• Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 161 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Treepuncher121 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Bubbline <3
9 yrs ago
I finally have internet and my back. Thank you for understanding.
9 yrs ago
Currently don't have a laptop. Posting from mobile is a pain but I'll try to respond as soon as possible.
9 yrs ago
May 18th I may not be on. I have a concert that day. Thank you.
9 yrs ago
Just getting back into RP on this site.


I like role playing, a lot! I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) and other forms of table top RPGs like Vampire the Masquerade since 3rd grade. They've become a huge part of my life very since.

Most Recent Posts

Life has been kinda crazy lately. I'll post as soon as I can. I'm so sorry ;-;
Sorry about not posting. Life's been kinda crazy lately. I'm still here doe.
My NPC post is kinda thrown together because I wanted to introduce her.

"But siiirrrrr!" Cameron spoke in her whiny voice. "I don't want to baby sit. If you wanted me to baby sit you should've just had me go find and kill the bitch causing all these murders."

"No buts! You're my sheriff and you will do as I say." He stood up from his throne and began to pace the room. "I'm not saying I don't trust them to get the job done, but I want somebody I know a little better out on the field with them. I want them to find the guy who did this and I want them to stop it. You're only there as back up. Nothing more. Do you understand?"

"I suppose. I really don't want to baby sit though. This is so duuummmbbb!" Cameron spoke flailing her arms.
"If anybody needs to be baby sat it's you! You're acting like a two year old. Now go and stop whining. I have more important things to deal with." The prince sat back down in his throne and began to go through some papers, reading them and then flipping to the next.

Ugh! This is so fucking stupid. I hate my job sometimes. Cameron thought running through the streets toward the location they were last spotted.
Kiddo Ray

Sometime after lunch

Kiddo was walking to his room when he felt something, odd, so to say. A dead body. He realized something, or someone, somewhere had died. As soon as he realized what it was the voices flooded his mind. Find it! This could be your chance to examine a human subject! Find it! Hurry! They hissed. That's when the migraine set in. Spikes of pain began to drive through his head like rail way spikes. Kiddo backed against the hallway's wall. Leave me alone for once! I can't risk it! Not now! Kiddo fought back.

Kiddo let his back slide down the wall, allowing him to sit on the rugged carpet of the hallway. He tried to force his own personal demons out of his head, but they just kept coming back. This was the worse they had even been. Of course Kiddo wanted to cut something open, he hadn't done so in so long. He wanted to put his hands into something lifeless then make it dance like a puppet. He couldn't though. He couldn't risk being caught. This would've caused him to be accused of the poor saps murder.

After sitting in the hall for a while he gave in, he wanted to find the body. Not to cut it open, but so he could report it. He had to control himself and get the voices under control. If he was sitting in class one day and they got this bad, what would he do? Kiddo knew that the only way to calm them was to either A. Kill something. B. To find something dead and play with it. He couldn't do either of those things though. Not in this environment. Not now.

Standing up he made his way down the hall, but with every step the headache got worse. Something was doing this. Something was causing him not to find the body. He couldn't figure out what it was. Kiddo knew though, he had to report it. Quickly he made his way to the head master's office and knocked on the door.
I know I'm late to the party but I'm gonna say how long I've been role playing XD So, I'm currently 14 (Oh no! A kid!) in third grade I began to play 2nd edition D&D. About fourth or fifth grade I got into White Wolf, Such as Vampire the Masquerade and Werewolf the Apocalypse. About 2012 or 2013 I got into Role Playing online. I figured, "Hey, if my friends don't want to play any role playing games with me why not play online" So I started. I'm currently going into my Freshman year and have been role playing for about six years now, which I'm proud of for a kid my age and because people around where I live think it's dumb and sometimes Satan worship XD
@Treepuncher121 Should I wait for you to get your post up before posting myself?

Nah, go ahead. The NPC won't be with you guys right off the bat.
Chad Formost
featuring @LowKey123

Chad finished his paper long ago and now began his first email to his partner. It stated:

From: InvariantName
To: Scrubs

Hey, so this project is kinda dumb. I hate it. I'd so much rather talk in person. It'd make me feel so much better. I guess I can't tell you my name or anything, but I'm really glad to meet you. Meeting new people is always fun I suppose, as long as they aren't really creep haha. I hope your day so far is treating you really well. I also hope school this year is fun. Of course school gets boring sometimes, that's why I just skip school work and read books, play instruments, do nerdy things like Dungeons & Dragons. Yeah, I'm a huge nerd. I'm also pretty shy. I don't have a lot to say. I hope I don't annoy you to much this year. I hope we become friends :D

Gender: Girl


Appearance: Appearance

Clan: Caitiff

Disciplines: Celerity (3)

BackStory: Cameron’s last name was lost long ago around the 1800’s. She was the last of her family when a trader rolled into town. Everybody was spectacle of the trader, except Cameron. Every night she would sneak out and find the trader. Talking about various things and looking at different items he had. Then one evening she didn’t sneak out, instead he came to her. First she felt the warmth of his lips on her neck. Then in an instance everything went cold. She felt death. Then warmth again, new life sprang into her body. Suddenly she felt something new. A new addiction. She wanted blood. She could feel it. Cameron looked up to find her savior, but he was already gone. A wisp in the night. That night Cameron snuck into her parents room draining them of their life, then leaving to start a new one.

Personality: Due to the fact that she killed her family she went insane after realizing what had happened. Some days she is happy, some sad, some disconnected. Bipolar disorder was one thing that set in, along with hearing voices. These voices tell her who to kill and how. She listens to them.

Derangement(s): Bipolar, schizophrenia

Personal Goals: Cameron doesn’t really have any personal goals other than to protect the prince at all costs. She met the prince a while back when he saved her life from some hunters. She was new to the vampire society then and didn’t know what to do. From then on they became partners, where she helped him rise to power.

Views on Humans: Cameron doesn’t really have a view. The voices are always telling her mixed things. Such as: “Humans are fools”, “They are wise, listen to them”, and “They’re just meat! Eat them! Eat them all!”. Her opinions change rapidly.
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