Avatar of Tomahawk
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Tomahawk 9 yrs ago


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Twenty-two year old Tennessean living it up as a third shift retail stocker. Hit me up on Skype if you need to: JohnofVulgarity.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, I'm of a mind to seek new players if we don't hear from Free Faller and Nevermind soon. As of today it's been a solid two weeks since the first in-character post of the thread was made, and only we three have actually submitted anything. If need be we can continue to write while we seek other players.
So... I take it we've all perished.
A violent, overwhelming heat - the intensity of the comet soaring high overhead coupled with the awesome might of the benders it had empowered; the sickening odor of singed cloth, scorched stone and burnt flesh; agonized yelps and unrelenting screams, a people dying senselessly under the unrelenting power of fire.

He started awake without a sound, bathed in sweat. Eyes wide, mouth dry and sticky, breath shallow; his panicked eyes cast about the dark, quiet bedroom, covered in Fire Nation dressing and regalia. It perturbed him - and yet the comfort of home quieted his taxed heart, slowed his breathing. Captain Zoulu shuffled out of his marital bed, doing his utmost not to disturb his beloved.

The side-door of his home slid aside and Jin made his egress, shrugging into a deep red robe as he seated himself at the lip of the wooden deck, bare feet dangling in the neatly manicured yard below. His gaze wandered upwards, towards the night sky, magnanimous in its magesty. For the first time in his life, Jin felt unworthy to look upon such grace and beauty.

His home in Yu Dao was wonderful - and occupied by the most wonderful people; his daughter, Li, now of age, and his son, Hai, soon to become a man. His beloved wife Jia slept soundly beside him every night. What more could he want? The brief interlude between the genocide at the Eastern Air Temple and now had left him empty and mournful. Word had filtered back, as it always did, that the Fire Nation had perpetuated the death of an entire way of life. The Air Nomads, peaceful as they were, were no more. Jin feared reprisal from the Earth Kingdom natives in Yu Dao - or any of the other legion Fire Nation colonies - yet, though tension was high, nobody had been harmed... yet.

Further news of raids on the Southern Water Tribes and talk of an incursion into the heart of the Earth Kingdom itself had shocked Jin, but he was not surprised - not after encountering the young woman and her charge, whom she had insisted was the Avatar. Had she been lying to him? He suspected that she had not - and, after the death of Avatar Roku when Jin was a young man, it was rumored that the next Avatar in the cycle was to be an Air Nomad. This war, fed to the citizens of the Fire Nation under the guise of sharing their bountiful way of life, was no more than sheer conquest: an attempt to bring the rest of the four nations under the thumb of the Fire Lord. He saw that, now, and it had caused a deep sickness to settle into his stomach.

"Darling - why are you out of bed?"

Jin turned to see Jia silhouetted by the moonlight, gorgeous, despite having just awoken. "It's nothing, my love," he replied, smiling wanly, "please, go back to sleep."

"Something troubles you, my dear," Jia said, moving to sit beside her husband. "Is it the mission you left for? You haven't spoken about it since you returned... people have been saying such awful things, insisting that the army slaughtered the Air Nomads... is that true?"

Bowing his head in shame, Jin paused for a moment before nodding ever so slightly. "Yes," he admitted. "I was a part of the forward assault party. I... I..."

She placed her fingertip to his lips, shushing him gently before snaking her arms about his shoulders and laying her forehead against his shoulder. "I know you, Jin Zoulu," she whispered, smiling. "You are a good man, of that I have no doubt... and if you've done terrible things, it is only in service to your people. To your family." She hesitated, only for a moment, and then went on: "You must leave, darling."

"What?" he breathed in surprise.

"You heard me, Jin." Jia took his chin in her palm, turning his head and meeting his gaze. "You've amends to make, and you cannot make them here. You know I'm right... and I don't know where you need to go - where you need to be - but you and I know that it isn't here." She cupped his cheek, a fondness in her eyes. "I love you. You know that... and you know that I will be here, waiting for you, when you've set things right."

They kissed, and embraced, Jin taking Jia's hand in his own, stray tears rolling gently down his cheeks. "I will always love you as I love you now, Jia."

* * *

"You're well within your right to take your leave, Zoulu," his General admitted, placing the requisition forms atop the desk in front of him. "And your replacement is a good lad, likely to do well until your return. I'd just like to know why - particularly at the outset of war, Captain."

"I understand that it isn't the best timing, General," Jin replied, sitting stock upright across from his commanding officer. "There are simply things I must attend to abroad. All due respect, sir, I would rather they remain private."

"Ah," the General said, tapping his nose thoughtfully. "I suppose that's understandable. Very well - we will see you in one month, Captain Zoulu, and we hope you have a safe journey."
Sorry, a little bit of the hold-up is also on my end; AV and I are semi-collaborating on our first posts, since Jin will be involved in the Eastern Air Temple massacre. I imagine we'll be underway very soon.

I just spent ~9 hours tidying up a grocery store and then stocking it. My feet hurt. Blegh.
Concurred; I'm about to start my second job Monday night and will be working 65-70 hours a week, but I should still have time to post. It just might be at weird hours.
Sounds very cool to me! I'd say Jin will probably travel through the Earth Kingdom in disguise. I just need to figure out what happens to his family.
Well, as you and I discussed, I'm set for the idea that Jin is involved with the airbender genocide. How he then comes to be with the group I'll leave up to you; I have no real preference.
My buddy is writing one, I think. Problem is he's not at his computer right now, and I haven't been around to talk to him all day (went out with a friend to move some stuff to his new house in a U-Haul, took about five solid hours), so I can't really verify that he's working on anything. I'll let you guys know if I hear anything from him, but if you reach a point where you just want to continue regardless, feel free to.
We're still waiting on an application or two from interested parties, I do believe.
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