Avatar of Whimsicott
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    1. Whimsicott 9 yrs ago
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Current Wool and the welding torch!
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Say goodbye to a world.
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And if you find you've strayed I'll forgive you anyways~
9 yrs ago
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all.
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That awful moment when you lose a post by pressing cancel. T^T


Welcome to my profile! I'm just your ordinarily ordinary lil ram, prancing around the Interwebs!

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@alexfangtalon LOL! I laughed a little too hard over the continuity of the poliwags being the next most feared pokemon of the sanctuary. I'm actually really disappointed in myself for not putting 2 and 2 together when I read that Micky's starter was gonna be a poliwag. Damn, Rolf vs. Micky is gonna be something I'm hyped for, now that Mick has literally Satan on his side. XD

We are out in front of the Castelia cone place, when the lady yelled at him and almost got him busted.

Ace slipped into the bathrooms at that place and you are still behind the truck

Alright, I'll get it all sorted out and get a post up!

Edit: I just asked because Charlie already gave Rolf an ice cream, and pulled him aside to an alley before Ace covered the bill for damages, but it won't be an issue to merge those two events.
@AbysmalDemon@MissFortune Waaaaaaiiit is Rolf in an alley or is he walking with Ace? ^^"
@Whimsicott I imagine Ian and Rolf's conversations being very uneventful.

Well Rolf isn't much of a talker, but you can learn a lot about someone even by what they don't say.
@MissFortune of course! No one hs to ask if they can interact with Rolf. XD
I think I'll consider catching the gods of storm and wind after Rolf gets some dry clothes.
@MissFortune well he's soaking wet and pissed off all the people in the ice cream line so Rolf is a gold distraction!
I believe her team will have the following:


Heh-heh! I see what you did, making some pokemon 'shiny'.
@LokiLeo789 Rolf is probably just going to try to gtfo out of the city as fast as he can, unless he needs to stock up on items. But seeing as he has currently 0 pokedollars, he's prolly gonna dumpster dive. Btw I didn't see regular pokeball in the shop. .-.
I want to plan a cool sailing team for Rolf but more than likely he'll get stuck with zubats and zigzagoons.
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