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Oh please, im like a damn electrode. The trick is to have a trainer with revive on hand
Ohhhh She got burned, I admit it! I feel like an emma vs jean scenario where anything emma gets is because jean lets it happen
If you would like Rajin you can power mode her arrival as I don't really know what type of layout you had in mind for your base.
Orders patience was dwindling in this conversation, this lunatic spoke to her as if she was the mastermind behind a work of art. But yet she uses the tactics of a child playing a game of speed chess. Making risky moves to scare her opponent into a sense of damage control from costly mistakes. Her subconscious made several chess boards appear about, that imitated moves that bait the queen into bad plays. "You act like you understand this conflict but all you are doing is exacerbating a situation! Now that I have spoke to you, it is clear the wheels you have set in motion can not be undone, and the death toll is going to be far more than human or conduit had anticipated." She looks apologetic, "Myself included."Several boards began to show a check mate. "I am honestly at a loss for what lead you to think challenging the powers that be with terrorist tactics is the right course..?" Order steps closer to Scorn beginning to emit light, in doing so increasing the shadow of her conversation partner. "You have trapped any who wish to lower the bloodshed into a position where they must join you or fight you" Her hand grasped the mini-vest of Scorn as she pulled her even closer. "Order does require blood. I just wish the one that set this in motion was not more blind than I." She sighs as she relinquished her grasp "As much as I would find satisfaction in at least attempting to maim you, I feel the ramification of weakening your influence would be far more detrimental than pushing it through." Order for the sake of her point fired a beam of light at the general direction of the other two nearby conduits, not dangerous just enough to inform them that the pair was more than aware of their presence. "I am watching. And if I don't like what I see, I will burn away your shadows. I would ask you for more but standing out here exposed with your men so close, lets just say I really don't trust you. " She starts to levitate "We will be in touch." Not even waiting for a retort she beams off in direction of the vanguards. A cell number was left burned in the stone from where she left...(Yeah shes not gunna regret that later) ---"Migel" The girls stern but rather blunt refusal made it Crystal clear. "Now now, lying to me is a federal offense. I had no intention of taking you back, afterall, its not like you have done much outside of serve drinks for some time." The man reclined in the chair, and as if on que the drink had been placed in-front of him. The barkeep wanted to come to the girls aid but the badge just sitting out like that, it was clearly a dare. "You know I could make your life hell, and all of your friends lives hell. I have quite the file on you, and the potential that you may follow down the path of your sister." He grabs the rather plain drinking glass and sips at it before he continued. "Lets pretend you cooperate with me, and you tell me what you know about her. I give you a rather large sum of money, enough to finish off your car payments in addition those, while rather quaint credit card debts disappear." The mans gaze acts inviting but his words, do not seem like those of a normal agent. Nor does his phone when he sets it on the table, if anything the phone is the most unsettling part. "Look Miss Drogoth,im not asking you to help me kill your sister or even get you arrested. All I want, is information. It would help my....Investigation out immensely if you would consider it." He places a pure copper card on the table, it shines as if freshly mint and has his figure sculpted onto it....probably the most off putting aspect of the entire encounter.
I changed his song, and made sure it had a rough translation. For those of you that actually click that. (if not click it anyway get some culture XD)
...Touche I added a character and race, I will flesh it out more in time. No one minds if I add some more culture to the world right?
Order felt a bit of relief when Scorn showed up sooner rather than later. As she began to speak and lay out her plans Order raised a brow skeptically but she had to at least humor the chance for a lower body count. Scorns rather aloof nature leaves Order also acting a bit more hospitable than she normally would with someone of Scorn's history. "yes yes, I am paying attention but may I ask you to pick a form of insanity and keep too it. I had thought you a madwoman killing and maiming anyone whom you disagreed with. Yet here today you aided with the dispatching of a rogue. If this was a ruse to get me to listen to you, I must say it shows more intellect than I thought you capable of. So rather than think you the mastermind I know you can not possibly be, I will listen as you some how convince me that the slaughter of the masses that you and your cohorts have done in the past was all part of an action to bring about a lasting order." Orders posture relaxed into that of a "Sass'd" Student from her normal commanding presence. "Forgive me, I am rather tired and would like to avoid you attacking me. I totally would not see it coming." Her joke is lost on those who don't know, but she cant help but smile at her own lameness. --- "Chirp" A BMW M5 with what looks to be a nice brass finish parked at a parking deck near a local conduit friendly bar. The owner dressed in a rather clean suit, once again with the strange off colored cufflinks and buttons. His phone also maintained his rather gaudy motif, upon it screen had the location of a bar and a photo of a young blonde girl. "A sister of Scorn, poetic when you say it out loud." The man memorized the photo and the name before placing the phone in the inner pocket of his suit jacket. As he stepped inside the man looked around the bar and looked about. "What a wonderful place to spend my afternoon." Though the words had sounded sincere his rather lopsided brow betrayed his obvious irritation in the matter. He walked over to the bar hoping to find a barkeep that would know both information on the girl and also how to make a seven and seven proper. The barkeep however seemed to be away from his station though, normally this offense would definitely cost them the tip, but since the man was forced to look about for him it made him find his target far sooner than he had hoped. As Zeke walked by the man asked if he could make a 7&7 to the table where he just sat the fine young woman. Zeke seemed hesitant but had no reason to suspect anything...Hesitantly he agreed but looked over at Kiera somewhat apologetically. The man stepped up to her table and gestured if he may take the seat. "Hello, I am led to believe that you are Kiera Drogoth. My name is Miguel Smith. I am a Federal investigator looking into your sister." He pulls out a badge and places it on the table in front of the girl. He stepped back making sure to remain standing as the girl had not given him permission as of yet. "I am hoping you wouldn't mind if I asked you a few question."
ill post in the future, but when i do itll be the present mwahahaha
Name: Mike McMahon "Dracula""Gears" Age: 28 Gender: I am Man Appearance: Side: Infamous Personality: Indifferent and self serving. He thinks only of himself and his own interest but on the same account he doesn't relish in others suffering. Hes fairly artistic and enjoy constructing things with his natural skills and not just using his powers, in addition he tends to admire the works of others. Most who have observed him would have thought him a rather good fellow and doubt any who suggested that he had stolen a dime let alone that he was one of the conduits that murdered hundreds... Biography: Originally he was an honest man, with no real aspirations. He would wake up go to his rather boring job at a call center, attend his night classes and sleep. Going off with his friends or spending so time with his girlfriend made up his weekends nothing that would have ever even hinted at what he was capable of. As one of the early Conduits he had to deal with the initial reaction of the world, but when the world shunned him...He found out something about himself. He could give a f**k about the world. He stole what he wanted killed who he hated, crafted what he needed! The D.U.P's formation brought about something he had longed for, a challenge. At first he made complete fools of them and their rather simple tactics, but he had made a mistake early on. He left survivors, meaning they where able to learn about him and his rather diverse skill set. Though the trap set for him technically worked, the body count at the end and collateral damage left a city without communication or electricity for almost two months. (a few billion in damages outside of what was listed) Rotting is the best way to describe his life in Curdon Cay. He was cut off from any form of copper which is in a large portion of everyday life. Which includes modern lighting, cleaning products even your food. He was fed a special diet locked in what could only be described as a dungeon. His compliance only supported Augustine's judgement that he was to be considered a threat, knowing full well that he was simply biding his time... When Augustine was removed the attention to detail went with it, in less than 24 hours Mike made an escape that had him labeled Dracula. He had been slowly breaking his left hand to the point that it would be able to be pulled from his restraint, tearing his flesh in the process. After that it was just a matter of gaining access to as much copper as he could, and between their equipment and their blood he had more than enough to escape. And though it was a bloody, it was so clean and precise it was almost an hour before they had figured out what exactly had happened. Power: Copper in all of its states Power-: A "change" of pace: He rides atop a shifting mass of copper, generally though he will take a cab. Penny for your thoughts: Mike fires projectiles of copper at high speed, and while not large projectiles this steady stream can tear stone apart in a few seconds of sustained focus. "After all they add up." Copper control: While not the most unique his ability to use the copper already present is his most potent ability, everything from causing a building to collapse to forcing the wires in your ear-buds to penetrate your eardrum. In the same line of thought he can control most electrical devices that are used in the day to day through a very intricate process of controlling the conductivity of the wiring within. While not something that is practical in combat this does allow him easily to easily steal not only information but also property. (Such as an original painting, or 20) His weapon of choice is a copper pocket watch, that likes to become a razor sharp discus... Even exchange:Copper can exist in all three states of matter, and this aspect is what made him so hard to capture, when desperate he himself can break down into a gas or a liquid and manipulate himself to escape. Other: A taste of his personality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLF_XZ9IWMs Any problems?
As the conduits all went there separate ways, Order finally took a moment to yawn. Being active for over 38 hours straight let alone such liberal use of her powers, rather draining to say the least. Scorn, and apparently some man that is unaware that he is not in the nineties anymore, had both informed her of meeting spots. "Meet me here....When, would have been an ideal bit of information Scorn. Leave it to a lunatic...Vanguard hits me as someone I should speak with in the future." Order erupts into light heading straight up. Orders flash appears atop city hall, where she sat and waited for the meeting with Scorn.
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