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    1. Trillovinum 10 yrs ago


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Hmm, well it's mainly that I can't write a post without those results.
Well, the first big battle is comming up.
Will the results be sent in pm or posted here?
well, with brightops gone I guess all of us have posted.
I guess the Nur'xal will become an NPC faction now?
awww :c I'm sorry to hear that Brightops
<Snipped quote by Trillovinum>

Do I see a new citadel council coming?

Who knows. The Kimo would sure welcome the idea.
Yeah see I thought that was the only hive too.
And seeing as the Karilac are allies of the seraphians now, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Also, I'd like to formally anounce that the Kimo are allied with the Karilac now and by extention the Seraphian government
hive? what hive? Whose hive?
pretty good so far I'd say. Though it's a little slow to my liking. (in the sense that now it's been two weeks since the gm's post and counting.)

question: is that normal on this site?
it's very quiet. So here's just to see if all of you are still in this?
(*intercepted public broadcast*)
Welcome to the Federal News Network. This is your host Tyba Botowoi.
The United Federation of Independent Starsystems is at war with the alien faction known as the Krall republic.

Following the most recent and shocking threats from the Krall leadership, the Federation council has voted in an emergency session earlier today.
The result: a unanimous agreement to answer the alien threat with a formal declaration of war.

As of today, we are at war.

Reports are coming in from all over the Federation that military assets everywhere are being mobilised. It appears the military leadership intends to waste no time in preparing our defences as well as a more offensive strategy.
For more information on the subject we now go live to the ongoing council press conference:

Chairman Biko Ner Visato: “Welcome all, please be seated…”
Maro Newsfeed Reporter: “Madam Chairman, will the Federal navy deploy forces outside of Federation space? And if so, why? Don’t we have enough problems at home without risking military assets on dangerous deployments while we enjoy a superb defensive position?”
Council aide: “Please wait with your questions until after the admiral’s announcement.”
Chairman Biko Ner Visato: “No, it’s quite alright. I’ll answer this question. … I will use an historical example to illustrate my point. The Val Kotha Citadel on Soto, once it was considered the greatest fortification ever built, able to withstand any form of attack. For a time it did… forty years its enemies broke against its walls and forty years it remained ‘unassailable’ until one small weakness as discovered in one of its towers. That little crack brought the entire wall down and the Gan Kotha Kingdom the Citadel was meant to protect crumbled into dust. … And so I will not let our great Federation suffer the same fate. I will not have our mighty fleets stand idly by while our enemies search for the cracks in our walls! We will take the fight to them and show them that they made the greatest mistake in their history to declare war on our Federation! … We will maintain our walls of course and I guarantee you, no Krall ship will ever land on a Kimo world but we will not be lulled into a false sense of security either! Therefore I have given the order to mobilise the entire first fleet for immediate deployment beyond the home relay. They will leave by the end of the week and make sure the Krall know that our great Federation is not a sleeping dragon in its cave. We are very much awake dear people and we will not suffer any attack!”

Well there you have it people, the Federation is no sleeping dragon and will not have cracks in its walls. A very good thing to be sure.

Meanwhile, we here at the Federal News Network will keep you updated on any new developments the moment they occur.

Up next, professor Hakan No Val will shed more light on the culture and biology of our alien aggressors and after that we have an exclusive interview with retired admiral Vako Harn who will explain to us how the fleets will likely conduct their first actions.
For now though, this was Tyba Botowoi signing off.

(summary: the Kimo have officially declared war on the Krall Republic and have already begun mobilising additional forces.)
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