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I was a bit busy this weekend but I'll definitely post later. Let me just finish my post ;-)
"Don't look down on dinosaurs," Riley shouted, looking over her hand and the situation on the field. Now was the time to draw, of course, and what does she draw? Evo-Instant; a trap card that she had no chance of using this turn. Nothing much to do. Setting her Evoltile Najasho face-down on the field, Riley said "I set one monster face-down. I also set one card face-down in my backrow. Your move."

Akio drew his card, and said: "Well, now I activate the effect of the Iron Core in my graveyard. This way, I can recover it by discarding a monster, Powerhand in this case. A small price to pay, in order to gain back such an important asset. Then, I activate the card I just drew, which is Core Transport Unit! This way, I can discard one card to immediately add another Iron Core from my deck to my hand. And I discard the Iron Core I just recovered!"

The move got him an odd look by Riley and some of the students, but most among the audience had already figured out why he did so.
"Then", he continued, "I summon the Urnight I recovered the last turn. And I immediately use its power to Special Summon from my deck another monster. This time, I choose Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak!"

The holographic monster that materialized on the field resembled an extremely muscular, but featurless man, wielding two swords and sporting the glowing Koa'ki Meiru emblem on its empty face.

"Ok, Bergzak. Attack her face-down monster!"

"Not so fast! I activate my trap card, Evo-Instant! By tributing my face-down monster, I can summon an Evolsaur from my deck!" The face-down card vanished, and in its place, a burst of flames rose up and faded to reveal a large, black-and-green, red-winged dinosaur. After the beast let loose with a vicious roar, Riley excitedly exclaimed "My strongest monster, Evolsaur Terias! 2400 plus the 500 from my field spell lends this monstrosity of a dino a devastating 2900 attack points! Are you sure you want to attack that?"

Akio snorted: "...Ok, I pause the attack. I set one face-down card, and end my turn. To keep my monsters on the field, I reveal Crusader and another Bergzak in my hand. Go on..."

"I draw!" Riley looked at her newfound draw; Evoltile Odonto. "I normal summon Evoltile Odonto! At a total of 1000 attack points, he may not be much, but this guy lets me summon a dino from my hand! And I choose Evolsaur Elias, in defense mode!" Next to the little orange lizard, the hologram of a yellow long-necked dino appeared, crouched and in a defensive stance. "And since Elias was summoned by evolution like this, I can summon ANOTHER Evolsaur from my hand, and I choose a second Terias!" There were now two copies of Terias, and one each of Elias and Odonto.

"This is how evolution works! It's all about survival of the fittest and natural selection, and nature chose my deck! Terias duo, make short work of those Beast-Warrior Koa'ki Meirus!" The duo of black dinosaurs marched up to Akio's Urnight and Crusader, and made short work of the beasts. Over the Terias duo, a -900 and -1000 appeared. Akio's Life Points now totalled in at 5500, while Riley remained at 7200. "Come on...it's your turn," Riley smirked, clearly mimicking what her opponent had done just moments before.

Akio mentally cursed his deck. Of course. This is what happens when you try to take a tournament with an incomplete deck. Sigh... I guess that I have to rely on luck, now. Oh well... at least I have a good assessment of this deck's capabilities.

Akio drew his card. It was Core Compression, again. Maybe...? Well, he just had to see."I activate Core Compression from my hand. So, I discard Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak in order to draw two cards!"
He was quite skeptical about his possibilities: after all, there was currently only one card in his deck that could save him, and that card was... "Rooklord?".
He literally couldn't believe the gigantic stroke of luck he had: drawing Rooklord this very moment gave him the possibility to completely turn the tables. And he even drew another Core Overclock.
So, he started laughing. He did notice the weird looks people were giving him, but they were already accustomed to his quirks. And besides, almost everyone tended to chew the scenery when duelling, so no one paid that outburst too much mind.

Of course, the annoying dinosaur fanatic had to interrupt his cinematic moment: "What, did you realize you're utterly screwed and just lost your nutter?"

Akio grinned a 24-carat grin and just replied: "I activate another Core Overclock, then... I tribute my Bergzak to bring out the heavy artillery. Say hello to Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord!"

Bergzak was substituted by a gigantic monster, tall enough to reach halfway to the arena ceiling, looking like a typical humanoid mecha with armored shoulder pads, sporting the Koa'ki Meiru symbol, and two cylindrical arms, both of which also had the emblem impressed upon their ending. The ATK tag showed the number 3800.

Of course, Riley just had to comment that too: "Not bad, "prof". But you can't hope to win against all my monsters. And I have just enough time to draw something that'll let me beat your ugly monster black and blue!"

"You know, you should really keep your mouth shut when you don't know what you're talking about. Let me show you why. I activate Rooklord's effect! I banish one Bergzak from my graveyard, so Rooklord can destroy two of your cards! And I choose your field spell and one of your Terias!" The endings of Rooklord's arms opened, revealing that they were actually cannons. The giant shot, disintegrating one of the two dinosaurs and the field spell. "Then, I attack your Odonto! Go, Rooklord! Turn that prehistoric reject into mincemeat!"

As ordered, Rooklord disintegrated Odonto, inflicting 2800 damage to Riley in the process.
"There, I hope you're satisfied. I send the Iron Core in my hand to the graveyard to keep Rooklord on the field. Your turn... if you're still interested in the duel, I mean."

Riley looked puzzled. Hell, a close look and one could almost see gears turning in her head, trying to put together a way to topple this big blue brain-bashing battler. "2400...plus sixteen, but that'd take too long. Nothing in the hand, either." Firmly setting both of her hands down, Riley said "I can't defeat that monster! There's no way! I am forced to forfeit this duel to you! But I'll get you back for this sometime, don't you forget it!"

Akio was surprised by how quickly his opponent had forfeited the duel. Well, that means less time lost. What a child, though. Whatever. I got the test I wanted. This deck works, even if it needs a LOT of adjusting. He stepped out of the arena without making a sound, and quietly sat down on the sideline chairs reserved for the participants.

As Riley followed suit, the voice of Student Council President Kim Black rang out over the intercom system. "And the winner is Akio Muzuki-Franklin! For our next duel, can we please have Michelle Kine and Aislin MacBeth arrive on the stage?"
So, I'm first? Good. I hate waiting. Akio stepped on his place on the arena, and watched as a short, tomboyish girl made her way to hers. He tried to recall something about this Riley Johnson. He might have taught once or twice in her class, but he wasn't sure he remembered that girl specifically.

Riley arrived on her pad, and broke out her dueling disk. The voice of the Student Council President announced: "Both duelists, get ready and on your positions! The duel is about to start!"

Akio and the girl activated their Dueling Disks, making them automatically shuffle their decks. The President spoke again: "Duelists! Get ready!", and the two assumed their battle pose. Riley said, smugly: "Scared? You should be. Raaawr!"

Akio didn't reply, he just thought: Oh, please... don't be ridiculous.
Kim's announcement interrupted their glaring contest: "The computer has decided! Riley will go first! Draw your hands and... DUEL!"

The two drew their starting five cards, and took a good look at their starting hands. Riley, for one, seemed content enough. Molten Destruction, Evoltiles Westlo and Lagosucho, and Evolsaurs Terias and Elias. "I'll get this duel started by setting one monster face-down, and activating the field spell Molten Destruction! Now all the FIRE monsters on the field gain 500 attack points, at the cost of 400 defense points! Your turn."

FIRE monsters? Damn, this means Core Blaster won't be of any help. I can still try to overpower her, though. Akio's starting hand was already nice enough: Bergzak, Urnight, Crusader, one Iron Core and Core Compression. Nice. Let's see who her face-down monster is... "First, I activate Core Compression! This means that, by discarding one monster from my hand, and revealing Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru, I can draw two cards!" Discarding Crusader from his hand, Akio drew his two cards. Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand and Iron Core Luster.

"Then, I Summon Koa'ki Meiru Urnight!" The audience was surprised. After all, few had even seen him duel, and Koa'ki Meirus weren't much known. And with good reason. "I bet you don't know what's the effect of this monster. Let me explain. Right now, I can show this Iron Core," Akio started, revealing the Iron Core in his hand, "to Special Summon another monster from my deck! And I choose Koa'ki Meiru Crusader!" The hologram of the second monster stomped loudly over the field, and bellowed to the audience. Akio just grinned and shouted: "Now, Crusader! Destroy her facedown monster!"
Riley grinned and shouted: "Not so fast! You fell right into my trap, activating my monster's flip effect! This way, Evoltile Westlo summons a dinosaur monster from my deck!"

Then, she winked and added: "For those of you watching, it's like the evolution of the first living beings, from small lizards to giant dinosaurs!"
"That's... a bit too simplicistic.", Akio replied. "Ah, whatever. Because of your field spell, your monster's defense is lowered, so Crusader can destroy it! And this means that Crusader too activates its special power, which lets me recover the other Crusader I sent to the Graveyard to activate Core Compression!"

Riley grimaced and said: "Don't get ahead of yourself, 'professor'! I can still summon my monster! Go, Evolsaur Cerato!" The dinosaur stepped onto the field and roared.

A 1900 attack monster? Damn, this means that, with the field's effect... I won't be able to fight it without Core Overclock. Damnit.
"And you know the best part? Since my Evolsaur Cerato evolved from its smaller partner, it also gains 200 more attack points, giving me a big dino with 2600 attack points total!"

Oh, COME ON, thought Akio. Looks like I underestimated this one. "...I set one face-down card, and end my turn. My monsters are powerful, but they require a price to be kept on the field. So, I need to reveal a Beast-warrior monster in my hand. And luckily, I just have one: the Koa'ki Meiru Crusader I recovered earlier from my graveyard!

"Alright, my turn," Riley said, drawing her card. Evo-Force. Nice, but nothing she could use immediately if she wanted to get the most out of it. However, Riley wasn't the most patient sort. "I hope you're ready to see how fearsome dinosaurs are, because I summon Evoltile Lagosucho!" The green-and-yellow lizard emerged on the playing field, a hissing and crawling hologram. "On his own, he's not much, but like I said, these little lizards turn into vicious dinosaurs, some faster than others. I activate Evo-Force from my hand by tributing Lagosucho!" The little yellow lizard went up in flames, but before Riley could spout out more about fearsome dinos, Akio stepped in.

"No, you don't. Because I activate my trap card! Iron Core Luster negates the activation of your Evo-Force and sends it to the Graveyard!" Akio's trap card exploded, eliminating the burning lizard, leaving a little lizard-shaped pile of ashes.

"Hmph, one little ball of iron can't save you from these prehistoric predators forever! It's time to do some damage! Evolsaur Cerato, make a late-night snack out of that Koa'ki Meiru Urnight of his!" With a fearsome roar, the holographic dinosaur ran toward its prey, snapping the armor and warrior beneath it clean in half with its mighty jaws. Above it, a big -600 appeared, signifying the 600 Life Points Akio had just lost. Once the dino had returned to its appropriate side of the field with a low growl, Riley proclaimed "That's it for my turn. Go ahead."

"Ok, then... I draw." Reckoned Power? Damn you, deck... how about something useful, for a change? Akio grit his teeth and simply said: "I switch Crusader from Attack to Defense position... and end my turn. Go ahead..."

"I draw!" Evoltile Najasho. That would've been nice in Lagosucho's place just earlier. No helping it, though. All she could do was kill off that Crusader. "Cerato, this buffet isn't over yet! Chow down on that Koa'ki Meiru Crusader!" The process between the dino and Urnight from last turn was repeated, albeit with Crusader this time. "That's all I've got this turn. Go ahead."

"Ok, then... I draw". Akio drew, and looked at the card. It was Core Overclock. Bingo. Akio allowed himself a smirk. "I summon Koa'ki Meiru Crusader in Attack position!". The monster roared and stomped on the battlefield.

Riley scoffed: "Pfft, this again? My dino just thrashed his friend... is this supposed to scare it? If this is your strategy, you might as well hand the victory over to me".

Akio just smiled and said: "It's not supposed to scare your dinosaur... it's supposed to destroy it! I activate Core Overclock!". A glowing orange symbol appeared on the chestplate of Akio's monster, and the holographic tag showed that its attack had increased to 2400 points.
"Then, I send this Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru from my hand to the graveyard, to activate the second effect of Core Overclock! This way, my Crusader's attack increases by another 1000 points until my end phase!" A holographic Iron Core appeared on the monster's chest, and started glowing and humming. The gladiator-like beast roared like an enraged gorilla, and quickly grew in size, a burning light coming out of the eyesockets and mouth of its skull-like face and of the junctures of its armor. The holographic tag now displayed the number 3400.

"Now, Crusader... dispose of that overgrown lizard. Attack!" The monster swung its sword at the roaring dinosaur, shattering its holographic image. Riley's life points dropped by 800. "Then", continued Akio, "Crusader's effect lets me recover one card from my graveyard, and I choose Urnight!" After adding the card to his hand, Akio gestured towards Riley. "And then, I pass my turn. I pay Crusader's maintenance cost by revealing the Urnight I just recovered. Come on... it's your turn.", he said, grinning.
Well, UE told me he's temporarily unavailable, so I'm pretty much in charge of writing the duel. Trying to figure out a way that's not too cheap to win :P
That day, Akio Muzuki was particularly cranky. Not that he wasn't usually cranky - in fact, few people could surpass him in crankiness at Duel Academy. But that day, his level of crankiness was well above his usual average.
As for the reason of his unusually intense crankiness, the giant bags under his eyes and the half-drunk mug of coffee in his right hand spoke for themselves. He had devoted the entire night to preparing his deck for the tournament, and he still wasn't satisfied.

Still too slow, he thought. He had spent a major part of his free time trying to put together his new deck, and now that he was about to test it, he was very skeptical about his chances of success.

The sudden buzzing of the intercom forced him to silence his current concerns. The annoying voice of the Student Council President was announcing the beginning of the tournament, and instructing all participants to head to the Arena B.

Oh well... let's go. Remember your strategy, and all will go well.

So, he downed the last remaining coffee in one gulp, put down the mug and stepped into the corridor, heading for the Arena B.

And all will be well.
Either only Keyblade, or him and another guy that hasn't posted yet - UnendingEmpire would know :P

On a side note, is it just me or there's plenty of antisocial characters here? :D
Damn, my internet made a real mess...
It depends on which meta you're talking about. If it's something like the damn Chaos Dragons or Satellarknight, then yes, generally Drago by himself is enough to destroy them. The problem is when the opponent uses Meta decks that aren't DARK or LIGHT-based. Then, you can take your Drago, roll it and smoke it.
Edit: damn internet, keeps doubleposting
It depends on which meta you're talking about. If it's something like the damn Chaos Dragons or Satellarknight, then yes, generally Drago by himself is enough to destroy them. The problem is when the opponent uses Meta decks that aren't DARK or LIGHT-based. Then, you can take your Drago, roll it and smoke it.
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