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9 yrs ago
Current "Cats hate CDs [...] we don't make CDs for cat" - My university professor.


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All done! I kind of cheated, Faun and Liam's Bios are the same... for now.

"Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him."
Painting was often a soothing act, an escape for her from her head, a distraction from the voices and emotions. Painting, drawing, writing, and the arts in general were the things that kept her from going insane. Not from the darkness, like her father and mother, as she seemed to be immune but from overexposure to everyone else. Art was a way to channel those emotions or block them out as much as one could. However, she still noticed the sudden silence of everything before he even spoke. She looked over her shoulder at him as he walked around her to the pond. She stared at him for a moment before she acknowledged the question that he had asked, "I'm well," she said softly. No rummaging for the answer, no uncertainty on her feelings. She finally understood the simplicity of the question and why it aggravated people when she couldn't give them an answer when she was young and no one understood what she was. Thankfully, her parents had understood, her father could hear the emotions and voices inside her and they were able to start figuring out ways for her cope with everything. Now, she was seeing a whole new way, a far more successful way that wasn't just pushing it out but eliminating it entire. The unfortunate thing was that it was a person and a person with tattoos she couldn't have.

She watched him as he splashed his face before lowering her gaze back to her painting. She let her brush mark the page as she spoke, "I suppose this isn't too bad a set up... I can be with my own thoughts when you are around... It helps..." She slowly started to paint him into the picturesque painting of the pond, "Maybe... That will help me learn to control it myself..."


Marrock was walking down the hall, his hands in his pockets when he was suddenly approached by a girl that he had never even seen before. He was taken off guard for a second when this girl suddenly pressed her lips against his own but after a moment, smirked. He pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her, "You'll have to do better than that, Lady Lakshme," he chuckled, flicking his nose, "You hardly smell like a," he looked her over for a second, "A Moroi."

He released her and the moment he had, a rather tall and intimidating blonde man walked up to them, "Excuse me," he said sharply to Marrock before grabbing the girl's arm and dragging her off.


Gunner was confused for a brief moment when he saw Dylan standing with some unknown boy. For starters, his daughter was acting completely out of character. He knew that Dylan had a very different apple of her eye, even though he could tell that she wasn't about to admit it to herself. Meaning, going around and kissing strangers wasn't exactly Dylan's style. But mainly, it was the fact that he had just seen her training.

He walked over to the duo and looked at the boy, "Excuse me," he said before dragging the girl off and out of sight. He stared down at her, "I highly suggest you don't use your abilities on campus, Ms. Lakshme, even more so to become your roommate, Ms. Melikova. You are here to see if your kind can mix with ours, don't prove people right by pretending to be us. It is not just your future that is on the line here."

He stepped back and looked at her for a long moment, "Work with us. Let me be your ally... Because I make a far worse enemy. You'll learn that in your textbooks," he said, a sharp edge to his voice. He really did hate that that was a time in his life that is written in the text books... Luckily, they hadn't used his name, to avoid tarnishing him.

He nodded his head, "I had better be seeing you in class and not two of my daughter," with that he turned and left without another word.
<Snipped quote by tsubasa>

Yeah. Just egh, the writing really went downhill. Sorry to say, anywho.

But seriously, neat characters thus far. Nat will be sure to avoid the children of Aphrodite. The goddess has been trying to get her to break her vows for eons.

She's probably safe with Faun, who is more concerned with being more than just Aphrodite's kid and her mother's opinion of her than her mother's opinion of anyone else.

Liam though... Well, I haven't figured him out entirely so... Who knows
<Snipped quote by tsubasa>

Sadly, I have only seen what's available on Netflix when it comes to Arrow. Then again, I wasn't really a big fan of the Third Season. Doubt I'll watch the 4th.

Might watch the Flash more though....hmh. not sure. Barry b a cutie.

I wouldn't judge you for the decision as I agree with you. I mean, I am caught up but... It's not the show I go to every week to ensure I'm up to date on.

And yes, you are right. Barry is adorable.
<Snipped quote by tsubasa>

Eye sea ewe, Thea Queen. ;P

Pfft.. what? Nah... :P
All major works in progress!

"Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him."
Me, Me, Me

Bodo was taken back by the sudden barrage of questions. He supposed they had all be focused so much on other things they really hadn't had the time to talk about Gyatsu. The little exceed grinned, "Well, that's quite the story," He clung to Trex's head, his little legs falling over his shoulders as he received a piggy back from the man. The little exceed went on to tell the incredible story about how he found Gyatsu soon after the completion of training with the earth dragon, Eijil. Bodo continued onto say how the friendship grew quickly and Gyatsu can't think of a way to live or fight without him which is, of course, why he is so worried about his friend.

Zelia watched the horizon as Bodo went on and on about Gyatsu. Everything from favourite colours (Green and Brown) to favourite places (Forests and the country side). Bodo chatted away about his missing friend the whole walk back to Magnolia. Zelia stopped for a moment and looked over her shoulder, "That walk seemed quick," She said softly.

She supposed the two of them had moved slower to keep an eye on the horses and ensure that they didn't grow tired. She began to walk again, only then realizing that her legs were sore. She rubbed them a little, "Good thing we are close to the guild... I wouldn't mind sitting down for a moment."


Flynn smiled as Florin appeared in front of him. This was so cool! A real coloured key standing in front of him, his partner. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to get used to the feeling. He nodded his head to the green key spirit, "Please, just call me Flynn... If that, of course, is alright. We don't need any formalities... We're friend, if you want to be... Partners. All that..."

He walked over to the near by table and held his hand out to the other seat, "Have a seat, if you want... I just have some questions that I figured you might want to answer..."

He took a deep breath, "I know that it is a bit of a rule that you spirits aren't supposed to talk about other spirits to us... So if any of this doesn't sit well with you to answer, please don't," He bit his lip before continuing, "I just want to ask about the poor spirit that belongs to the Caelum wizard, Twilla. Is she safe? I have a feeling it was her that brought me the dream of your key... Pea mentioned you wanting to be with me and someone else had to help you... I just want to know that she isn't in trouble because I fear what her partner might due to her if she knew... Should I go to her and see if I can help... If I can break her contract?"

He shook his head, "I'm not saying I could do any better for her but if she fears her partner or that woman brings her harm... I just want her to be safe......... Which brings up the question of a different key, one I don't think anyone possesses. The blue key, if we had to delay our adventure to get it, to help Twilla or anything else. Do you think it is hidden enough that it will be where these books say? Are these books even accurate?

"I'm sorry, it's a lot of questions... I just can't seem to find any answers of my own."
Bodo hopped from Zelia onto Trex's shoulder as the man asked about his Dragon Slayer. The little exceed smiled, "Earth," He said, waving his paws out to the nature around them, "Very strong. Like Trex."

Zelia laughed a little at the exceeds complete and utter fascination with Trex. She could see that it made Trex uncomfortable but it was good for him too. Got his socialized with people outside of their little group. Although, Zelia was curious about this missing Dragon Slayer. If they truly were so powerful, had they abandoned Bodo? Or had someone even more powerful, that they would have to face, taken him from his friend. She looked about the unlikely pair and wondered what their future held... How dangerous were things going to get? What kind of trouble were they going to get into trying to find Gyatsu... If they even wanted to be found.


"I said we're close to the guild," Flynn said over enunciating despite the fact that he knew Skye had just not been paying attention rather than not having heard him. He chuckled a little to himself then looked ahead, "I don't feel like Zelia and Trex are back though..." His hand went to his keys as he toyed with them. As much as he liked having the time to hang around the guild and see Lucy. However, there was another key out there and it seemed like this was a race against time and people... Who knew if there were more of these books out there and more people with information. He pressed his lips together, ultimately, he just wanted to get out and save that key...

He plucked his keys off his chain as they got to the guild, opening the door for Skye. He took a deep breath, looking around. Sure enough, the rest of their team had yet to arrive. He looked down at Skye, "I'm going to go talk to some of my spirits... See if they can't help any with this quest."

He walked further into the guild to a private room. Taking hold of the green key, he held it out and summoned his newest spirit.
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