Avatar of Trainer N
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 193 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Trainer N 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current pandora hearts is over... the tears are real.
9 yrs ago
cheese in the trap is such a good korean webtoon *q*


Hello. :3 I enjoy writing, drawing, sprite editing, listening to music and eating. My favorite genre of music is usually indie, and my favorite band is The Wombats. I mostly like to roleplay in fandom RPs. However, I like to RP in fantasy genres as well. My preferences are usually in anime, manga and video games. I love Persona, Pokemon, Dangan Ronpa and Madoka Magica, among many other series. One of my favorite games is Fire Emblem: Awakening as well. I really like otome games too.

Most Recent Posts

Gohan, you've submitted them to the wrong place...

"Yea, yea, sweetheart." As Adachi blatantly disregarded an sassed the young women who had come up to him, he made sure to definitely mind his distance as well. While he didn't really give a damn about some bitch's personal griping towards him, he knew that anyone he encountered here could certainly be a threat. "I'm just trying to find a way out of this crap, so... if you'd kindly scram, I'd appreciate it." The word "appreciate" was said in a sickly sweet tone. He really wasn't looking for a physical fight, believe it or not. But if it couldn't be avoided, it wasn't like he was going to run away like some coward.
Four characters per person.

Naoto Shirogane

Shadow Naoto

Both from Persona 4
Hello you two! Awesome! I'm glad to have you interested. :3

Adachi arrived at the town without much difficulty, but much to his annoyance, it seemed to be a damn ghost town. No one else was around. So that meant that no one else was around to tell him where the fuck he actually was. Just great...A puzzled frown formed on his face and his eyes narrowed unhappily.

"...Fucking great." His voice was a quiet mumble as he closed his eyes momentarily. He took in a deep breath, before he shouted out to anyone who might be in the area. ""HELLO!? Anyone out there!?"
That's good! I just got done eating lunch. xD

Vincent is still on the beach...
Main Info

Some believe it's the work of some greater power, god working his magic. Others believe it was after some kind of failed experiment that names started forming on our wrists, determining who we belong with, supposedly of course. It doesn't matter who's fault it is or if you believe in it or not. As soon as our soulmate is born, a name will appear on our wrists, first and last name, and this will be the person we are supposed to be with. When your soulmate was born before you, you will be born with their name stamped onto your wrist.

Your soulmate does not necessary have to live very close by. Meeting them might not be so easy. They could live on a complete other continent. Other negative options are:

· You could be 20 years old and they could still be a baby
· You could be siblings
· You fall in love with someone who is not your soulmate
· Your soulmate is of the same sex as you while you are attracted to the opposite sex.
· What if you have two names, one on either wrist?
· Someone fakes being your soulmate by tattooing a name on their wrist and changing their name to the one that is written on yours.
· There is no name written on your wrist at all and people believe you are broken.
· Your soulmate died before you ever were able to meet them.
· You don't believe in the soulmate system at all.
· Your soulmate does not wear your name on their wrist, but has someone else's name.
This soulmate world is far from perfect.

Having a soulmate is the most important thing in this world. Why?

· You can only get married when you are soulmates. Living together is even very difficult when you are not soulmates.

· If you were to date someone who is not your soulmate, you will be shunned by society. You're supposed to be with your soulmate, so how dare you see someone else when your soulmate is waiting on you?

· Big companies are also focused on having a soulmate. When you want a loan for a house, it needs to be signed by both soulmates for example. Romantic vacations can only be booked by soulmates. You have no rights as none soulmates.

· A popular job is being a detective, because many people hire you to find their soulmate for them. This way they don't have to wait too long and don't have to go out and look. There are also shady companies that will trick you and actually take their time to find your soulmate, just to make you pay more.

· A popular reality show is about following people around that are looking for their soulmates and then how everything works out after that.

In the 21st century you have everything you need to get into contact with your soulmate and yet it's still not as easy as it seems.

Join the Soulmate world and take the journey to find your soulmate or go against what the world wants and fall in love with someone you are not matched to.


General rules:

Respect your moderators - whatever they say, goes. They are the ones who will ultimately make the decisions about what needs to be done in the role play.
No one-line responses! Please try to keep your replies at paragraph length. Sometimes it is inevitable, and if you are communicating via text/email/phone call, then you are excused of this rule, but not every post you send. I rather have you take your time, than just post something to post.
No god-modding and no meta-gaming. If you don't know what this is, then ask or google it.
No rudeness out of character. Keep that to yourselves or through private messages. It won't be tolerated here. If you have a problem with someone's role playing skills, take it up with one of the mods, please. Do not go to the person directly. I am just trying to avoid feelings being hurt here.
This forum is rated M. For language. Sexual scenes can be taken back to PMs if you wish.
Max of four characters. And they can't all be OCs. One of these has to be a CC. You can also have three CCs, but then need to make at least one OC. You can join without claiming a CC. And of course you can have less than four characters.
Things you need to agree to before joining:

· You'll have no say in who you get paired with. This will be determined by the mods after you have filled in a character sheet for your character(s).
· You'll need to fill in a sheet for any canon character you might take too. According to that we'll find someone most suited for you. This means there is a chance it becomes CC x OC.
· You can add to your sheet if your character is gay or straight, but your soulmate might be of a different gender you are looking for. Make sure you are okay with this before joining. It might work out, but if someone of, for example, the same gender is better suited for your character, we'll pair you up with them.
· We expect you not to immediately jump towards your soulmate. Let the character live their life the way you do.
· As the admin, I will decide when your character has something major happening in their life. I will act like a god in this case. When your character gets a promotion, it will me that decides that. So if your character needs to go to another country to meet their soulmate, I will get you there. This means you'll need to ask permission for some things and I will say if it's okay or not.
· When you move too fast towards your soulmate on your own and you're together before I could even say something about it, I'll move in and actually give you a tough time like that. Don't do this. It's a warning. Make it realistic.

Important rules for RPing:

· You'll get a PM stating who your soulmate is once you're matched. I ask of you not to mention your soulmate's name throughout the RP. This way no one can be sure if the other shares the name that is on your wrist. Maybe your soulmate has another name. The only moment you can mention their name is when you are talking about it with someone else. Only in speech. Don't think about the name.
Agree to these rules before joining. Mention you understand you have no say in who you are soulmated to.

· You may use an anime/manga character from really any series.

[idea courtesy of a user on FF.net going by Dana-Eliza. Her original forum's members are no longer active.]
Hello people! After I make my OC we can start~! ^^
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