Avatar of Trimblebird
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  • Posts: 166 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Trimblebird 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Sometimes, I get bored sometimes, I get lazy, but for the love of god please don't forget me!
8 yrs ago
Wishing to disappear into a world of fantasy!
8 yrs ago
Feels like having a bad time~


Current RP Ideas:

Western Gangster x Japanese assassin
Dragon age Rp
Marvel Rp
Lawful good human Paladin x true neutral half-elf Rogue Rp

Most Recent Posts

"Tea, sorry for disappearing but the walls have ears, and my emotions were flaring too much for even my charm to hold back." Legion said appearing nearby holding a tray with a teapot along with two teacups. If you paid attention you could tell he was shaking just a bit by the subtle clinch of teacups rattling together. He was nervous this was a usual thing when he was calming down from an outburst. He set the tray down on a nearby table just in time for the cat from the alley to jump onto his shoulder and nuzzle him a little causing the white-haired male to smile happily. "You did good Nana, the twin-tailed cat purred then hopped off and disappeared. He could tell Diana had questions lots of them. "I suppose some answers are needed"

Sighing he sat in an armchair then wore a complex expression another talisman burning up. "To start off with my real name is Vincent Wilson, my father is Slade Wilson also known as the Merc Deathstroke," Another Talisman burned up, Legion finally noticed this one and got up quickly and replaced the two missing ones. "Emotions make my magic a bit unpredictable, my teachers tried hard to iron out that little problem but it never worked ten years of torment is not something easy to get over even more so if you have the eye of your worst tormentor quite literally in my case." As he said that he pointed to his red right eye its appearance human-like again.
okay to explain the demon is going to be called Malphonus ((pronounced Mal-fawn-is )) I'll explain more about him later in character just know that he's kind of going to be the big bad guy here plotting the background for a while
That's entirely up to you
Your character has been added
A tiny twin-tailed cat walked into the alley with a letter in its mouth dropping it at Diana feet it meowed loudly at her to get the demi-god's attention tails twitching a little. Looking at the cat aside from the twin tails it was apparently a normal cat. Meanwhile back in his house, Legion was making tea, He was expecting company maybe he should have explained things better so he hoped the letter and pearl he sent with his cat would find their way to Diana. His glasses weren't on but if you looked at the walls there were talismans placed on every wall. "Right need to calm down explain." With a spark one of the talismans disappeared Legion walked over and placed one over the one that disappeared, He was going to need to create stronger ones soon.

((The letter, I apologize for my outburst, but too many things need to be explained at all once to do so out in the open when ears everywhere is risky, throw the pearl in this letter to the ground and it will take you a safer spot where we can talk, note that my war isn't with the master of the underworld but a creature with no regard for the rules.))
Awesome, I will try to get the sheet done today or tomorrow.


Cool, if it would be okay I was thinking making a alien character that crashed landed on earth during the 40's.

it's fine!
I would be interested in joining this rp, if there is still room for one more?

always room! you can check the character area for available characters and Three more OC's are welcome
Legion had a shocked expression on his face at Ella words, but it changed rather quickly to a deadly serious almost cold one, He slipped off his glasses returning to his normal appearance white hair and all. "It won't be easy it will be hard scary and death would be the easy fate fighting that monster." his right eye become less human as he spoke appearing more like a cat eye and glowing even more. "I am ready for it because I'm used to it have been since I was 12 when I got sent living to the deepest pit of Tartarus," Sighing he pulled out a pearl from his pocket. "I will not let another living soul go through that hell, nor will I let anyone die for me this is a war I started I'm finishing it." smashing the pearl to the ground it burst into smoke and Legion vanished, leaving only the smell of the ocean behind.

In truth, he had just used a bit of stored magic to teleport to his home in a small coastal town in Ireland. Exhausted he clasped into an armchair softly. "God I'm an asshole, I'll find out who the girl is and send an apology, same with Ms. Prince ugh."
Legion walked over to Ella and offered her his hand with a kind smile on his face. "You did good kiddo, try to hold back your magic next time though using too much at once it's dangerous." He looked over to Diana same smile on his face he was glad both of them had helped though he wouldn't have asked for it, the only problem now trying to convince these two not to keep helping last thing he wanted was for either of them to get caught up in his nonsense not out of some I'm the guy let me handle this but out of this is my mess let me clean it up.

"Ms. Diana, Thank you for your assistance but I can't ask for either of your help again." He turned to look at her while slipping on his glasses the charm reactivating hair turning black again eye turning blue scar gone. The expression on his face was full of both gratefulness and despair. "This," he pointed to a spot on the wall with a small patch of blood on it. "Proves they are after me, I don't want people uninvolved to get hurt because some demon lord's got a grudge."
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