Avatar of VarionusNW


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3 yrs ago
Current It's definitely weird coming back here after realizing I've cut ties or lost touch with basically all the people I've known from here, which were all some of my closest friends on the internet.
3 yrs ago
It's been a while, and It's good to be back. Let's see if I can get back into the swing of things.
5 yrs ago
Join my new RP, Kodomo-O-Eru Acadamy For the Tsukamu Artes! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
and can we please have an answer for Summer's important question: Can we ban me for being one of the straights?
1 like
5 yrs ago
Summer clearly wasn't taking it personally. If anything, it seems more like you are, friend.
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The goal of this RP is to create a custom Magic: The Gathering set, of roughly 250-300 cards, and play out the story for that set as an RP at the same time. Players may be creating multiple characters, and controlling characters made by others depending on the circumstances, though players will be able to have central characters only they control. The general idea is that we'll plan out the events we want to happen, and the characters we want to include, then we'll start roleplaying out those events, with them being represented on cards either before or after we've done the roleplaying depending on if we want the story to fit the cards, or vice versa. All players must participate in both the roleplaying and set-creation aspects of this RP.

Because we are trying to create a functional, and at least semi-balanced set, I want to get some background on the players who are joining. Instead of applying with a character sheet, you'll need to fill out the following designer sheet:

If you wish to join, simply fill out the designer sheet and post it. There will be no player limit. Feel free to throw any questions or concerns you might have at me, I'll try to answer them as quickly as possible.

Here's my designer sheet as an example:
We have 2, possibly 3 slots remaining open due to unresponsive players and people ghosting. If your interested, active, and willing to commit, please express your interest and I'll shoot you a link to the discord. I understand that the roleplay seems dead from the inactive OOC, but this is simply because most of our discussion is done in the discord, and several players became suddenly busy in the last 2 months. Things are clearing up, to my knowledge, so we should be able to start very soon.
We have another two free slots for anyone interested.
@Briza may I ask why you posted an off-topic post in the IC of this very serious RP without even making a character?

Sole Fiction does not make use of the character tab; all data below is comprised of random bullshit.Please submit your first character sheet with the formatting of your choosing to the OOC, where it will be reviewed. After being initiated, approval is no longer required.
In the beginning there was the end, which was in the middle of all things extending forever into the eternity that eventually formed the Condensed Reality in which we all live, yet know that nothing is truly real or of import, drawing us closer to what we actually exist within: a Sole Fiction.
@Summers For sure.
Congratulations, we've reached over 18 concurrent viewers. The thread is now legal.
Text is optional.
Jun. 1, 1488.

Jun 5, 2019
Sole Fiction

Bounded Ideas;Limited World

Hello there! If you're reading this, we're going to go ahead and assume that you're curious about what, exactly, this monumental roleplay is. The following will provide all the necessary information, including details that will indicate whether or not Sole Fiction is for you.

What is "Sole Fiction," Anyway?

Sole Fiction is a Condensed-Universe RP. you probably haven't seen those anywhere on the site, but this is the only form they can possibly exist in, so once you've seen this one, you've seen them all. You may compare a Condensed-Universe to a Multiverse, where characters from various pieces of fiction and OCs can exist, but in a Condensed-Universe, all possibilities MUST exist. If a character can exist in the universe, it does. Also, a Condensed-Universe takes place in a singular world, rather than many separate worlds. Due to the infinite, but singular scale of Sole Fiction, the impossible becomes not just possible, but inevitable.
Arguably one of the most prominent examples of that is our casual treatment of extremely "overpowered" characters. We exceed planet busting here—it can get as far as exploding stars and taking all that energy for oneself, or even farther. The interactions in Sole Fiction are worthy of the scale they're set in, by far.

Okay; How Does it Work?

Sole Fiction is a universe for true intellectuals. We don't follow plots, or a coherent story structure in any way, shape, or form. Instead, we make shit up as we go, being unable to actually make sense of what is going on, and therefore must rely on the actions of our characters (aka just make more shit up.) Here you have to be willing to adjust—that's vital. If it doesn't go the way we want it to, we make it go the way we want it to.

Because of this, we've developed a sense of urgency and involvement in Sole Fiction. Because there's no plot to this RP, we can't be sure of what's actually happening. We don't give a shit about your characters, or any silly arcs.. If you're not willing to save the Condensed-Reality, someone else will do it off-screen. It's as simple as that. Even if you take the place set for you in saving the Condensed-Reality, your actions will always have no meaning, as is expected in a quality roleplay.

The Infamous Requirements

Perhaps you're thinking it's too good to be true. There's got to be some catch. And yes, we're not ashamed to say that there are some important requirements that you must be sure you can meet before you can effectively participate. First of all is adaptability: we've already mentioned it a couple of times, but you need to be flexible. SF is different from "conventional" RPs in many aspects, which we consider a good thing. We're not going to change for you.

Secondly, we don't enforce grammatical standards. We embrace the inevitability of errors, and therefore accept and welcome all typing errors. Also I have no intention of reading your posts to check your grammar.

Thirdly, you need to understand how to obfuscate. Being clear and honest with what you mean will get you a swift ban. Never have a character say what they mean, and always accidentally imply things you don't intend. The truth is a tool only bad writers want to use. Do not describe what your character is feeling, seeing, doing, or anything else. We can create immersion through confusion. As long as the reader is completely unaware of what is occurring, they will be transfixed and wish to delve further. If you want to convey something, do not.

Finally, do not have dedication. I should see weeks between posts, and near-constant dropping. The best case scenario is that people drop after a single post, and a new wave of players join every month. If you want, you may post every 5 minutes, but this will only lead to your own disappointment. Maintaining a solid distance from Sole Fiction will manage your expectations and prevent you from ascending to the 5th realm beyond this mortal plane with how woke you'll become.

Perhaps you're reading this now, after all that, and it seems... perhaps daunting. Well, you can trust us when we say that it is—You will not get into this roleplay. In the end, you will regret joining, and your only solace will be inevitably forgetting about this in a few years. So, if you want to make a mistake and join, keep reading.

Rules, Guidelines, Entry, and Extra Info

Besides those requirements we talked about, there are still some rules. They're pretty simple and easy to follow.

  • We have no limit on maturity of content, including plot darkness, violence, life issues, etc. However, the one restriction is that there must be some sexual content somewhere. It should not be blatant, as outright smut must be faded to african american and slid into the DMs. If you can think of adult-tinged thoughts for your character, include them. This will tie into the following rule, but generally this requirement of at minimum sexual thoughts is for a celebration of diversity.
  • Please, no heterosexual relationships or activities of the sort. It'd be easier for all of us if it's not mentioned at all without creating a huge ordeal.
  • Do not respect other players or their characters. God-modding is expressly allowed, as it can be remedied with more god-modding. We are trying to avoid plot progression, so please do this as much as physically possible. When someone tells you to stop doing something, please continue to do it. There are no limits to your actions, unless those actions violate the above rules.
  • Posts MAY NOT be longer than a single sentence. They may be a run on sentence, but they must only last for a single sentence overall. There can only be one period in a post that is not part of an ellipses (which is specifically three periods separated by spaces, aka . . .) anything else will result in immediate removal from the Roleplay and the non-existence of your character.

Now a singular guideline:

  • We have a special posting style that we believe makes for the greatest immersion possible. There is to be no differentiation between speech and actions. If you are using multiple characters, refrain from making them distinct in order to add to the confusing atmosphere we are going for. Here's an example:

Hi there, says Jack who waves at me and I respond simply by saying I am fine, followed by the black knight who is less fine.
  • You may have noticed that this line is clusterfuck, and also in first person. This is intentional. First person is recommended, though feel free to experiment with anything that isn't third person for the purposes of obfuscation. Second person, and even 99th person are viable options.

Character Creation

There are several things to note when it comes to creating a character. Keep all of it in mind.
  • Your character is not important to us. Throw shit at the wall, we don't really give that much of a shit.
  • You can pretend to be creative, but nothing truly creative exists, as all things innevitably have already been produced within Sole Fiction. Do whatever.
  • We don't care what the powerlevel of your character is, as the point of this RP is to obfuscate what is going on enough to draw more people in and continue the cycle.
  • Don't expect your character to win fights, or even have fights, or do anything. In fact, expect them to do as little as possible and you'll do well enough.
  • As you can already guess, nothing We've mentioned here even matters, do what you want.
  • There is no character sheet. Make your own, or don't make one. To be honest, a name isn't even necessary. You don't even need a character, roleplay as nothing if you want to.

Entering the IC

So you've come across the RP, decided to make a character, and spent hours contemplating the intricacies of our bullshit RP. Well, for one you've made a massive mistake, but here's what you need to do to actually get started: post in the IC. Interrupt someone else's conversation, intervene in a fight, show up in the desert with nobody present. No one actually gives a shit what you do as long as you do it.

Extra Information

  • Some might compare this RP to Myriad Reality, because the language we use in this OOC post is so similar. I assure you, this RP is completely unrelated to MR, as it is completely the opposite. For one, we allow homosexuals, unlike the bigots who run MR, and we do not allow straight, bigoted characters.
We have another slot available if anyone is interested. We've been slow starting due to several people have events coming up in their lives at inopportune times, but we are still moving. I'd hope to actually start within two weeks.
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