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There was something at the airport’s rental lot that caught Ah-Rong’s eye.

It was large, far more than a car had any right to be. It was a brilliant opalescent red, and it only had two seats, but its form extended far beyond them - like a sunset, it stretched out across the sky. Its seats were tan leather and it only got 10 miles to the gallon. It had a great top speed, and terrible acceleration as it had to push its entire bulky mass along.

All of these conflicting properties collided in strange fashion, and Ms. Park only saw the good in it. There was something unique about this land yacht, something quintessentially…American. It’s not like she had to pay for its rental fee.

And now she was blasting 100mph down the US-91.

It had been a rough ride, if only because Ah-Rong insisted that every stretch of clear desert highway must be taken with an appropriate level of disregard for traffic laws. They’d stopped at multiple points along the way, eating at whatever roadside diner was first along the way, barging into gun shops and haggling with the owners on the price per bullet, and at one point stopping just so she could get Jin to take a photo of her with some mountain in the background.

“I’ve got friends who don’t even know what a ‘Yutah’ is,” she insisted, “I need this. Come on, Jin-hubae, it’ll only take five minutes…”

Which led to their current placement. Still going as fast as Ah-Rong’s warped sense of safety woud allow her, the top of their convertible down as the night sky was becoming blemished by the bright lights of Las Vegas in the distance, they didn’t have much longer on this very strange road trip.

“Jin-hubae, when we get there, you think we’re going to have time to see the rest of the town?” she half-shouted over the roar of the wind. She was always insistent on referring to him as her junior, it seemed. “Last time I went international, the Church was insistent that I get out of the country the minute things were done! Couldn’t spare a moment to calm down a little after the excitement!”

Jin Dak-Ho’s expression remained as immutable and friendly as always. Although internally he was holding on for dear life. His senior’s driving was as… ‘rough’ as always. The first time nearly gave him a heart attack. Nonetheless, he acquiesced to her requests as always, as despite her eccentricity, Ah-Rong was a dependable exorcist and a decent person, despite affiliations with the seedier parts of the underworld.

“It depends on the grace of our hosts.” Jin replied finally. He didn’t give much stock to the seniority prevalent in their culture. “The scale of the request was alarming, so perhaps they may give you leeway to explore, Ah-Rong-ssi”

“You underestimate the Church and--hold on, this one’s being slow,” she said as she narrowly dodged a camper van by overtaking it, never once in danger of driving off the highway…one would hope. “And their frugality! They’re of the mind that God will provide up to the day that we finish our assignment. Not an hour later!”

Her hand clattered as she turned the wheel to the right, following the curve of the road - that briefcase was already handcuffed to her arm from the moment you met up with her in Korea, and it hadn’t left that position once. Makes for an awkward drive, but she seems to be good enough to make up for it.

Thankfully, no, blessedly, the lowering of the speed limit as they start to pass by habitations in the desert. Good sense draws Ah-Rong’s foot off the pedal a little. They’re now only slightly above the speed limit, and it seems they’ll make it to the operational zone without suffering any casualties.

“Ahhhh…how do you boys handle it over there,” she asked, calmed down a bit, “over on the Protestant side of things? Just a little bit more generous?”

Ah-Rong would find Jin gripping the interior car handle tightly if she had looked back. “It would do no good to have the church deprive its devout warriors of basic necessities, especially if we are to win this and upcoming battles.” He didn’t mention how much the church seemingly made from their congregation.

“The Protestant Church… well, even after years we’re still a smaller presence within South Korea.” He says, “Despite being a smaller constituent, they seem intent on establishing a presence and incentivizing us priests to stay in South Korea… And well, I usually get most requests approved within reason.” Jin didn’t realize she was talking about free time and not requests for ordinance or similar.

Ah-Rong did look, and after a moment’s consideration, took just a bit more pressure of the pedal again. Now they were, amazingly, at near normal speeds, and what more could you ask for at that point?

“Within reason, huh?” She rolled her eyes, but soon after, her tone became much more professional. This change wasn’t unknown to Jin after their last encounter; she seemed quite good at switching between personae at the drop of a hat, even when there wasn’t anything to lose from it. “It’s only natural. Our superiors, there’s only so much they can spend for us, the humble servants of God, with a great need and little ability. You’re entirely right, Jin-hubae.”

A short huff, a sigh of concession perhaps, was had. Ah-Rong pulled off the main highway and toward a more central road. If lead foot had given them anything, it’d ensure they had already made up for lost time - the traffic around here wasn’t nearly as kind…

“Ah.” She coasted to a stop behind a long line of cars at an intersection. “That’s a shame. Let us hope that the situation hasn’t deteriorated too much by the time this clears up…”
Their car was left a good distance away from the operational zone, if only because collateral damage was a given when vampires and their executioners were involved…let alone so many! It was hard to believe there’d be this many agents of the Church, and other groups yet, all converging on one spot. When there’s a lull in the fighting, maybe it’ll be a good time to get some networking done…

After a quick check, guns loaded, hair checked in mirror, shoes tied on firmly, the pair left the convertible and walked down the sidewalk with purpose. The sound of violence could already be heard in the distance, so it was probably going to be a mission without much downtime…


Meanwhile, a kilometer or so away, a company helicopter was just about to take off from the top of a building. Next to it, a shinto maiden smiled and waved to the hired pilots, who were in turn, visibly puzzled, but opted to wave back before flying away. Nobody would expect anyone to be in such a pleasant mood for the operation to come, but she had been mentally prepared and had no issues showing a little gratitude for the safe and successful travel. It was a blessing, after all.

Landing quite a ways away from the ongoing battle, the miko peered down at the streets from her vantage point. There were a good number of places to enter the scene from, and thankfully, her building was not too high up to make rappelling difficult. In no time at all, she landed in an alleyway, swiftly disconnected her pull cords, and observed her surroundings. Immediately, one thing stood out to her– even though she was still a fair distance from her destination, the familiar scent of copper flooded her senses. Of course, it had to be blood. And with the aroma’s strength… quite a lot of it. She was supposed to worry– but she was unable to. Instead, the thought of an insane number of casualties put a spring to her step. It encouraged her. Grew a smile on her face. There was clearly much to do, and she was there to do them all! Nothing was impossible.

After bounding off and exiting the alleyway, there stood across the sidewalk from her two familiar faces– a woman with stylish glasses and a wonderful tattooed side profile, and a handsome man with an eyepatch. A warmth swelled in her heart, what a favorable day indeed!

“Ah-rong san! Jin-san!” Hikari waved at the pair from the opposite side of the street.

Near instantly, Ah-rong’s demeanor changed from one of quiet preparation to a pleasant, bubbly smile as she heard a familiar voice. And what a fine voice to hear! Of everyone from her past who could’ve shown up today, few were good, and fewer were as good as this girl’s. Ah-Rong stopped her advance for a moment, and held out her arms. A hug was expected - not professional or fitting, but to hell with it. “Hikari! Over here, girl!”

The shrine maiden nearly sprang across the street right into the woman’s arms. “Thank goodness– It’s like nobody enjoys giving hugs in the company!” She groaned into the woman’s chest, savoring the feeling wholly. As former colleagues, it was needless to say that Ah-rong’s rain during drought-esque personality was dearly missed. “Especially none like yours! I’m so glad to see you, onee-san– oop, unnie!”

Jin simply shot Hikari a kind, albeit weary, smile. The weariness was not something he would’ve disclosed. “It’s good to be working together again, Hikari-sama.” He said simply. It truly was, the two exorcists in-front of him were amongst some of the most competent and reliable he’s worked with, them and those whom he worked with in the Mexican operation.

“Heheh.” Hikari beamed back with full appreciation of his use of Japanese honorifics. After their last exorcism together, she was only filled with respect for the man and his compassion. And of course, it seemed he was still as polite as ever, such a breath of fresh air from what she’s normally used to. “Oppa, I’m so excited that you two are here. Thank the gods! I already feel that this mission will come with a lot of success.”

“You do? You know, that really does mean something.” Ah-Rong continued with her all-too cloying speech, letting her junior free from her grasp and stepping back. “It was a bit ago, that time that you specifically called out ‘I’ve got a terrible feeling about this’ before we embarked…and then it turned out to be not just one, but an entire infestation of Penanggalan! Ohhh, shame we had to burn that church down, a shame, a shame.”

This story is remarkably familiar to you, besides having lived it, because she tended to fall back upon retelling it constantly. Probably the most open she ever got when it came to her work, prior to joining the Church.

“Malaysia was fun, though. The gamb--oh, right!” She immediately started to walk forward, holding up her head and staring back into the distance toward the sound of sirens. Her playful face gave way to the more calm, collected look she was famous for, and she said, “Forgive me. We’ve time to reminisce later, after we all get out, yes? I’ll owe you some kindness then.”

i also might be interested, the idea of something on the short-term sounds fun
Before anything else in regards to Ingrid's estimation of this news, let it be said that she would be keeping personal watch over the Ostroc, sleeping beside it in the cold nights if need be. Scrap-hounds...just try and take what you can from this machine. You'll find an extra 89cm of refined Poulsbo steel to go with it, mark her words. In the hazy part of her mind, she could already imagine the threats she'd make should she find someone crawling by with a fusion cutter at the dismal hours of the morning...

Beyond that quibble, as large as Ingrid made it in her mind, the thrust of this new base of operations was that it would be less defensible but more easily evacuated. Not that they'd have much ability to do anything at all if they were scattered at this point, but at the least, some of the civilians could escape and try to find an out in hiding. They could only hope that this place and the tunnels beneath them - double-edged sword as those were; the enemy could probably move through them even faster if found - remained a secret. And, given their distance to any number of enemy strongholds, none of the more loutish personnel got drunk and wandered away...

With the announcement of her own assignment, Ingrid's eyes turned to Wyatt for an estimation of her reaction - not harshly, but simply questioning. She didn't quite know what herself to expect from working on foot, even if she didn't doubt her own, or Reya's either, ability to act cool under pressure. There was a unique danger present here, and she would be prepared for it shortly, but could she expect the same of an engineer? True, some part of her wished that she was going to be in Susser Tod, but she wouldn't question the assignment out loud.

The location concerned her in more ways than one, though. With a rigid stamp of the boot she stood up, as she often did during these briefings, and spoke to the Colonel once allowed to speak: "First, sir, are we allowed our own arms?" She could've meant many things, but a brief reflexive grip of the saber on her belt suggested she wanted to bring something all the more archaic and conspicuous. "Beyond that, given our contact's location...what are we to expect from Stiletto themselves? Is there anything known about this individual?" She wanted to know how sober the two of them could expect Stiletto to be, but that was already too harsh on their contact...
My idea is, if you're willing to work on lore elements, someone who belongs to a warrior-cult that worships the bond between man and fighting vehicles - non-Juggernauts included, but since those are the ones who get inhabited by intelligences, they're special. They practice a weird combination of asceticism and car tuner culture where they do keep possessions, but only as long as it takes to sell them to fuel maintenance and improvement of their personally owned craft. They live like monks in the desert, but their rides are wondrous things.
This is very interesting. I need to consider being able to join because of other commitments but consider me a tentative 'yes'.
What was an employer to a knight?

This wasn't a high and lofty matter of philosophy that needed to be dissected word by word, as you stand over a cliff looking into the sunset, one hand on your pommel and the other on your heart. Ingrid had been put into the position of sellsword, in her chivalric mind, for a while now. She just wanted to understand how the knightly mindset of a Mechwarrior interfaced with that of a mercenary. Knights do not take pay on a per-mission basis. In the best case, a Mechwarrior fights solely out of a self-placed sense of worth and duty. In most cases because of the titles, land and goverment stipends...but Ingrid imagined herself as being more the former than the latter. Trying to dissect this woman's words in as materialistic of a light as possible was difficult.

(All the same, it was difficult because of what she had eaten earlier in the morning. She was someone with an iron stomach and she wouldn't bend the knee to the fiesta pail, but perhaps she should've tried something less rich for her first "real" food in weeks.)

Across from the Colonel and Cassandra's discussion, her eyes cold and her arms folded as she hunched herself over the crate she sat on, she sat by the crew of the Von Luckner and heard their quiet chitter as they spoke - she did not rebuke them as she should, but the possibility of acting for the people should be its own reward, even if it's not always a realistic outcome.

Though, something did get her a bit less steely, for a moment - You want to get your people out of Fort Tie Shan? That brief offer, unlike the rest, made her show a rare bit of wide-eyed surprise that she took a moment to conceal beneath her usual look. Getting off this planet or finding allies in the world didn't make her blink, but this one proposition did.

Someone was left there that she couldn't leave behind. In a few words, Cassandra had quickly turned her from one suspicious on principle to a woman desperate.

She left when ordered, with the same punctual movement and quick 'Sir' as she got up, but her eyes lingered on the Espian woman for a while longer.

The only thing she said during all of this was a quick "She does not," upon Reya's question. Jon's existence didn't concern her very much, sadly.
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