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In Lumos 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ok guys next post in a couple hours I apologize for yesterday, to make a long story short my dumb younger friend decided to run away again so we were out looking for him half the day and evening.
In Lumos 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Nevermind you can go ahead and get us too the school im a little in an out today once the post is up when i am back at my computer i will answer with my post and then include our arrival to the school in the same post.
In Lumos 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I will be posting in the next two hours and I don't mind a skip either plus I will have the Magical creatures teacher up as well.
In Lumos 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Back in the saddle again! Time to post ^^
Oooooh I thought I read somewhere it was 8 to 9 months in. Ill change that then.
Name: Tiberius Koda Wayland (Pronounced TIE-BEER-E-US CO-DUH WAY-LAND)

Nickname: Tibus (Pronounced TIE-BUS)

Age: 39 going on 40

Gender: Male


- Father: Joshua Wayland / deceased: pre-outbreak / cause of death: bullet to the chest / Age: 60
- Mother: Carol Wayland / deceased: Unknown / age: 59 / missing after initial outbreak presumed dead
- Brother: Javis Wayland / deceased: unknown / age: 35 / missing after initial outbreak presumed dead

- Wife: Jackelyn Wayland / Deceased: During initial outbreak / age: 38 / killed trying to escape the city
- Son: Eric Wayland / deceased: couple months after outbreak began / age: 15 / killed in a horde attack

Personality: Cold now an days, a once vibrant and funny man now turned to a man who finds himself struggling with lots of guilt and even more standing on the edge of losing his mind and hanging on to whats left of his humanity. With a large capacity of intelligence he has survived purely on not being in the wrong place at the wrong time, however he feels an overwhelming need to be alone, with a fear of himself being death to any who is around him. The events which have taken place during the outbreak have warped his mind, to a point where he does not feel any hope anymore, the only thing that stops him from taking his own life in his mind is that there is still a reason, a need for him to be alive. But even though he is suffering inside and has lost hope, he is still a lot of the man he used to be, loyal, someone that you can depend on when the time calls for it the most, a man that will keep walking until a day comes when he is no longer able to. While he wishes he was dead, he fights day in and day out to stay alive for as long as he can simply because he wants to do at least one good thing before he dies. All in all at this point he is lost in the world, and just trying to find something that is more worth living for, and finding that one thing maybe the only thing that might bring him back from the hole he is slowly digging for himself.

Bio: Tiberius was born in Virginia to his father Joshua and his mother Carol, Tiberius grew up pretty normally for the most part, went to school, had friends, caused trouble and mischief from time to time when he felt the need was the most fun. In all respects he grew up a great life with a great family and a great life filled with nothing but a hopeful future. Growing up Tiberius's father was an agent who worked for the FBI, which was a major thing in his life that eventually helped him make us his mind that he too wanted to follow in his fathers foot steps and help protect his country and state anyway he could. When he was eighteen fresh out of high school with some help from his father Tiberius was given his chance to chase his dream of being in the FBI. Like his father Tiberius even from his training start was an exceptional and dedicated students, and just soaked up the knowledge, a fire deep inside burning to make his father proud, by the time he was twenty he was well on his way to becoming an exceptional agent. By twenty five Tiberius was the top of his peers in tactical work, he was at one point said to be the best at tactical insertion and tactical planning. However his life took a dramatic change when his father was gunned down and died shortly after in the hospital. Tiberius was only thirty at the time an he was heartbroken at watching his father die, after the incident Tiberius began to majorly slip in his job, and after botching a couple assignments which almost cost lives he was taken off active status so that he could get his head on straight.

At this point Tiberius began to drink which damn near lasted two whole years, wasting away in shit hole bars until he about drunk himself to death. Eventually a lot of his friends both family and FBI had an intervention in which he went to a facility to clean himself up. It was within this time frame shortly after getting clean he meant the woman who became his wife and had a son with. By thirty four Tiberius was finally back on the straight arrow path and had gotten the spark back in his life, and soon enough he found himself back at Quantico but as an instructor and not inside the action anymore. He quickly became quite content with this job, and aspired to from then on in to teach other students so that would one day become skilled tacticians. It was on or about Tiberius's 37th birthday that the first signs of outbreak occurred, at first it was just here and there and found himself not worrying but when it was out in the street it was obvious they had to get out before it worsened. But as it sometimes goes it was too late, in their escape from the city his wife was bitten and he was forced to kill her when she turned. It was just Tiberius and his son Eric then and 1 month in it was just Tiberius the events which took his son unknown. After his sons death Tiberius changed, and became very much a drifter never wanting nor needing to stay in any one place for long, the spark in him gone doused by his grief and his anger. He now bitterly walks a hell torn land of dead looking for purpose again.

Job Before The Outbreak: Tactical instructor at Quantico

Weapon of Choice:

A set of duel Beretta's (The Beretta was always his choice of weapon even before the outbreak and he kept two of them at his house even before the outbreak started, these are the same duel set that he kept for most of his life.)

A regular style katana (acquired from a wayside bandit who you could say brought a sword to a gun fight, after the initial small fight he kept the katana given it was most useful with bullets becoming scarce.)

I don't know if your still accepting if not then that's okay of course. You can keep my bio on the back burner if its acceptable in case someone leaves.
In Lumos 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey we all or well I wont speak for everyone but I am sure they agree with me that there is no problem, real life comes first always and there is no rush ^^
In Lumos 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I will make up a Magical Care teacher if no one has claimed it or Transfiguration whichever one is more important ^^ or both I like creating people anywho.
In Lumos 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
When the rest of the group had arrived Zef found himself smiling to himself it was almost like the muggle story of the three musketeers except that it was five instead of three which suited him just fine. It was when Rin arrived that he felt something was wrong, she was not her usually bouncy self. usually she leap in and tackled them when she arrived but when she just walked in and layed her head down it was obvious something was not right. Zef would have liked to have said he knew what was wrong but the truth was he didn't, he had been pretty secluded this summer away from his friends, more of his own hand then anything else. A lot of things can happen in such a short time, and he felt bad that he did not know a thing about what might be wrong with Rin... then again he was over thinking again, his grandmother was right he had to stop doing that. His own summer had not been easy, looking at his friends now and Rin in particular he did not know if he should even mention what was going on, perhaps it was best not to given Calvin was the only one who would realize what he was talking about. No... maybe it was better that he didn't it was better not to cause a panic amongst everyone but none the less he could not get it out of his head.

"My summer was the rather usual one I guess you could say, lake side training, grandma trying to teach me to cook very much like the muggle do without Magic, although its not going too well given I nearly burned down the house trying to use the stove. She has been saying forever how much we as wizards and witches rely way too much on magic. But you know the irony is she secretly uses magic to cook when I am not looking. Other then that though it was a pretty normal break..."

Zef looked down as he felt he had ended that a bit too roughly, he was never a convincing lier, hell he had been raised old school, he did not like to lie. Unknown to him his hand was twitching his fingers twiddling on the seat which was a clear indication that he was thinking deeply on something. Truth was that something had happened during his break, something that worried him to no end, especially now that his grandmother was alone and no one was there to look after her now.

"He is coming Zef... I don't know when but I know he is coming back. When he does I don't want you to worry about me, because the years have been kind to me and we must all face our past's sooner or later, confront our demons and we must do it alone.

When his grandmother had spoken this too him she seemed relaxed and perfectly content as if she was just trying to tell himself something normal. But in his gut he knew that something was wrong with it, and all the signs over the summer, his grandmother speaking cryptically, the stillness of the night, the silence of it all, it was almost like the calm before the storm. Maybe he was over thinking this too much, but he had been raised by his grandmother and she was not known for speaking in riddles, it was almost like she was trying to tell him something but she couldn't just flat out tell him. Looking up Zef saw the open door to the hallway of the train car, slowly he put his hand on it and slid it shut so that no one would try to listen in on what he was about to say, he had to say something, he was already frigid because of it, he needed someone to know, to talk to at least.

"Something's wrong... I don't know what it is..."

Zef looked back at Calvin in particular more or less directing those words towards him then anyone else in the car. Zef gave Calvin that knowing look so he knew exactly what he was referring too from his past. Zef intended to say something more but when the door to the car suddenly opened, he became increasingly silent as an older witch popped her head in cheerfully.

"Anything from the trollie dears?"

Zef merely shook his head to motion that he did not want anything else looking at the others he tried to put on a rather sheerful face and change his attitude to change the subject he had just barely started.

"Come on guys tell me what have you been doing with your lives this summer, I know someone in this car didn't have a boring break like my own."

Zef gave a fake smile but he didn't know if it would fool anyone, the car seemed terribly depressive this year you had to be an idiot not to see that, perhaps he wasn't the only one who had a lot on his mind.
In Lumos 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey guys I will be writing myn ext post apologies for my delay its been a long busy day.
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