Avatar of Ultron2015
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    1. Ultron2015 9 yrs ago


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Still around.
When Synthesis brought up avoiding conflict, Terry began to think about conflict in general. Everything from the most basic physical conflict, such as two beings fighting against each other in nature, to large scale complex conflicts like the Cold War, all began to plague his head. He replayed certain conflicts in his head and attempted to discern if some of the great human conflicts could have just been avoided. He doubted conflict could be avoided all together but wondered if there was some way to make it a less severe problem overall. He quickly decided that thinking like this was overly and unnecessarily wishful and that he had presently spent way too much time entertaining such notions. He emerged from this line of thinking to discover that Synthesis had departed. Terry was debating whether to look for the young man again when the announcement was made that it was time for class. Terry briskly walked to his class, physical training. He made it with a few minutes to spare so he quietly slipped in and observed the stretches that the instructor did. Brass discreetly took stock the other students as he listened while Mammoth addressed the class.
Tyler stared at the girl for half a second. He then realized that she thought he was a civilian. This was a fair assumption as he was in plain black jeans, a black leather jacket, black boots, and a plain emerald green t-shirt. "You could get hurt yourself! Here to help!" He was still thinking of a plan. He was running back and forth in attempt to prevent himself from becoming a target. *"Have to think! It's a slime monster. Not really helpful without more information. Could it be burned? Frozen? Blown up? If I hit it with enough water, maybe I can drown it in a way."* He knew he would have to get closer. First, he dashed back into the alley reached into his bag and pulled out a motorcycle helmet appropriately it matched his shirt. He ran back into the street and addressed the girl loudly," Since we both decided we're both staying, what do you know about fire hydrants? I'm thinking we get one open and water this bastard down. Unless you can shoot water or ice from your person, in which case just do that." He put the helmet on to further protect himself and resumed his frantic zigzag while keeping one eye on the monster and trying to locate fire hydrants or other sources of water.
Tyler could see Titans Tower in the distance. He wondered if he had made the right choice by deciding to come here. He stood up and looked down at the Eve, the girl driving the boat that was taking him to Jump City. “Oh Caroline you. Break my heart. I want to go and cry,” he sang softly. “None of that now. My name isn’t Caroline and you never sing because you know you suck at it so don’t go getting all sentimental on me now. You definitely don’t care about me or any of us. You’re going off to the big city to be a big hero,” the girl playfully intoned. “Well, it’s OK. I can do this now. I could always be like this around you because even if you tell anyone they would never believe you anyway,” Tyler replied with a hint of coy satisfaction in his voice. He continued more seriously “And I’m not coming here to be a hero. I’m coming here to learn how to be hero. You know that I don’t want to leave you or the city but we need all the help we can get and this is the best way to make myself a long term solution.” The boat sped past the Tower and pulled into the city’s harbor. “Well, here we are. This is your stop.” Eve glanced at Tyler. “It was nice of you to fly over to say goodbye. You know, you won’t even be in Blüdhaven if you get accepted to Central City University, which we both know you will. I’m only cutting our time a little short.” He threw his bags onto the, shore. “I’m sure, you know, or rather I wished I was sure you knew just how much I love you.” Tyler tenderly kissed Eve and then quickly climbed out of the boat. The two locked eyes and Tyler said, “It won’t be long.” “Yeah.” She said and then turned around and sped off in the boat. He watched as the boat retreated in the distance. The boy looked away and immediately tensed up. The relaxation and easiness from moments ago was gone. He picked up his bags and began to head into the city. He had only taken a few steps when everything went wrong. It hadn’t been five minutes and already the city seemed to be under attack. He was slightly disconcerted because of the sound but sprang into action. He began to run towards where he had determined the sound came from. This was basic confirmed by tons of people running and driving from the direction he was awkwardly running toward. Some people had even abandon their cars for some reason and were running away on foot. Tyler threw his bags into one of the abandon cars that was still running and jumped behind the wheel. He instantly sped toward the disturbance hoping this wasn’t a test. He slammed on the brakes as the monster came into view. He jumped out of the car, grabbed his bags and threw them in an alleyway near a dumpster. As he began to focus on the battleground, Tyler noticed a girl who seemed to be putting out the fire. Another crime fighter being at the scene made him more comfortable but he was still trying to come up with a plan to fight the ooze monster. He shouted at the young lady, “Hey, you have a plan for dealing with this thing?”
![]() ![](http://img.nauticexpo.com/images_ne/photo-g/offshore-offshore-speed-boat-20710-4614089.jpg) ![](http://falsememoir.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/1989-saab.jpg)
In Outcasts 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Ok. So, I got a little carried away but the important thing is my character is in the woods now. Immature P.S.: I think I got the 69th IC post :P ?
In Outcasts 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Orson read the last page of the vampire romance novel and set the book on the floor of the pool. “Well, there’s something I thought I would never do,” he said to himself. “Laugh, it’s not the end of the world.” He stood from the lawn chair and climbed out of the empty swimming pool. “One down. Three to go.” He knew he probably wouldn’t read the rest of the books in the series even if they were in one of the offices in the gym where he spent most of his days since the barrier went up. It was one of the few barriers he couldn’t cross. He was able to get into this Athletic Club which was mysteriously hard to get into by normal means. All of the external walls were secured by large sliding steel doors. It seemed bit excessive to Orson but some people were paranoid about their things with people like him running around. The place was secluded enough as it was. It was right on the edge of the city. The two outdoor basketball courts and what was formerly a mediation garden were a stone’s throw away from the forest. Back in another life when he was Sebastian, or Baz for short, he used to come to the club frequently but not many other people attended. The members were a tight knit group and the club wasn’t well known. It was pretty nice. It had three racquetball courts and three small studios for group fitness classes. The place had a café with gas appliances which was quite useful. The kitchen was even stocked originally. The shop also held provisions. The place contained a traditional gym area with treadmills, elliptical machines, Rowing machines, Stairmasters, free weights, and the like but it wasn’t too large. That was nice as was the pool but the main reason Orson came was for the dojo which was a large space with thick dark red matts for floors. One of walls lined with punching bags. Another was originally lined with bladed weapons, sticks and protective equipment. A third wall held the trophies that the dojo had earned in various martial arts competitions as well as the entrance to the rest of the club and the final wall of the dojo was a large mirror. During the day, Orson would come to the club, work out, mediate, and train. During breaks, he would plan escape or read books. He spent most of his down time in the pool or in one of the offices. The pool was a little over 164 feet long and about 82 feet wide. The depth ranged from about 3 to 20 feet. The entire thing was empty and served as sort of lounge area for Orson where he could read or relax for a bit. Orson decided to retrieve the book and return it to the office where he had gotten it. He leaned down and grabbed it from the pool. He walked out of the pool area and by what was formerly the front desk. The empty chairs briefly made him remember what is was like before but he put the thought away. Arriving in the office, Orson returned the book next to the others in the series on the shelf. He hadn’t really wanted to read the novel but he had gone through most of his first picks from the former staff’s personal libraries. The pickings were slim at this point. He had started the novel, Justine, but decided to put that one aside for the time being. So it was either the vampire romance, something by Voltaire, or the loads of textbooks on medicine and kinesiology. He knew he would finish, Justine, at some point, because he almost always finished what he start, at least, in the way of books. The vampire novel had been selected because Voltaire seemed too heavy and he didn’t have the heart to dive into the textbooks, no matter how useful they might be to him at some point. Additionally, one of his former classmates was really into the vampire series, both the books and the movies, so he decided to give one a chance. It was an easy read and he was able to understand whysome people liked the books and why others didn’t like the books. Orson stopped by the café to retrieve some raisins and jerky for the road. It was getting late and he figured he should get back to the cabin. As he grabbed the snacks, he paused to look around. The café used to serve coffee, sandwiches, salads, yogurt, chips, fresh fruit, protein shakes and smoothies. The list went on. Now, it barely had anything besides the non-perishables that he hadn’t gone through in the time since the barrier went up. After grabbing the snacks and a flashlight, he proceed to the sub-level where the lockers and showers were. He had flashlights stashed all over the place. The main level had very dim lights that ran on emergency power that he figured was separate from the electricity the rest of the building used. The low lights had been on constantly. They didn’t use much power and weren’t very bright but he had gotten used to them. He was expecting them to go out any day now hence the flashlights. Orson flicked on the flashlight and walked over to locker number twenty-three. It was his locker. Well, they all were his lockers now. Of course they were also all unlocked now. There was a bolt cutter in one of the offices for emergencies. He opened the locker and retrieved a gray cotton long sleeve t-shirt. He slipped it on over the tan short sleeve shirt he was already wearing. Next, he put on the black vest that had pockets for everything. “Vest with tons of pockets for all your society-induced localized apocalypse needs,” he joked to himself “brought to you by raids and looting after everything went to hell.” He began to munch on the raisins as he did a quick check to make sure everything was where it should have been. He tried to be prepared for everything when going out. The last article of clothing was a leather trench coat which hung down to the knees of his durable blue jeans. The coat was mostly to look cool and match his black combat boots but it was also decently warm which is how Orson justified stealing it for himself. In locker number 24 were the standard traveling guns: a Remington Versa Max 12 gauge shotgun, a Colt 1911 pistol, and a Walther PP pistol. He holstered the pistols but held the shotgun at the ready. These guns like the others he had stashed around were stolen just like almost everything else he owned at this point. He thought about this and said “Welcome to the New Age.” After doing a final check, he returned the flash light back to the café and phased out of the building. He began to walk into the woods as silently as possible. He knew the way to the cabin in the woods but checked the compass every so often just to make sure he was heading in the right direction. He always expected one day to go back to the club and find it compromised but so far he had been able to hold it. The cabin didn’t have that problem there were traps around the perimeter far before you could see the structure. If the traps, which were mainly for animals anyway, were bypassed, the place had a second perimeter comprised completely of landmines. They weren’t hidden at all but there were so many that the average person couldn’t jump them. Orson hadn’t set any of this up though. Although he reset the traps when necessary, he hadn’t lain them down originally. The cabin was a shelter against the people with powers. Orson figured that there were some people with powers who could probably survive stepping on a landmine but then the problem would be the noise would attract attention in addition to the destruction caused by the explosion. The puzzle was how the previous resident got in and out of the cabin. After he had made it a distance equivalent to about two city blocks into the woods, Orson checked the compass again and realized how much he had benefitted from the increasing aggression and paranoia that plagued the city during its final years and months before the barrier went up.
In Outcasts 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Yay. So it is probably obvious but I want to make sure. How bad is the city? I assume the supermarkets are closed. Is there running water? Electricity? Internet? Cell phone service? I just don’t want to run into a "so i had my character sitting in this abandoned office building smoking a Cuban when he got hungry and order a pizza with his smartphone that was embedded in his hand and was the size of a staple," when that would be totally unreasonable because "there are no working phones or any internet and even if your character could get someone to deliver a pizza it would cost him about three thousand dollars because of the scarcity of the ingredient and gas not to mention the fact that there are groups of people who have divided the city into warring zones and would run him off the road a hijack him anyway" That scenario also brings up another point. How many people are left in the city and what's the ruling structure like? Which probably depends on the answer to the question "how long exactly was it between the evacuation and the first post?"
In Outcasts 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: Sebastian Orson Rowlett Williams Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: ![](http://www.thorknai.com/Galleries/pictures/large/thor110b.JPG) Power: Ghosting. He can become intangible, fly, and turn invisible. If he is doing all three at the same time, he can only hold it for about six minutes (He checked one time). If he is just doing any one or two of them at a time (invisible flight, just invisible, intangible and invisible, etc.) he can do it for quite a while (So long that he got tired out waiting). Bio: Sebastian only got three things from his parents: a love for tai-chi, a pair of his father’s brown leather gloves, and a silver bracelet from Austria. Well, Sebastian actually got a lot of things from his parents but he considers those the only three things. It’s not that his parents didn't love their Sebastian and his three siblings. They just couldn't deal with the responsibility of having kids. They were extremely spiritual, world-traveling, vegan activists. Sebastian's father even practiced shamanism. They never stayed in one place for long. Initially, Sebastian parents thought they could take their children with them as they floated from country to country but when pregnant with Sebastian while visiting New York for Christmas, the couple lost their daughter for a few hours and decided to send their children away. Almost a year after Sebastian was born, his parents sent his two older sisters to boarding school in England and dropped Sebastian off with their only friend in the world, a younger woman they knew from college named Susan. Susan lived in Redbridge and raised Sebastian there. His parents would visit occasionally but he was never able to form an emotional connection to them. One night when Sebastian was six, he and Susan were walking home from getting ice cream, a mugger approached them. It was the first time he had ever seen a gun in real life and was terrified. He buried his face in Susan’s coat and thought “if only he couldn’t see us.” Then, they disappeared clothes and all. They, in fact, turned invisible and floated away passing right through the would-be robber. When Susan realized what had happened, she insisted that he kept what he could do a secret. When Sebastian was ten, his parents unintentionally had another son, Salinger. Salinger was dropped off with Susan as well. Sebastian loved his little brother and did all he could to be a good brother to him. Despite how good his life was, he grew feelings of resentment towards his parents. Knowing that he couldn’t take his feelings out on his parents because they were around so sparingly and not wanting to hurt his brother or Susan, he began to steal things. At first, it was just swiping ice cream bars from large supermarkets but then it became something bigger. He began to use his powers to pull off heist that would have normally required enormous planning and effort. His only real problem was the possibility of suspicion from the Blades but he was very careful about his marks. Sometimes, he would even return the items. Other times he would sell the goods and given away the money. Sebastian was settling into something of routine of being a good brother and surrogate son while using theft and some other risky behaviors as an outlet for his emotional problems. That all changed when Susan and Salinger went missing and the wall went up. Not knowing exactly what happened to them, Sebastian is determined to find them at all costs.
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