Avatar of TimasheTiger
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: deathblade
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 429 (0.12 / day)
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    1. TimasheTiger 10 yrs ago


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He smirked slightly, "Grace, I think you underestimate yourself." While it was true that he had seen little display of her power, he just had this...feeling that she had more potential than she was letting on. Her story about controlling that one person proved at least that she had the potential, if nothing else, at least to Kyle, it didn't seem like a story anyone would just make up. Perhaps he was getting a bit ahead of himself though. He smiled and relaxed his posture a little, "I suppose it really doesn't matter right now though, how powerful we are, after all we're just students trying to learn, leave the heroics to the professionals right?"
He listened to her story, quietly, intently. While his story had been met with some form of sympathy, he simply brushed it off, he didn't desire it, because he didn't need to. Her story, however, showed him that they lived practically polar opposite childhoods and it confirmed one thing for him; she had power. Enough power to even take over an unwilling being, if only she knew what true water elementals could do. "My father once told me, that born, blessed, or cursed, once we have our powers, it has become a part of who we are." Kyle looked to Grace "You had an accident, you lost control, it happens, and unfortunately those around you were unable to understand it." He remained quiet for a bit, choosing his next words carefully. "Grace, I'm sorry for what happened to you, but...don't be afraid of who you are and what powers you possess. You're a good person at heart, I can tell that and I have no reason to fear you, even with your level of power." He sipped at his tea again, he could tell stories to Grace about the times he's lost control of his powers, how he's nearly burned down more things than he could count. Kyle's face became somewhat sullen at the thoughts.
It didn't take Grace too long afterwards for her to meet up with Kyle, he waited patiently for her to sit, but after noticing how her aura was reacting, he raised an eyebrow. “You know... if you wanted me to sit with you... you just had to ask.” Suddenly it felt like a pit opened up in his gut and he suddenly felt like an ass, completely assuming that Grace was just going to come over and sit with him. But... "I apologize," he started, "I guess I just thought after our talk before class that we would..." “Kyle… do you mind if I ask you a question?” Grace asked him, in a tone that implied she was going to ask her question anyway “I mean you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to. I was just wondering… how you grew up I suppose?” She said, trying to figure out how to word it properly. “I mean… did you go to school like normal kids or were you home schooled? Did you have any friends?” "huh..." that was a bit of a curveball, "well um...first, would you like to sit with me?" He said this while plopping the tea bags in their separate cups and began preparing them. At this point, he didn't think there was a reason for her to say no, even though assuming is what got him feeling like this in the first place. He grabbed his backpack, allowing Grace to sit, from there he pulled a water bottle from the pack and filled both cups with water. Using the remaining water he poured it on his hands, washing them and heat drying before sticking just the tip of his pinky in each cup and instant heating both to perfect drinkable temperatures. He passed the Styrofoam cup of tea to Grace before taking a sip of his own and telling his tale. "My father is an influential businessman, an investor in projects, among other things and my mother, she was the reason why I have my powers. She is no longer among us, but my father, he is the one who helped me develop my powers further. Early on in my youth I had a difficult time controlling my powers, he trained with me, nearly night and day, to meditate, contemplate, project myself into the cosmos." He took another drink before looking at Grace, "When I had more of a reign on my powers and I was more...contemplative, my father mostly left me to my own devices. He has caretakers who watch over me and tutor me, but for most of my life I lived in a peaceful seclusion, my only real contact with the outside world, to be honest, was whenever my father would allow me to accompany him to work." He took another drink of his tea, pausing to allow everything to settle in, "All in all, I think I grew up well."
Grace's aura spiked for only a moment before the realization of who he was came to her and her body language relaxed; he simply smiled at her. Her answer had caught him off guard as his brain came to a halt, the gears eventually worked themselves out and he laughed along with her. Laughing, it wasn't something he experienced to often, but with Grace it came almost naturally, he wondered if her personality was having just as much of an effect on him as his was on her's. Eventually she ended up asking him, "why is that?" "Well, I happened to bring along an extra bag with me today and I thought you'd might like some," truthfully he was going to drink the second bag later in the afternoon, not that he was going to mention that bit to her. Just from his few encounters with her, she seemed like the type to enjoy calming things like tea. Admittedly there was an ulterior motive than just offering tea out of good will, he figured it would help her relax that much more, maybe get her to open up more and hear more of her tale. "I just need a container to heat it up in," sensing the area he found a stack of Styrofoam cups, "perfect, I'll go save a couple of seats." Making his way around her and out of line he snagged a couple of cups, just for good measure. He sensed around the entire cafeteria, pinpointing an area that would be out of the way and din the noise a little. Cafeterias were good for meeting up with people you wanted to meet up with, but for a new coming loner like Kyle and the timid personality Grace had, he figured secluded would be better. Eventually finding a more out of the way spot he made his way there and secured it, propping his bag in the place where Grace would sit. Satisfied, he pulled out the tea bags from his pack, including a ceramic mug he had brought from home and sat down in the empty space across his backpack, awaiting Grace's arrival.
All of Kyle's morning classes followed the same pattern of introductions, the syllabus, and the rest of the period spent in free time. Philosophy was his only saving grace as they at least began asking some questions. Most of them were things he had already thought of during time with his father, but at least his classmates were thinking. That being said, Kyle's mind wandered towards other things; Grace, what an enigma. In just the short amount of time he had known her, she already had a profound effect on him, he enjoyed her company, respected her opinion and knew that deep down, there was power yet untapped. He had to wonder though if maybe, just maybe, if she were a true elemental descendant, that she too possessed a mana source and could tap into it. When lunch came, he'd have to bring it up with her, see what her thoughts were. The lunch bell finally rang and Kyle made his way to the cafeteria, keeping along with the flow of people also filing their way towards the same destination. He found it somewhat difficult to concentrate while moving in the crowd, but he was able to track Grace down in the crowd. She was just a little further ahead of him, but he was able to navigate through people before coming up behind her and tapping her shoulder. "I don't suppose you like tea, do you?" He asked inquisitively.
She surprised him, how comfortable she was with blood, calmly explaining her thoughts on it, even catching him off guard with her stalker comment; this time, he blushed. Grace was certainly something different, a complete enigma to him and he wanted to know more about her, though he could only guess as to if she had the same thoughts about him. Regardless of the answer, now was not the time, nor the place for deeper discussions to occur. She bid him farewell, assuring the sigil's saefty, and he waved her off in return. He watched as her aura faded and as he concentrated, he could sense the blood red sigil moving in her aura's place. He smiled, glad to know it was working. Turning to enter the classroom, a thought occurred to him, "I'll have to tell her about Europa later, I think she'd like the ice geysers on it."
He smiled, somewhat elated that he'd be seeing her again, though how well she thought his power worked, well... While it was true that he could detect auras, he hadn't developed the skill to detect an individual's aura without some kind of specific catalyst or mark on them; that being said, an idea struck him. "It doesn't exactly work that way but..." he sensed his surroundings a moment, when feeling safe he said, "this is probably gonna gross you out a little, but this is the only way I can do this." He grabbed his small book and opened it up to a blank page, turning away from Grace's sight, Kyle bit down on his thumb, hard enough to draw blood. He made a small grunt at the sudden pain, but powered through it drawing a small sigil of blood on the blank sheet. Placing his hand over the sigil he whispered a small incantation, it glowed briefly before fading away. Turning back to Grace, his finger pressed into his thumb to cauterize the wound, a small puff of smoke escaping. Ripping out the piece of paper and folding it, he explained himself, "I just made a tracking sigil, its linked specifically to me, so only I can sense it, with it, I'll be able to find you." He frowned slightly, "I know its gross and...really, really strange so, you don't have to take it if you don't want to."
"Well Grace, I've enjoyed your company so far, and I see no reason to stop now, I'd appreciate your company," he smiled, taking care to stay close to the wall, so as not to trip Grace over with his cane. He couldn't exactly remember what his next class was so he pulled out a small leather bound book from his pocket and thumbed over a page, reading in braille, "Ooh," he exclaimed, somewhat more excitedly than he meant to, "Pagan studies." Kyle may have gone a little too overboard with the electives he chose, but what school offered a course like that? He also mentioned taking Philosophy and Astrology as a course. Maybe it was a sort of nature vs. nurture thing, but Kyle had always been interested in the magical, the divine, and the occult. From an early age he was taught how to control his mana, how to project himself into the astral, and the powers of magic itself. What better way to learn more about what interested him than through studies of such things, of gods, and men, and life itself. What probably would surprise her the most was his interest in sparring as an extra curricular activity. His argument being that the body, mind and spirit are all one and that martial arts, forms the three into a weapon, to protect those who can't protect themselves. It was strange, talking with someone he barely met so freely, and yet, it was one of the greatest feelings. He enjoyed sharing his interests with the girl, though despite his self-confidence, he couldn't help but feel like maybe his interests would weird her out. He never cared before, yet for once in his life he did and all it took was her; what was she doing to him? His hand running along the wall he found the room he was looking for, "ah, here it is, thank you for walking with me," he smiled at the girl then...something strange happened, "um...so will I see you later?"
She seemed confused at his question at first before coming to the realization of what he meant; that was a good sign. As she exclaimed her good health, Kyle felt a small wave of relief wash over him. He smiled back at the girl and he could tell by her aura that she had become quite comfortable around him; this was also good. After some contemplation she thanked him again, no, this time she wasn't thankful, she was grateful. She seemed grateful that he came to her aid, even if he lost control of his powers for a fraction of a moment, nearly causing her harm with his heat, she was grateful. Kyle had always considered his rage, his curse, a stigma upon his existence, a cancerous and festering thing with the fiery rage of a thousand suns. Yet here this girl was, grateful for the anger he produced and he couldn't help but feel both glad that someone accepted it, but also...confused, maybe even concerned about his position. He didn't want to make a habit of losing control like that, but at the same time, Kyle couldn't help but feel a sort of kinship with Grace. He wanted to spend more time with this girl and if anyone had any unwanted intentions with her, they'd answer to him. Like he said though, he didn't want to make it a habit to lose control every time someone looked at her wrong and she reacted badly. That being said, he knew her confidence would come in time, and he wanted to see just how far she could go, because deep down, something inside him said that beneath her delicate exterior, there was the potential for a powerful tsunami. He smiled at her, "all in all, I'm glad you're ok." "Alright students!" Kyle winced at the bellows of Mr. Steele, "time for class, let's move it!" "Hm, shall we?"
Kyle remained as stone faced as ever even in the girl's flippancy and departure. Once she was back with her group Kyle relaxed a bit, letting his guard down, he turned around to face Grace. “Thank you. You didn’t have to… but I’m glad you did. Sometimes it feels like everyone can sense my nervousness. I’m like a wounded gazelle on the Serengeti. The bullies just seem to smell me coming from a mile away. I’ll try not to be a burden like that in the future.” He felt somewhat relieved that she was alright, her aura had shifted back to normal too. That being said, he was saddened by the fact that she felt the way she did about herself. To have such a low confidence, to the point of considering yourself to be a burden to others, what made her feel this way to begin with? “Do you always get all hot when you get mad?” Taken aback he looked down at his hand, before growing somewhat solemn, "Sorry," he spoke, "sometimes I forget to control the heat, but...fires rage, its in their nature," looking down at her he noticed she was holding her hand, "Grace...did I hurt you?" He looked to her slightly concerned.
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