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na man its cool. hay i started a PM where we can plan the OOC part of new heists cuz i alredy have a new idea to build our army.
@Jangel: it was a good plot point ok you were dazed, and at the moment invariant is flaming up my Skype about how my post not matching his. so i am not editing my post agan
yo windle, you ok with my use of laser tec. like in sword form? or is it just guns
Ed watched from behind a bush, his tome in his hand. he looked at the time, any second now. he saw head lights coming down the rode. Ed closed his and waited for the sound of the silenced weapons.......... *pop*.......*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*. he opened his eyes, one truck were no longer moving the other was racing at top speed but a few shot from reddo and that was down to. Angelo walked up to the first truck to make sure the men were dead. he reached for the door handle then before he cloud the door snapped open and hit him in the face, dazed he fell on to his butt. there was a solder still alive. the man raised his gun and said "terrorist piece of shit" then there was a gun shot, Ed expected to see Angelo fall but instead the solders head snapped to the side and he fell forward next to Angelo. Ed smiled, it had been Reddo.
Angelo recovered quickly and finished checking the bodes. then he nodded to his crew and they got to work carrying boxsis Ed saying periodically "put that down thats shit" or "git more of that" and taking inventory. it had a lot more than he expected. this was not a piece time shipment. its as if they plan to wage war..... but on who...... maybe they were finally excepting the rebels were something to be worried about. but that didn't matter right now so he turned his attention to what mattered... guns
-25 HH14 Light Combat Rifles (special forces slandered issue)
-30 .308 hunting rifles (very old tec. used for sniper training but are still affective in real combat)
-30 hunting scopes (for the rifles)
-25 SH44 survive rifles with laser bayonet (used if a air force solder is shot down and has to survive in the wilderness or in enemy tarratory)
-10 officer laser swords
-10 M21RB Grande Launchers
-40 C4 packets
-200 flack jackets
-150 frag grenades
-30 flash grenades
-30 smoke grenades
-1 6-barrel Gatling mini-gun Centurion class
“After the truck is 10 min. late they call in on the radio to make sure everything is alright. It is possible if we do it fast enough we can respond. But most of the time there is a code phrase. After they call in they wait 5 min for the truck to respond and if not send out a rescue team. So adding that time to the checking time and response time we have 25 min tops, you thank you can deal with that” Ed said, Angelo nodded. “Alright I will find Reddo and get her suited with a gun”
Ed found Reddo and brought her in to the room with all the guns “take your pick” he said spreading his arms out.
someone post so i can post
"now, when there is a military shipment of anything impotent there is always 2 trucks. one is real the other is empty" Ed said glad his time in the black market had paid off twice now. "there is only one way to tell them apart and that is that since one is heaver it gos slower, but the other is instructed to drive the same speed. so the idea is that you will have to look at there brake lights and witch ever has to brake more often to keep there slow speed is NOT the truck we want." Angelo nodded that he understood so Ed continued. "now as soon as we hit one truck the other is going to gun it to there army buddy's and lead them over to us and we don't want to be there when it happens, so do it as fast as possible. now most boxes have the M-42 in them, that is slandered army issue and they are a piece of shit, if you drop the dudes once they brake and they jam like no other so only take them if you have everything else is accounted for. now what you want to look for is the HH14 Light Combat Rifle it can survive just about anything and they are just a all around grate gun, the next is the M21RB Grande Launcher, after that look for C4, Flack Jacket, and grenades. now it is vary doubtful but if Anybody sees a box that has Assassin class, Centurion class, or Victor class. that means you have a sniper rifle, a mini-gun, or a rocket launcher. but don't git your hopes up they are vary rare. now its time for you to come up with a plan of action"
This is true. And reddos hooker thang is also to get wepons right? Or is it just to fuck with the military.
ok so we are a long way from arming them all. but we have a start at lest
rebels, how meany are there. InvariantName said he didn't know but he guessed around 500.
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