sadistic captain in the Royal Legion.

Lorain Arteno, 19. Kirsta’s half-sister and full sister of Camlin. Has the power of tactile telepathy.

Can create and move hard-light barriers. Barriers are indestructible, but require energy from Kirsta’s body to be maintained.

Stealing, deception, seduction, knives, perception

Kirsta is very manipulative, resourceful, and selfish, having spent most of her short life having to support herself by any means necessary; if it will keep her alive for another day, she will do it. Loyal to no one but herself, she distrusts any act of kindness until she knows what it is someone wants from her. She is very adept at reading people and situations, as her survival has frequently depended on that skill. Has a deep disgust for nobility on account of her brother.


Some people live their lives having everything handed to them. Food, drink, a good roof, pleasure, these individuals get it all. Never knowing hardship or uncertainty, they live knowing that life will provide them with everything they will ever need.

But for every person who receives the boons of life, there is someone else whom those boons are taken from. Kirsta falls into the second category. Her mother Cora came from Eastwatch, but became the mistress of Lord Barthus Mogran, a nobleman in the court of Cavolon. When he learned that she had become pregnant, he promptly cast her out onto the streets, rather than risk his indiscretion becoming public knowledge. Having no skills to speak of and no resources other than her body, Cora resorted to prostitution to support herself and her infant daughter.

When Kirsta was 7 years old, her mother was murdered by one of her clients. Now forced to survive on her own, Kirsta resorted to any means necessary to survive; stealing food from market stalls, sleeping wherever she could find shelter, and teaching herself to use a knife so that she could avoid the same fate as her mother.

At the age of 14, now a prostitute as well, Kirsta was arrested by a Legion captain named Camlin Mogran, legitimate son of Lord Barthus and, unbeknownst to him, Kirsta’s half-brother. Mogran gave her a choice; either have sex with him in exchange for her freedom, or rot in prison. Aware of her noble parentage but unable to use it, as no one would believe her, Kirsta saw no other choice but to accept, as those who entered the prison system seldom came out of it. Kirsta and Camlin saw each other frequently over the next two years, and it was under her half-brother’s sadistic and abusive hand that Kirsta’s dislike for nobility festered into hatred and disgust. During this time she also met her half-sister Lorain, who had often suffered from Camlin’s unwanted attention as they grew up. Through her own power of tactile telepathy, Lorain discovered their relation to Kirsta, but has kept this secret, as a small rebellion against Camlin’s control.
Okay. Thanks.

@Miakardia Question: how common are powers?
I can make up a sheet today.
@Miakardia I have an idea for a barrier power.
@Yennefer This looks interesting. I'd like to claim War please.
@Zanavy@Vulkan There seems to have been a misunderstanding in the collab.
@Caits Not at all :)
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