Avatar of vFear
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  • Old Guild Username: vFear
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 444 (0.12 / day)
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    1. vFear 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
please do not sacrifice erode i don't remember how i met them but i remember them being a nice friend
7 yrs ago
hell yeaH I'M BUYING BOTH MY DUDE i have no self control and got a beat to get crunk wit
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7 yrs ago
i'd say i didn't know i needed a persona 5 dancing game, but let's be real, i knew the whole time. youtube.com/watch?v=0INh3MY…
7 yrs ago
Seeing CGI young Carrie Fisher in Rogue One lowkey hurt.. ;;


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Thanks for the quick and thorough response Ellri. I've gone through and actioned everything you mentioned, as well as added a few bits and pieces that felt relevant. I hope that I've covered everything off.

Yeah, SWTOR was my biggest point of reference for the Sith Academy. I hope the current versions fits the image we all have in mind here more closely.

B1-LL3 "Billy" - Beck's Skiff, Jundland Wastes
Interacting with: @Moskau Spieluhr; @Jackdaw; and @Bea.

B1-LL3 enjoyed watching the light from his lenses play with the smoke. It was so rudimentary, so useless, but that's exactly why B1-LL3 enjoyed it. It could enjoy the little things now, after such a time of-
"On the left! Sand people!"

As Beck's voice came by, breaking over the roar of the skiff, a series of warnings assaulted B1-LL3's visual interface. [CONDITIONS REASSESSMENT...] came first, before several [CONDITIONS REASSESSMENT COMPLETE: DANGER] and several [AUDIO ARTEFACT DETECTED] warnings flashed over. By the time B1-LL3 could pull its combat subroutines from secondary memory to primary memory, the no-named gunslinger - and just about everything else, for that matter - had already started moving.

Metal clashed against metal as B1-LL3 threw itself for something solid: for the bow of the skiff. The rifle came next, being thrown from the droids shoulder and into its hands. Steel slid and clicked as the ejection port of the ad hoc rifle was forced open, before it was racked shut again over a fresh energy cell. Then, as the rifle sat whirring and squealing as the gas from the cell was pulled into the weapon, B1-LL3 lifted its head just in time to watch the no named gunslinger glide her pistol abroad and advise over her own gunfire:
"Aim for the heart, tin man." There was a moment to process before one of B1-LL3's lenses flickered off for a second. The droid winked.

With the noise from the rifle lifting towards a crescendo, B1-LL3 drew a pistol in its offhand and lifted over the cusp of the skiff's bow. The pistol didn't nearly have the same effect as most of the others on the skiff; it didn't crack like thunder or kick like a bantha. Instead, it more screeched as it threw yellow bolts across the terrain and into the mountainsides. The droids algorithms struggled to keep up as they attempted to follow the fight and make sense of where the attackers were, but B1-LL3 moved briskly never-the-less. Every time the algorithms pinged a potential weapons fire source, B1-LL3 put fire into it. It wasn't worried about checking and with a mere blaster, it certainly wasn't worried about bleeding an energy cell before the fight was over.

"Oy, lads!" roared the same voice. Beck, if B1-LL3 remembered right. The would-be shot caller on this skiff, if B1-LL3 remembered that right too. He seemed capable enough, was B1-LL3's initial verdict - not that they'd had much time to chat. "Get this cannon online and get us some damned surpressive fire!" B1-LL3 twisted around to check where the cannon was just in time to see Kid running for it. Twisting back about, B1-LL3 indiscriminately sprayed more blaster bolts at the ridges to try and give Kid a minute to get there and going. As the first volley came from the cannon, B1-LL3 dropped back below the bow.
"You alright to- use that, kid!?" B1-LL3 shouted, crudely cutting two voice samples together to make its voice.

Then it came: steel groaning and roaring and cracking, threatening to give its water away. B1-LL3 peeked over the bow for a moment, sweeping its yellow lenses over the train and then towards the ridges.
"Keep an eye out for whatever that was!" came Beck again. B1-LL3 dared to continue to look, searching intently before being interrupted. It sounded like an oven timer, a cute little noise a dutiful upper-levels Coruscanti housewife would chuckle responsibly at while taking food out of an oven. It came from the droids rifle, which now thrummed and shuddered with anticipation. The droid snatched the weapon up, pressing it into its shoulder servomotor and bracing it on the rail of the brow.
"Does anybody see- it!? Any ideas, boss!?" shouted the droid, intently glaring over its weapon as it swept over the ridges. It snuck a glance to the no-named gunslinger, recalling her words from before. Aim for the heart, right? The droid wondered if the rifle even could.
No dramas big fella. Thank you for finding the time to give it a read.

Regarding the headset:
No dramas, sounds fair. I'll edit the sheet momentarily to reflect that feedback.

Regarding wireless networking:
All understood on that one. When I envision how I'd go about interacting with computers in the setting, I'm envisioning the whole 80's style sci-fi gimmick like Star Wars and Aliens, complete with "jacking in" and such-and-such. But yeah, back to the point, I'll probably just avoid wireless networking entirely unless it's a specific plot device in a thread to be safe.

Regarding the neuromachine interface:
All understood on that one too. My main intent with the neuromachine interface is so she can directly control her doc ock style droid arms if appropiate. Instances of controlling vehicles and managed droids I envisioned more as a "high stakes" sort of moment, probably with "strain damage" affiliated to borrow from Star Wars RPG. Linking back to your point, yeah, will make sure there is a physical connection for those instances if they ever occur.

I hope I've covered off all of your points there. Please do weigh in if I've missed anything or if I haven't addressed any of your concens.
B1-LL3 "Billy" - Beck's Skiff, Jundland Wastes
Interacting with: @Moskau Spieluhr

A distant wall of sand sapped the colours from the suns. A pair of yellow lenses twisted tighter as they watched from underneath a wide-brimmed hat.

"Agh, sand!" B1-LL3 exclaimed, to the voice of a B-grade actor. As much as it tried to flatten the exclamation from the sound sample, the awful acting still carried through. Its yellow lenses fell from the horizon and to its chassis, where it tugged and twisted at its hips and its elbows. Seemingly not content with its inspection, it tugged a bandage from a crook in its belt and began fastening it around a wrist servomotor. The sand that they headed for would get everywhere, coarse and rough as it is, and B1-LL3 knew first hand it certainly isn't beyond many of the myriads of threats in the wastes to attack in a sandstorm. It didn't take the many threat notifications for B1-LL3 to know that a seized joint was the last thing it needed if it came to that.

Its rifle almost looked as sad as B1-LL3 did: rusted and mismatched, with bolts hanging out that are too long to fit. A roll of tape might almost do it some good - a thought B1-LL3 agreed with as it covered over a damaged ejection port with a few wraps of it. It made a conscious effort to keep the rifle stowed above 6 feet high. If Kid got a hold of it, B1-LL3 imagined that he would hand him back a different weapon altogether. In the back of it's indexed secondary memory, B1-LL3 made a note of getting Kid to take a look at the weapon if they ever took another job together; but for now, they both had bigger concerns.

The sandstorm crept closer, or at least as well as a sandstorm could creep. It loomed over them, sapping the colour out of the twin suns and casting a long shadow that only drew closer. It wouldn't be easy to press through a sandstorm by skiff, but it had to be done. B1-LL3 twisted to look at the hovertrain. Water, B1-LL3 reminded itself; the very same thing its two wards needed 6.2 times per day. Browsing back through its secondary memory records, B1-LL3 eased for a moment to revisit old memories; memories of his two daughters leading it by the hand and eating its meals, from steel to skin.

But now it was time for reality. B1-LL3, returning to the land of the living, swung its rifle over its back by the sling and stood up from its rail. It had heard about the woman with no name. Being a droid in the industry, how could it not? In truth, it hoped to learn a thing or two from at least everyone on the skiff before the job was over, but old no-name especially so. B1-LL3 was not subtle in its approach: it whined and whirred, plagued by mismatched servomotors and rusting joints. Contrary to its lack of discretion though, it knew better than to talk to her, so it didn't bother. Instead, it plucked a packet of off-brand cigarras from a dusty pouch and offered a protruding one towards the woman.

A distant wall of sand sapped the colours from the suns. In a manner not too unfamiliar, a plume of smoke sapped the colours from a pair of faint yellow lenses, all underneath a wide-brimmed hat.

B1-LL3 "Billy".

Occupation and Affiliation:
Bounty hunter and hired gun. Known to be freelance.

B1-LL3 is a battered and rusting droid that stands a little underneath the height of the average man. It is constructed from an amalgamation of different droid parts, with the base chassis resembling a mass-produced protocol model used extensively by Czerka Corporation. Memory analysis details that not only is a mandated memory wipe 7 and a half years overdue, but that the droid has gone so far to develop its own quirks and personality. In many ways, B1-LL3 resembles a sentient being. Lacking a working voice modulator, it butchers together extracts from news reports and audio logs instead to communicate.

B1-LL3 dresses in coarse swathes of leathers, wools, cotton, and even a couple of oil-stained bandages, with a beaten poncho and a broad hat taking prominence in the outfit. One leg is crudely built to the design of a peg leg, while one hand is a finger short. Somewhere along the line, someone with a sense of humor worked on B1-LL3 by going as far as installing a smoke emitter at about the same place as a human mouth would be, presumably to emulate smoking.

While B1-LL3 is quite deliberately separated from the holonet, it comes with a variety of interesting modifications. The arm with three fingers is built with a series of additional motors, designed to facilitate a high-powered punch as often as the motors can fully spool - which is never really consistent. B1-LL3 carries an elongated blaster rifle of his own design which like him, is an amalgamation of several blasters. The blaster rifle is designed to output almost an entire energy cell in a single shot, giving it incredible range and power at the cost of being quite dangerous to the user. After every shot, it exhausts the side effects of super-heated plasma from several points along the weapon. Additionally, the weapon runs incredibly hot, and energy cells need to be loaded manually into the breach after most shots. The average temperature of the weapon while being used is far too hot for an organic to handle without suffering burns, making it inappropriate for an organics and even some droids to use. Less significantly, B1-LL3 also carries a heavy blaster pistol, a sawed-off slugthrower scattergun, and a vibrodagger.

B1-LL3 - Designation B1, lower levels 3 - was originally produced as a protocol droid in service to Czerka Corporation. It primarily maintained an assets database in addition to answering phones and processing related data. It's uncertain how long B1-LL3 continued with this function due to the frequent memory wipes for Czerka service droids. This continued until almost 8 years ago in Tatooine local time, where B1-LL3 was being transported on a convoy that was attacked by raiders and left in the dunes. B1-LL3 was recovered by Jawa scavengers shortly after.

B1-LL3 was then sold by the Jawas to a mining enterprise, where it was then decommissioned after sustaining serious damage to one arm. It was then sold to a local elder to provide aged care and look after her young wards: a daughter and a son, 4 and 3 respectively. The elder passed shortly after. B1-LL3 continued with his only remaining directive without interference: looking after the deceased elder's wards. Without proper maintenance, B1-LL3 continued in its protocol until it developed personality quirks, which came with an independent streak. These quirks and streaks later developed into a full-blown personality, where B1-LL3 has become a reluctant but surprisingly loving stepfather to two young children, despite being a droid.

B1-LL3 took up all sorts of work to make ends meet for the odd family. It scavenged and bartered for droid parts to repair itself, and took to work to keep food on the table. B1-LL3 found more reliable work as a bounty hunter and all-around hired gun, where it's since settled. It's since fallen into employ with various Hutts, where it chased down debts and gave muscle to work in exchange for care for its two growing wards.
Tactical bump.
Tentatively interested with akkd0g_, if recruitment is desperate enough to pick up mercenary types for support roles.
put me in coach. I'll probably put in a temporary character, but maybe akkd0g_ if it'd be interesting.
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