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    1. veiledrose 10 yrs ago


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MissAddler- yay for first CS! And everything looks great, accepted :)
Crimson Flame said
OMG, the sites back up! 8D

I almost died of happiness, myself.

Welcome to New York City, the city that never sleeps! Here you can experience the thrill of a Broadway play, or shop like you never have before in the fashion forward districts, or simply soak in all the wonders the city has to offer. You can even tour the Institute, under supervision. Wha…What was that? You don’t know what the Institute is? Well then, you must be a Mundane! In that case, you won’t remember a word of what I just said, and you will go on about your business as usual.

Still there, eh? Then you must be one of us, but which? A Nephilim or Downworlder? Ah, no matter, it’s rude of me to ask, and as it is I can already sense it on you so it doesn’t really matter. Just testing out your character, is all. I will leave you to it, then! But I must warn you, there are dark forces brewing as of late. The demons have been more active, portals popping up from unknown sources. I’d watch your back, if I were you, and try not to get into too much trouble. And please, refrain from messing with the Mundanes, unless you want to answer to The Clave. Enjoy your stay, and I hope to see you again soon!

Alrighty, all! This is an RP based on The Mortal Instruments novels. Well, the only thing it will follow are the locations and the classes of Downworlders. I, however, intend this RP to be geared towards an older crowd than what is depicted in the novels/movies. The plot will be different as well, much more basic. There is an almighty demonic entity that is commanding all the lesser demons. The objective is to locate/destroy this Greater Demon. This RP isn’t meant to be a great epic fantasy journey, there will be more open play than plot-driven play. I want characters to be able to RP their lives in the city and what-not, but I will direct certain actions by making main announcements as a narrator. They may be geared towards certain players, or to everyone as a whole (just to keep things interesting).



Make your characters accordingly. Of course there can be ridiculously good-looking players, most Downworlders are meant to be depicted as gorgeous creatures. However, keep in mind the class of Downworlder you are creating. Descriptions of common characteristics for each class are below

Nephilim/Shadowhunters: A secretive race of beings who are humans born with angelic blood. They are appointed specifically to control and preside over the Shadow World, as well as over the demons and Downworlders who inhabit it. Their mandate is to keep the peace in the Shadow World and keep it hidden from the mundane world while protecting the inhabitants of both worlds. They generally don’t get along with Downworlders, but relationships have been known to develop and occur. They are much faster and agile than the average person, mainly due to their need to fight demons all the time.

Each Shadowhunter is equipped with a stele. With this stele Shadowhunters inscribe special runes on their skin, which will remain permanent like a tattoo. Each rune is different and serves the purpose to enhance something of the Shadowhunter. For example, one rune is used to heal, another rune is used to enhance one’s balance, etc. Here is a list of runes

Vampires: Vampires possess superhuman strength, grace, speed, and the unnaturally accelerated healing abilities inherent in most other Downworlders and are able to heal quickly from most mundane injuries. Their most prominent ability is their raw physical strength which allows them to subdue any mundane prey with little effort. Allegedly, their abilities increase and grow stronger as they grow older. They have the ability to sheath and unsheathe their fangs on command, a feat harder to master with younger vampires.

Their most mysterious power is the encanto, or "fascination", the power to mesmerize and essentially control their prey–mundanes. Vampires can, with simple prolonged eye contact, convince mundanes and even Shadowhunters of almost anything, and can persuade them into almost any act. This is a skill that must be developed and practiced by vampires, and so it is typically the older and more powerful vampires that can make use of it.

Vampires are comfortable in darkness; their eyes adjust to seeing in darkness and seeing in light almost instantly, much faster than the eyes of humans. Vampires also have sharper hearing and eyesight than humans, and any fledgling who wore glasses in life will no longer need them as a vampire.
Other information- Vampires fear fire, and can be kept at bay with fire. They can be killed with a stake through the heart, and silver is toxic to them. They also cannot tolerate daylight, and must remain hidden from the sun during the day.

If you decide to play a Vampire, then you will be part of the NYC clan. Each city has its own clan of Vampires that reside over the other vampires within the area. If you would like to be a clan leader, please PM your CS first.

Lycans: Lycanthropy transforms a human into a werewolf, a demihuman whose demonic infection causes them to transform into a large and dangerous wolf under the light of the full moon, while still bearing a little resemblance to their human selves. Werewolves in their lupine form are not merely wolves; they possess unnatural strength and speed comparable to that of demons, and their claws and fangs are able to slash through a chain-link fence or bite through a padlock.

In addition to their supernatural strength, grace, and reflexes, werewolves have the same unnaturally accelerated healing abilities as most other Downworlders. They cannot regenerate a severed limb, but they can recover quickly from most mundane wounds.

In human form, they look fairly normal, albeit a little dirty, as most of their kind do not bother cleaning up much. Werewolves also retain their superhuman speed and strength while in human form. Also, werewolves are mortal; they age and die normally like ordinary humans, though they grow up somehow faster.

If you choose to be a Lycan, then you will be part of a pack. Each city has its own pack, so as it is everyone who is a Lycan will be part of the NYC pack. If you would like to be a pack leader, please PM your CS first to me.

Warlocks :The immortal race of Downworlder offspring of demons and mundanes. They are the only Downworlders who can cast magic because of their demon blood; unlike vampires and werewolves, who were merely infected by demonic diseases.

Warlocks do not have the many unifying features of werewolves, vampires, or faeries. The only universal traits shared among them is that they all possess a so-called "warlock mark" on their body that identifies them as not merely human.

Faeries: Also known as the Fair Folk or fey, Faeries are an extremely cunning immortal race of Downworlders. They have both angelic and demonic blood, attributing to their beauty and malevolence.

According to legend, faeries are fallen angels, cast down out of Heaven for their pride. Although the hybrid descendants of demons and angels, faeries possess human souls just as other Downworlders do, and they are counted as members of the human race by the denizens of Heaven. The Fair Folk are known for their unearthly beauty and fair skin, appearing in various pastel hues of blues, greens, and violets, even pearl, to name a few. Faeries commonly incorporate flora and multiple forms of vegetation as part of their ensemble. Many faeries are extremely attractive with delicate and regal faces and exquisitely colored features, such as their eyes, with colors "as clear as glass".

Faeries, like vampires and werewolves, possess the unnatural abilities of swiftness and grace. Some are even given wings, which may be due to their angel blood.

All fey are part of the Seelie Court, which is run by the fey Queen. They have their own government that resides underneath the city in the ground. You may opt to want to play the Queen, however, you will need to PM me your CS first. If nobody shows interest in playing the role of the Queen, she will most likely end up being an NPC run by myself.

-Note: Humans are referred to as “Mundanes” by all the classes. Since Mundanes aren’t able to see any of these classes or know they exist, nobody may play as a Mundane. Also, no “cross-breeding”…no, you may not be a Nephilim/Vampire, Lycan/Warlock, etc.
- Double Note because I don’t know where this would fit elsewhere: The Shadowhunters basically act like a judicial system amongst themselves and all Downworlders. They enforce the laws, which the basic one is not to meddle with the Mundanes. The second important one is that there is no killing of other Downworlders. The Clave is a council consisting of representatives from the Nephilims, Vampires, Lycans, Faeries and Warlocks. It governs all Nephilim and Downworlders, and holds trials for those who commit any crimes.

Character Sheet


Age: (no younger than 18 years; no older than 1,000 years for vampires/fey/warlocks—unless you are clan leader, pack leader, or the Queen, which you would need to PM your CS first for approval. The leadership roles will run off of a “first come first serve” basis…if you show interest in these roles in the OOC, but someone else submits a CS to me that meets my expectations, then sorry Charlie. I’m going to give the roles to the person that first submits an acceptable CS. If I tell you to change things or work on things and in the meantime someone else slips in a CS that doesn’t need corrections, then the CS that doesn’t need corrections will be given the part. Basically, I’m impatient [it’s a problem], and don’t want to wait around days for people to make the necessary corrections.)


Class: (Nephilim, Vampire, Lycan, Warlock, or Faerie)

Appearance: (description or picture, or both)



Other: (most Nephilim will be equipped at all times with their choice of weapon, so that can go here. Downworlders have no reason to carry anything, as their special abilities make them easily ready for any sort of fight. Any other information about your character that wouldn’t be covered in the previous sections can go here as well)

-Note: For now I am limiting the amount of characters one person may play to 2 (TWO), at least just to start. Taking on more than 2 characters can be a lot of work, and increases the possibility of getting discouraged to keep up with other characters you created and leaving someone else in the RP hanging. This is subject to change, depending on how many people show interest and later on how many people we lose. I will let everyone know when it will be ok to make additional characters if they so wish.



The Institute

This is where the Shadowhunters/Nephilim sleep/train. Only Shadowhunters are allowed free and total access. Downworlders are physically unable to enter the building.

The Hotel (Vampire Clan)

This is where the NYC Clan resides. It is law that Downworlders are not allowed to kill other Downworlders. However, if you are stupid or brave enough to enter this hotel then all bets are off.

The Den (Lycan Pack)

In this old factory is where the NYC Pack resides. It’s unkempt and pretty dirty, but wolves don’t really mind.

The Seelie Court (Faerie Realm)

This is where the fey people live. It runs like a monarchy, and there are multiple well-known locations within NYC parks that are the entrance to the kingdom. Be warned, if you are not fey, that if you enter you may not eat/drink anything offered, lest you want to belong to the fey people forever.

Pandemonium (Club)

This club, on the first floor, is meant for Mundanes. However, only Downworlders are allowed access to the basement, a whole other part of the club that specifically caters to the Downworlder community.

Veselka (Diner)

Downworlder’s have gotta eat too, ya know. This is a diner in town that caters to the Downworlder community, serving special menu items, such as Moose Blood Pie for the local Vampires, or Dandelion Shakes for the fey folk. If you choose to dine here, please remember to tip the waitresses nicely. They are other Downworlder folk just trying to make a living, after all.


I’m going to be trusting that everyone can use common sense and not be a pain in the ass player. So don’t go around God-modding and playing as an invincible character. Each race/class has its kryptonite. If you annoy me enough by not using common sense, then I will kill your character off. But no worries, I will give you warning after warning before it comes to that.

This is High Casual, so post accordingly. There can be violence (just don’t get too graphic) and you can insinuate a sexual encounter, however don’t actively play it out IC. Take it to PM for all I care, just don’t do it in the public eye. I’m not going to put a minimum length of paragraphs because I feel that may limit everyone to some degree (and there are only so many ways you can be descriptive with a specific scenario). Just please, post more than a couple lines, and post so that it keeps the story moving along. If there ever is a standstill among characters, I will step in and shake things up :>

I reserve the right to be the omnipresent narrator, which means, as mentioned above, if I feel like things are not moving along with a certain set of characters, I will God-mod the shit out of you and create a situation within the story that spices things up a bit. I will only kill characters off if they have been inactive for more than a week (unless you specifically let me know you will be absent, then I will create a situation where your presence is not warranted at the time). I will post a single post by itself in all italics when I post as the all-powerful narrator of this RP, so make sure you pay extra attention to those posts.

One last thing. My biggest pet peeve EVER is when people don’t read other people’s posts…even if they aren’t in direct dialogue or physical proximity to them. READ EVERYONE’S POSTS. That way nothing goes unnoticed (such as if a certain character passes you and does something strange as you walk by, but your character posts as if this never even happened and just continues bee-lining it to the character they are trying to get into interaction with, I will get angry). We don’t post to amuse just ourselves, we post in the hopes that it creates a good story and encourages other players to RP with our character at some point. So be respectful and do everyone the courtesy that joins of reading their posts as they post them, and at least acknowledging something they may have done in your following post. You may not wish to RP with them, but a little acknowledgment of efforts made never hurt anyone.

Overall, I’m a nice GM. I like people to actually get to RP when they join an RP…so if your character just can’t seem to get into dialogue with another character or fit in somewhere, I will make sure you do. Just have fun! If you are not having fun for whatever reason, PM me and we can figure it out!
AlienBastard said
Aliens tend to do bastardly things.

nice. I am still working on the CS. Out of town atm, but I should hopefully have it up sometime Tuesday or so.
Interest is piqued!
I'm definitely down!
Something that's not listed up there is a seroquette, or rather, a ghost whore. I've been waiting/looking around for a RP that I could fit this character in. Essentially, living men/women come to her and pay her to allow the spirit of their loved ones to possess her body so that they may have one last night together. Regardless, I'm interested in the RP and if this isn't acceptable, then I will choose to make a different character :)
Alright, snuck one in. Isn't of the best quality, or quantity for that matter, but since I'm at work..."working"...it had to be a quicker post :>
Kalina could see the door to the inn, anticipation of the water she was soon to be gulping down quickening her step. Her focus was completely on that door, which explained why she didn’t see the man coming. The collision was as graceful as it could have been, and it pushed Kalina backwards and right into Brandt. She felt him stiffen and scorn the man who had just run into her, and when she turned to tell Brandt it was “ok” she saw the look on his face and thought otherwise. Kalina didn’t even know what to do. Brandt was quite obviously irritated, the young man that ran into them seemed in quite a hurry and yet very polite at the same time. She smiled timidly, at a loss for words…which was good, because her throat was still oh so parched. Gods, what does it take to get some water?

Her shoulders started to slump slightly as she realized it would take them longer to get water when she heard the hurried man suggest they go into the inn. All she wanted was water, that was it, but the universe seemed to be working very hard at preventing Kalina from having any.

Just as the three of them entered Kalina was startled when Brandt grabbed the other young man by the collar in a very aggressive manner. His words made her gaze shift to the young man he was pinning, her head cocked slightly to the side, observing the altercation. Whether he stole something or not didn’t concern Kalina. She placed a hand calmly on Brandt’s shoulder in hopes that he would release the man and calm down.
Evershadow: I sent you a PM about a potential CS
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