Avatar of WhenBooksFly101
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 245 (0.07 / day)
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    1. WhenBooksFly101 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Who's looking forward to Jurassic World on the big screen?.......THIS GAL!!!!!! :D
9 yrs ago
Having so much fun on this site. :3


Hello fellow Guild Members! My name is WhenBooksFly101.....but you can call me Books for short. :) I'm a 16 year old girl with average looks; green eyes, long brown hair, glasses.....I'm kind of blind without them.

I'm a lover of dragons, horses, Fantasy novels, dinosaurs, video games, and archery. When I'm not writing books or roleplaying, I'm out practicing with my recurve or working with my dear equines.

Some of the Roleplays I am involved in.....most are elsewhere but some nowhere as good as these on here.


To Live as Dragons (A Feral Dragon Roleplay) {made by me! So go check it out!}

Werewolf Roleplay - OPEN

Animal Instincts (Recruiting!)

The Wolves of Red Lake: Season One (Main Cast full Secondary Cast is still accepting)

Elsewhere in the internet:

Dragon Rider rp
Wild horse rp
Warrior cats rp
Gifted School rp (Super power X-men university type stuffs.)
Divergent rp

All I think are awesome, :3 the two Dragon rp's being my favorite.

Also! If you guys ever want to invite me into an rp posse, here's the kind of rp I'd LOVE to join!

Halo rp either Spartan or Covenant sided
Jurassic Park/World rp
Dragon rp either feral or with riders
Horse rp
And yes......zombies.... :3 I'm up for fighting some walkers.

So I hope I come across as at least an Interesting person! These Roleplays
Are my escape from life......and I try to be as professional as I can be. (I'll try my best on my little iPad screen!)

Lol anyways. Have fun out there on the virtual rp pool that is the guild. Go ahead and pluck one from its waters; you might stumble across something really interesting. :)

Most Recent Posts

Sorry about disappearing peeps. :/ My friend went out on a motor bike yesterday and managed to break her back. (Not seriously! She's doing okay thank goodness.)
So yah......was just taking care of that. lol
Hmmm.....now that would be pretty cool. (A very interesting Character by the way)
Assuming Kade is in fact "Infected" as your Bio implies, it would be interesting if he showed up in town as the younger kids begin experiencing their changes. I'm not sure just how much he has experienced himself, seeing as it has only been a month, but if he knows a few things he could help them out.......(If not then it would be a learning moment for all of them.) HA!

I don't know......your Bio just got me brainstorming. lol

What'ya think Nallore? :)
@Caits@BeautifulSnow Sorry for the late reply everyone but posts are up now. :)

Also do you guys want to do the timeskip soon?

:) I'm up for a time skip whenever. lol
When exactly will we be skipping to?

Yah sowwy about that. hehe. 0___O I went MIA for awhile.
Clicking his mandibles at James' words Kal gladly took the tray and followed behind the human. Glancing over the food he really only saw the steak to his liking; it resembled some of the meats on Sangheilios......generally.

Without much thought he took three streaks and piled them up on his tray, then strode towards the nearest table and gestured to it after glancing to James, "Care to take a seat? If you wouldn't rather eat with your human comrades...."

Rethea watched them both with darkened eyes, mind half focused on the conversation she was listening to through her comm. Juso had just asked the human Ambassador a question, when the ODST Cassandra spoke to her.
Blinking Rethea came back to their world, and let out a small snort before grabbing a tray and moving over to the line of food. A human stood at the other side of the counter, to whom she cast a small glance and saw that he was staring at her and Kal; as were most of the humans in the room.

Ignoring the looks, Rethea placed a single steak on her tray and moved over towards one of the empty tables located nearby Kal's. She didn't want to sit with any humans at the moment.....

Taking a seat she stared down at her food, then made a small groaning sound and looked to those around her. She caught many of the marines casting uneasy glances towards her, and unbeknownst to them she picked up on their quiet conversations.

"I didn't think they'd send a female as the Ambassador's guard....."

"I didn't think they'd trust ANY Sangheili with our people. Female or not, you remember what they did to our kind! What happens if she's here to assassinate our own Ambassador?"

Growling slightly Rethea looked down at her food and spoke so that the men could hear her, "If I were here to assassinate someone I would have done it already."
She grabbed the odd human utensil called a "Fork" and poked her meat, while the men from the other table gathered their things and moved to another part of the cafeteria. She heard them muttering amongst themselves, and a small smirk came to her mandibles.

It was then that she heard Ambassador Hays answer Juso's question, and her gaze drifted to the corner of the room where the ODST named Cassandra was seated. What she heard of her past made her tilt her head. The human was present in the fall of Reach........that would explain her attitude towards the Sangheili.

Rolling her shoulders, Rethea's blue eyes lowered and she pulled a chunk of meat away from the steak. Popping it into her mouth her mandibles worked to flay the piece apart, then she swallowed.
It tasted odd compared to Sangheilios' meat, but bearable.

From Kal's table, the male Sangheili watched his friend eat, then turned to James, "I apologize for my commander's actions......she has not been away from our home planet before and she is slowly getting used to meeting your kind......believe it or not she really is kind....and enjoyable when she's relaxed."


Juso had listened to Christina's explanation intently while looking over the datapad that the woman handed him.
He was incredibly familiar with the attack on Reach. At the time he had been a major in battle........and sadly he had been sent on many missions to.....eradicate....the humans.

Not mentioning this, he nodded and looked up, "I understand why the Captian would react in such a way. I know many of my own kind who have experienced a similar history, and they act much the way Wellens does."

Taking a moment to think he added, "I simply asked, because my own guard Rethea, has similar views to your race. Many of her family had perished in the war, while many more had abandoned her in the past few years. With that said; the stories she heard of your people during the war poisoned her mind........I reffered her to the Arbiter simply because I believed this mission would aid in removing that poison.......and her skill set proved as one of the best on Sangheilios."

He remembered Kal and chuckled, "Her choice to bring her comrade Kal with her has only heightened that chance. He is a rather easy going fellow and he is most curious about you humans......I hope his presence will help her settle more easily."
Sorry about the wait guys. :/ Things came up and I got pulled away long enough I forgot to get back on here and post.
But ANYWAY! I posted! Sorry if its long. lol
Sky panted heavily; ducking under a flying branch as her horse raced up the hillside. Her brunet hair was a mess and her hat lay bouncing by the chin cord against her back, while the sun above drew sweat from her brow and sent it in little rivers down into her eyes.
Her horse wasn't in much better of shape.

Galloping back towards her home Sky was panicking that she wouldn't make it to the Vet Clinic on time for her shift. There was a scheduled surgery today for a patient with a tumor, and due to low staff she was needed to assist. She had to be there.

Suddenly, breaking through a tree line, her horse came to a sliding stop and let out a deep huff. Sky nearly rammed foreword over the saddle, but eyes going wide she realized where they were. A glance to her watch said she only had an hour to get ready and head to town.

Ahead was a large clearing, and in it were two large buildings. One, was a gigantic red barn surrounded by pasture. The other, was a large white three story farm house with the classic large front porch; the kind with an old bench swing. The shutters were painted a deep forest green.

Finally, she had made it home.

Nudging her mount foreword Sky sucked in a breath of stiff relief, then reached down and patted her horse gently, "Sorry girl."
The equine paid no attention to her, but rather lifted her head and let out a shrill neigh. The sound caught the attention of the horses over in the pasture, and each answered before running up to the fence.

After a quick rub down and removal of tack, Sky let her horse loose with the others and reached up to wipe the moisture from her cheeks and eyes. The salt burned, and she blinked a few times before running off in the direction of the farm house.

Crashing through the door she kicked her boots off and hung her hat on a nearby wall peg, then shouted out, "Mom! I'm home!"

Rising from down the hallway, from the family room, came the expected reply, "Sky? It's about time you got back! Do you have any idea what time it is!"

Huffing Sky nodded and moved to race up the nearby stairs towards her room, "I'm well aware! Sorry mother!"

"Yah well.....you'll have to apologize to Mr. Brenant when you get to work. He's already called."

This made her come to a stop and go wide eyed, "He what?"

"He called asking where you were, didn't seem very happy."

Great......this was all she needed. If she was to ever become a Veterinarian she needed to keep things well with the Doctor. He was training her, and the more training she received the more likely she was going to succeed at college when the time came.

Making the world record for fastest shower and changing of clothes, Sky donned a purple t-shirt and jeans. Braiding her long brown hair back she made sure to cover the small scratch on her forehead where she had run into a branch on the way home, then she rushed downstairs.

Wiping the dirt from her boots she pulled them on and snatched her truck's keys from the nearby key box. But, before she left she paused, and glanced down the hall that led deeper into the house, "Mother? Has anyone in town ever been attacked by a wolf?"

There was a moment of silence, then her mother's voice replied, "Not that I know of dear. Why?"

"No reason....."

Sky didn't want to tell anyone about what she saw at the camp. The kids had been attacked but didn't show any signs of injury.....who would believe her if she told them?

Shaking her head Sky stepped out the door and ran across the gravel driveway towards an old green pickup truck. Jumping into the seat she started the engine, then drove off down the road towards town. She still had 30 minutes.....

Pushing the speed limit, Sky soon pulled up into the outskirts of town. Just ahead was the vet clinic.

It was a medium sized brick building, with large windows and two swing doors entering the front room. Rushing in Sky was greeted by the sounds of dogs barking, cats occasionally meowing......and the frustrated voice of her employer; Dr. Brenant.

Sucking in a breath she looked over the front desk at the secretary, an older woman with greying hair and glasses. She nodded, "Hurry on and go in; the most you could do right now to calm him is to get to work."

Sky blinked, then turned and walked towards the door that would lead her into the back rooms, where the cages and the operation tables were located. The Dr.'s voice was getting louder.

Sky groaned, "Another fabulous day at work."
Lol awesome. :) Wish i had the collection. But yah.....all ives got is a 360. Hehe.

And yes i have a feeling they would get along as well. Right now i think Rethea just isnt quite ready to trust peeps yet. Shes been on Sangheilios her whole life and all shes heard of the humans is what they did to her 'brothers' in battle. Kind of stinks when you've got decades of prophets lies clouding your vision. Takes a while to wipe the windshield.

(Wanted to make a note that my laptop has died and ive been demoted to the use of my kindle. Im trying to keep typos at a minimum but my fingers are too big for the keys!! Lol)
Juso smiled, nodding as Ambassador Hays entered his quarters, "The sooner I know more of our treaty subjects the better."
He gave his guards one last stern look before entering his room; leaving them with the two ODSTs.

Rethea watched the two dissapear behind the door and huffed. She didnt exactly feel comfortable leaving her charge alone with a human, even more so while she was on the other side of the ship.

Looking up when the human named James spoke she would have raised an eyebrow if she had one.
Kal on the other hand chuckled loudly, "likewise; it would be most unpleasant to have a grenade forced down my throat.......Ive already had such a threat made by a rather enthusuastic marine last week."

He moved to follow "Cassie" down the hallway and began to jabber on about his experience with the humans thus far. Rethea almost felt bad for James.

But, slow to follow the group, she gave one last glance to Ambassador Juso's room. It was then that she reached up to the side of her helm and fumbled with a hidden control peice. It was her comm device, and currently she was tinkering with a secret mode in which she hoped would calm her nerves.

There was a small beep, before the slightest of static buzzed over the link.
Lowering her hand Rethea held her staff close and walked after the others.

As she stepped on, Rethea half listened to the bland tone of friendliness in Cassandra's voice. Her eyes still held the look of suppressed hatred.....at least that was what Rethea interpreted.

She frowned when the human mentioned food. Would the humans have anything similiar to what Sangheili's ate? Unfamiliar with human eating habits she didnt know.....

Kal spoke from beside James, "I'm willing to try whatever you've got."

Annoyed by how comfortable her friend was, Rethea was surprised to find herself wishing he would get food poisoning from eating unknown human food.

Suddenly, something came over the comms and Rethea's gait faltered. The quiet static broke, and she heard a familiar voice come through, "This is quite the guest's room, Ambassador Hays......albiet strange to what im used to...."

In her comm link was the built in option to listen in on another comrade's actions without their knowing. She had linked herself with Juso's signal, and had now gained survailance on him in case something should go wrong.
While loud enough to hear, the speakers were toned down to the point they wouldn't be distracting, but she could check in whenever she wanted while on the tour of the ship.

Continuing on after Kal and the humans she snorted softly.


Juso sighed, glancing around his room once before turning back to Ambassador Hays. The furniture inside was odd.....but larger than others he had noticed...probably to fit his physique.

Gesturing to two chairs across the room he nodded, "I suppose my first question.....is about your ODST's if you dont mind my asking. I had noticed a certian.....feel about the one named Cassandra that concerns me. She seemed incredibly angry; at us I assume."

He merely wanted to make sure Hays trusted in the woman. He knew his own guard Rethea was not in the least humored by their mission, so he wanted to make sure the two wouldnt clash.
Juso and Christina would be talking about politics, Kal and James would be sharing weapon knowledge........and Rethea and Cassandra would be sitting across from each other with their arms crossed.....

"The weather's nice...."

"We're in space."

"........I'm sure it's nice somewhere...."

IDK!!!!! Lol!
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